buggnubg - Bugs: Browse Items

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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted up
#66733 Dice not working properly in 3D Mode 2025-01-29
#66552 GNUbg ID does not work with positions where a double has been offered In Progress plm 2024-12-09
#66353 GNU Backgammon does not work properly after upgrading to Ubuntu 24 2024-10-18
#66075 Program doesn't let you set top player on roll 2024-08-11
#65826 "Return hits" display still remain when select another move 2024-06-02
#65752 ply depth up to 10 ply and more 2024-05-16
#65733 Slide animation is glitchy in 2D board with GTK3 2024-05-13
#65691 Settings/Options/Dice/Random number generator/Mersenne Twister not saved 2024-05-05
#64173 pruning levels unaffected when I turn off pruning. 2023-05-09
#62482 Segfault when clicking on board Workaround available 2022-05-17
#62217 Buttons in tool bar for rolling dice and finishing move 2022-03-24
#62073 I would like the option of have the hint display to stay up and currect 2022-02-17
#61662 bug in backgammon final version 1.06 2021-12-12
#60706 Some percentages from the extended rollout statistics can be higher than 100% 2021-05-30
#60648 Show statistics in chequer play rollouts 2021-05-20
#59312 non-blocking analysis 2020-10-20
#59309 Very wrong analysis 2020-10-20
#59298 Track/analyze errors 2020-10-19
#59297 Provide market loss information 2020-10-19
#58608 Distribution of rolls contradicts hint evaluation? Confirmed 2020-06-17
#57827 Hint export limit 2020-02-16
#57237 Roll-resign-decline resets dice In Progress 2019-11-14
#56730 Add an option to disallow hit-and-run 2019-08-08
#56469 Misleading move display 2019-06-09
#54940 play whitout gammon / backgammon 2018-11-02
#54359 Cash offer to fix fullscreen (F11) bug 2018-07-23
#54320 How to explicitly import gnubg modules? 2018-07-16
#54148 How to display dice after Python's gnubg.navigate command? 2018-06-19
#53976 Could a Python script advance the display to the next comment entry? 2018-05-25
#53533 GnuBug Freezes on OS X High Sierra 10.13.3 2018-03-31
#51449 Simplify Tutor UI when the Hint feature is used 2017-07-12
#51119 The hint window does not appear. 2017-05-26
#50964 Error box occurs at every start 2017-05-07
#50150 3D board still not working with Core M processors 2017-01-25
#50131 Gnubg crashes/freezes on Mac OS X 10.12.2 with Xquartz 2017-01-24
#49638 crashes unpredictably after game has started 2016-11-17
#49142 GNU UI unresponsive for a second after each click 2016-09-20
#47204 Workaround to Windows 10 update problem (new windows open under existing ones) 2016-02-19
#46965 Crash when asking GNU to perform Analysis when Cube decision pending 2016-01-25
#46604 Using larger fonts on Windows machines (including Windows 10) 2015-12-04
#45814 Play automatically when moves are forced but doubling is technically still an option 2015-08-24
#45618 resign (normal) isn't accepted when it should be Confirmed 2015-07-24
#45245 with OS X Yosemite, minimizing/unminimizing the gnubg window hangs the UI 2015-06-02
#44758 gnubg links against cairo, pango, freetype, libpng and canberra even if configured with --without-gtk 2015-04-07
#44652 Program crashes when saving 2015-03-27
#44256 In Edit mode, when changing the doubling cube back to 64, the edited position is reset/lost 2015-02-15
#44038 Hard to go to the next game (during a match) after reviewed the game we just finished 2015-01-18
#43621 Create faster shortcuts for basic play 2014-11-15
#43060 Show ranking of a play made when reviewing a session 2014-08-24

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