This is the Savannah documentation wiki.
Table of contents of principal pages
Using Savannah - Information for Savannah Users
- WhyChooseSavannah
- DownloadArea
- General FAQs
- HomepageAvailabilityOfPhpAndMysql
- HomepageUpload
- LostPassword
Mail FAQs
Project FAQs
Savannah FAQs
Savannah Administration
Information for Savannah volunteer administrators who perform administration tasks (mostly on the Savannah website, and sometimes directly on Savannah servers).
- CodeOfConduct
- HowToAdminThisWiki
Version Control
Savannah Hacking
Information for Savannah hackers who need to sys-admin the servers, modify the PHP code, and perform advanced administrations tasks or troubleshooting.
Also recommended for people who wish to learn more about Savannah internals, or join as new Savannah hackers.
- SavannahArchitecture - overview of Savannah servers
- SavannahServices - list of services as seen by users (e.g. gitweb, cgit, ssh, rsync, web) and pointers to their servers and configuration files.
- SavannahInternals - pointers to Savannah inner-working (e.g. cron-jobs)
- SavannahHosts - server setup instructions for the new Savannah VMs.
- SavannahDatabaseSchema - (some) details about Savannah database schema, mainly users and group membership.
- UserAuthentication - SSH authentication on VCS based on savane's database, with libnss-mysql
- https - certbot/let's-encrypt setup for SSL certificates
- FrontEndSetup -
- FrontEndDevelopmentSite - How to setup a dedicated development site for Savannah (on
- FrontEndHostRedirection - notes about automatic gnu/nongnu host redirection, important for development sites.
- FrontEndNotificationEmails - how notification emails from the PHP frontend work, and how to override them during development.
FrontEndDebuggingTips - points for easier PHP debugging.
- Backup
- Compromise2010
- DataExport
- FrontEnd
- GnuArchitecture
- HomePage
- JustSFTP
- MailSystem
- ManuallyInstalledPackages
- Mirmon
- Nagios
- RemountableHome
- SavaneConfiguration
- ShellAccess
- Stats
- SqlQueries
- SavaneTasks
- SavaneRewrite
- Tasks
FSF Tech Notes Directory
Automatically-generated list of all pages
- AboutTranslations
- AccountCredentials
- AdminSvnImport
- AdvancedURLs
- AnnouncementMailingList
- ApprovingSubmission
- Architecture.png
- Architecture.svg
- Architecture2010.png
- Architecture2022.png
- Architecture2022.svg
- AudioVideo
- BackEndSetup
- Backup
- BobsGuideToSystemUpgrades
- ChangingLicense
- CodeOfConduct
- Compromise2010
- CplIssues
- CvS
- CvSToSvN
- CvsAnonymous
- CvsDisabling
- CvsFromBehindFirewall
- CvsGettingStarted
- CvsImportExistingProject
- CvsImportExistingRepo
- CvsNotifications
- CvsRsyncWriteAccess
- DataExport
- Debbugs
- DeletingUserAccount
- DoWeHaveYourPassword
- DocumentationFormats
- DocumentationNotices
- DotNetIssues
- DownloadArea
- DualLicensing
- FaQ
- FightingSpam
- FileFormats
- ForAdministrators
- FrontEnd
- FrontEndDebuggingTips
- FrontEndDevelopmentSite
- FrontEndHostRedirection
- FrontEndNotificationEmails
- FrontEndSetup
- FrontPage
- GNUArch
- GettingHelp
- Git
- GnuArchitecture
- GnuGplTwoOrLater
- GnuOrgTranslationTeams
- GpgAgent
- Hg
- HomePage
- HomepageAvailabilityOfPhpAndMysql
- HomepageUpload
- HowDoIAddSearchTerms
- HowDoIResetMyProject
- HowKnowIfALicenseIsFreeIn3Points
- HowToAdminThisWiki
- HowToBecomeASavannahHacker
- HowToGetYourProjectApprovedQuickly
- IdleAccounts
- ImpersonatingSomebody
- ImportMailingListArchive
- ImportingCVSRepository
- JavaIssues
- JustSFTP
- LicensingRequirements
- ListHelperAntiSpam
- ListServer
- LostAccounts
- LostPassword
- MailFiltering
- MailSystem
- MailWhyNoMailFromSavannah
- MailingListCreation
- MailingListNotes
- MailingListsInternals
- ManuallyChangeE-mail
- ManuallyInstalledPackages
- MigrationChecklist
- MigrationFromSourceForge
- Mirmon
- Mirroring
- MirroringExternalRepository
- ModerationAutomation
- ModifyingGroupType
- MonoToNe
- Nagios
- NewAccount
- NewServiceSupport
- NoAdvertising
- NonGnuToGnu
- NonGnuToGnuSysadmin
- NotSavannahAdmins
- PasswordAuthentication
- PhpIssues
- ProjectApproval
- ProjectDependencies
- ProprietaryUseOfFreeSoftware
- RecoveredAccounts
- RecruitingVolunteers
- RemountableHome
- RemovingProject
- RenamingAccounts
- RenamingProjectGroup
- RequirementThreshold
- ResetListPassword
- ReverseEngineering
- RunningSavaneLocally
- SavaneConfiguration
- SavaneInABox
- SavaneReleases
- SavaneRewrite
- SavaneSetup
- SavaneSvkBranch
- SavaneTasks
- SavannahAnnounce
- SavannahArchitecture
- SavannahCountryRestrictions
- SavannahCryptographicRestrictions
- SavannahDatabaseSchema
- SavannahHacker
- SavannahHackersCommunication
- SavannahHackingIdeas
- SavannahHosts
- SavannahInternals
- SavannahInvalidHTML
- SavannahServices
- SavannahTLSInfo
- SavannahTeam
- SavannahURLShortcuts
- SavannahUpdateDelays
- SharedDownloadArea
- ShellAccess
- SqlQueries
- SshAccess
- Stats
- StatusMonitor
- SvN
- SvNTasks
- SvnImportExistingRepo
- SynchronizedExternalRepositories
- TasksList
- URIsToTheDependencies
- UpstreamCollaboration
- UserAuthentication
- UsingBzr
- UsingCvs
- UsingGit
- UsingGnuArch
- UsingGpg
- UsingHg
- UsingVcs
- VPNConfiguration
- ValidNotices
- WebUIOverview
- WhatDoesItMeanToBecomeAGNUPackage
- WhatIsTheRegistrationProcess
- WhatIsTheStatusOfMyProjectRegistration
- WhyChooseSavannah
- WhyLegalChecksBeforeRelease
- WhyLogin
- ZWiki
- ZopeBackup
- back-page
- favicon.ico
- bash-style-guide
- checklists
- debugging
- hardware
- services
- awstats
- conferences
- cryptocurrencies
- cups
- dns
- esd
- firewall
- git
- gmg
- gnu
- hardware
- irc
- jitsi-meet
- lists
- low-filesystem-space
- mediawiki
- mirror
- networking
- raid
- savannah
- sql
- ssh
- ssl
- trisquel
- vcs
- video
- web
- xmpp
- Crypto-keys
- anonomize-log-ips
- apache
- auditd
- awstats
- badblocks
- bash
- bind
- db
- decisions
- dig
- edward
- exim
- fail2ban
- ftp
- gnupg
- journalctl
- kiwiirc
- kvm
- local-vm
- mediawiki
- member-card-builder
- monit
- munin
- mydumper-myloader
- nagios
- netcat
- onion service
- openscap
- openssl
- postgresql
- privoxy
- prometheus
- pwgen
- rsync
- siege
- smartctl
- split
- ssh
- stress
- sysrq
- systemd
- tor
- tor usage
- ufw
- yourls
- https
- ikiwiki
- index
- local.css
- recentchanges
- sandbox
- savannah-database-groups-and-users.dia
- savannah-database-groups-and-users.png
- savannah-internals-2015.dia
- savannah-internals-2015.png
- savannah-internals-group-edit-icons.png
- shortcuts
- style.css
- templates
- wikiicons