bugGNU Octave - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Assigned todown.

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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to down Submitted
#62910 [octave forge] (image) bwslect(...,4) in Octave behaves like bwslect(...,8) in MATLAB and vice versa Ready For Test avinoam 2022-08-18
#66148 [octave forge] (image) Add imbinarize() function for replacement of im2bw() function Confirmed avinoam 2024-08-30
#57933 [octave forge] (queueing) Building of PDF documentation fails Confirmed caliari 2020-03-01
#47320 new function devnull carandraug 2016-03-02
#60138 [octave forge] (dataframe) `dataframe` incorrectly parses csv entries containing commas inside quotes cdemills 2021-02-27
#42628 [octave forge] (bim) test failure in bim2a_axisymmetric_advection_diffusion cdf 2014-06-26
#44883 [octave forge] (bim) Add trailing semicolon cdf 2015-04-20
#45489 [octave forge] (ocs) package wont cross compile cdf 2015-07-08
#47596 [octave forge] (odepkg) constant mass matrix option is not implemented correctly In Progress cdf 2016-04-01
#48439 validateattributes throws errors without IDs Postponed cdf 2016-07-07
#48569 [octave forge] (ocs) Use ISO 8601 format in Date field cdf 2016-07-20
#48577 [octave forge] (ocs) Include date in the PDF documentation cdf 2016-07-21
#49838 ode23 and ode45 don't correctly handle a constant mass matrix cdf 2016-12-13
#51970 [octave forge] (msh) Obsolete continuation line markers cdf 2017-09-09
#51989 [octave forge] (odepkg) Wrong expected value in unit test cdf 2017-09-11
#41428 Add an &~ binary operator Patch Submitted dbateman 2014-02-02
#40211 More compact output for structs and cell arrays In Progress jordigh 2013-10-08
#55914 [octave forge] (geometry) SVG classes broken Wont Fix juanpi 2019-03-14
#60744 [octave forge] (matgeom) Extraneous file in tarball In Progress juanpi 2021-06-07
#65467 (geometr) test @svg/svg fails due to spaces in file names In Progress juanpi 2024-03-16
#44245 need configurable warning when sprintf format contains integer code, but value is real number Confirmed jwe 2015-02-13
#55610 eval (code) when code could be parsed as a command jwe 2019-01-30
#60420 Connect unused SIGNAL/SLOTS in octave-qobject.cc?? In Progress jwe 2021-04-19
#60846 sparse matrix elementwise exponentiation can produce incorrect results Confirmed jwe 2021-06-28
#65214 Evaluation of properties referencing other properties fails Duplicate jwe 2024-01-26
#47175 “dimension too large” error when broadcasting to sparse matrix in octave In Progress lachlan 2016-02-17
#47424 Cannot run "test function" for builtin functions In Progress lachlan 2016-03-16
#47917 dbstop skips nested functions In Progress lachlan 2016-05-13
#59176 [octave forge] (windows) COM object.Item(n) fails on further '.'-index (error `0x8002000e') lostbard 2020-09-25
#61583 [octave forge] (tisean) Remove usage of "error_state" Ready For Test lostbard 2021-11-29
#65174 [octave forge] (sockets) Add mkfuncdocs.py to the release tarball Ready For Test lostbard 2024-01-17
#65175 [octave forge] (divand) Stale URL in DESCRIPTION Ready For Test lostbard 2024-01-17
#65694 (ga) "test ga" fails with octave 9.x Ready For Test lostbard 2024-05-06
#66241 [octave forge] (signal) findpeaks.m: wrong calculation of width Ready For Test lostbard 2024-09-21
#32088 Feature request: -ALL option for WHICH Confirmed 2011-01-10
#32168 [octave forge] (dataframe) skewness, kurtosis not properly handling data with stdev=0 Confirmed 2011-01-18
#32296 matlabbatch: equivalent subscript assignments produce unequal results Confirmed 2011-01-30
#32316 Feature request: timer object functions Confirmed 2011-02-01
#32332 feature request: mesh() should have labels parallel to axes Confirmed 2011-02-03
#32717 sqp returns an error when the local qp is infeasible Need Info 2011-03-08
#32973 Feature request: which should find overloaded methods Confirmed 2011-04-01
#32980 OpenGL plotting backend uses single precision, not double Confirmed 2011-04-03
#33027 Accessing help for a private function Confirmed 2011-04-08
#33538 fread does not support 'bitn', 'ubitn' formats Confirmed 2011-06-11
#33605 concatenation of struct with empty character vector fails Confirmed 2011-06-20
#34173 Unary negative casts permutation matrices into full matrices Need Info 2011-08-30
#34438 Feature Request: Return value from .oct after octave_signal_caught 2011-09-30
#35118 incorrect builtin() behaviour in object methods Confirmed 2011-12-19
#35178 griddata: cubic interpolation not yet implemented Need Info 2011-12-26
#35400 Interpreter should recognize equivalent of in-place operations for performance gain Confirmed 2012-01-30

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