bugDenemo - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Item ID Summary Status down Assigned to Submitted
#32663 svg graphic loading destroys selection Fixed steele 2011-03-03
#63211 Defining shorthand in 2.6 does not work as before Invalid 2022-10-14
#30492 (d-GetOption) returns a string instead of #f if the user presses Escape Wont Fix 2010-07-19
#30195 Variable measure-width in the "smaller-direction", too Postponed 2010-06-21
#30205 Duplicate Staff (including all voices) Postponed steele 2010-06-21
#30209 Meta Infos: Provide one big window instead of single commands Postponed steele 2010-06-21
#30432 Accidents not persistent for keyboard entry Postponed 2010-07-13
#32660 More commands that return #f but should always return #t Postponed 2011-03-03
#32661 Wrong display. A small measure fills the whole screen (script inside) Postponed 2011-03-03
#33569 Staff directives using \with {} Postponed 2011-06-15
#35750 Completion of error handling Postponed 2012-03-07
#46177 using , or ' to change octave of a sharpened or flattened note Postponed 2015-10-11
#46428 LilyPond import is broken Postponed 2015-11-12
#47729 highlighted items in the Command Centre difficult to read Postponed 2016-04-18
#51026 Give tooltips an "Associated Commands:" feature (was Change the text on the help option in Measures -> repeats) Postponed 2017-05-14
#61270 Problem with Merge underfull etc, when dealing with whole measure rests Postponed 2021-10-03
#61359 Playback markers not display incorrectly with multi-measure rests Postponed 2021-10-20
#56893 Denemo 2.2 won't open on mac Duplicate 2019-09-15
#61296 After clicking 'typeset' the Denemo display window comes to the front Duplicate 2021-10-06
#47142 audio output when entering chords as notes on a staff don't sound fully Need Info 2016-02-14
#47471 TTBB template should use Treble 8va bassa clef Need Info 2016-03-19
#50821 Option in the settings to not suspend pulseaudio Need Info 2017-04-18
#53297 Doesn't run, period Need Info 2018-03-06
#54717 Crashing and auto slurs Need Info 2018-09-24
#55346 Some keyboard shortcuts Need Info 2018-12-31
#55489 Duplicate 1st & 2nd time bars in all available staves Need Info 2019-01-16
#56400 [ Japanese windows10 ]Denemo font unvisible Need Info 2019-05-27
#57011 Installation and overall structure Need Info 2019-10-06
#59547 Denemo does not start Need Info 2020-11-26
#60193 Can't open Denemo version 2.2.0 on MacBook Air with m1 Need Info 2021-03-08
#60434 Audio not working (archlinux) Need Info 2021-04-21
#61739 Outdated libffi dependency prevents AppImage launch under Ubuntu 20.04 Need Info 2021-12-29
#62967 File crashing denemo Need Info 2022-08-27
#63190 Denemo cannot read its own file. Need Info 2022-10-09
#66294 Are multiple unsynchronized metrical streams possible? Need Info 2024-10-05
#66548 Removing bad two-key shortcut crashes Denemo Need Info 2024-12-08
#32284 FreezeDisplay (opposite of RefreshDisplay) In Progress 2011-01-29
#41052 Mouse click in LilyPond window always seeks anchor In Progress rshann 2014-01-01
#41568 Make the staff-name clickable In Progress 2014-02-12
#49252 Short Name should set short-indent In Progress 2016-10-02
#50793 Nth time bar appearing above chord symbols In Progress 2017-04-13
#51180 Wysiwyg editing of trill etc broken In Progress 2017-06-04
#61979 Check score does not detect absence of upbeat in one staff In Progress rshann 2022-02-02
#62822 Graphics used for initial clef misplaced on Windows Ready For Test 2022-07-27
#30932 Mouse navigation broken with different staff lengths Confirmed 2010-08-31
#36504 Denemo and Lilypond disagree on what needs accidentals Confirmed 2012-05-20
#36938 Gui Problems with Score Layout Confirmed 2012-07-24
#38507 File chooser name field crowded out by thumbnail Confirmed 2013-03-13
#44819 Not all actions can have shortcuts. Confirmed 2015-04-12

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