bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

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Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#62891 Slow editing of large papers 2022-08-12
#62864 slinks in beamer document aren't exported to PDF Confirmed 2022-08-05
#62862 Very bad performance after opening and closing preamble Confirmed 2022-08-04
#62850 Crash on highlighting movement in macro definition Confirmed 2022-08-01
#62800 Allow specific tag to have multiline contents 2022-07-22
#62655 Wrong use of graphics editor corrupts interactive.scm In Progress jeronim 2022-06-20
#62624 All windows of a given document get shut when _one_ window is closed 2022-06-14
#62539 [Feature Request] A Better Tool for Drawing Commutative Diagrams 2022-05-29
#62488 Typographical issues with the Maxima-plugin returning integral expressions in mathematical output 2022-05-18
#62477 Two confirmation dialogues to overwrite a file Need Info vdhoeven 2022-05-16
#62453 Moving the cursor out of a text area inside graphics can hang TeXmacs for 2022-05-13
#62433 "Fit to screen width" does not work well with "Double the zoom factor for TeXmacs documents" In Progress 2022-05-10
#62424 Error in loading a bib file with UTF-8 characters 2022-05-07
#62423 Misalignement of overbear for large square roots 2022-05-07
#62419 Turkish Lnaguage Support 2022-05-06
#62396 Curved apostrophe (U+2019) in Bibtex converted to straight apostrophe (U+0027) Need Info vdhoeven 2022-05-02
#62361 Panorama mode does not work for the beamer style 2022-04-25
#62256 small-figure macro does not work properly inside tables Confirmed 2022-04-05
#62179 hlink not hyperlink in PDF if within <include> 2022-03-13
#62156 100% CPU usage when autosave is disabled Confirmed 2022-03-08
#62128 Fontconfig "non-double matrix element" and "bad alias" 2022-03-01
#62049 Font change window lack a scroll bar on lower resolutions to confirm the font change Duplicate 2022-02-14
#62035 TeXmacs should be made accessible to visualy impaired people using voiceover. 2022-02-12
#62007 images embedded in help articles provoke errors Confirmed 2022-02-08
#61991 outdated gs in MacOs .app => pdf issue Confirmed 2022-02-04
#61989 issues with hlinks and folds in alt-window (apidoc, in particular) 2022-02-04
#61953 exmacs freezes on possible race condition when switching between display and inline math 2022-01-28
#61802 Labels in displayed formulas are not converted 2022-01-12
#61776 Read-only mode 2022-01-08
#61560 Unroll phantoms and hanging theorems crashes on export 2021-11-25
#61555 Padded right aligned ignored in last line 2021-11-25
#61515 bad alignment in tables 2021-11-20
#61506 no-qt binary fails to start, as built from svn 13707 2021-11-19
#61505 since about 13670, and in svn 13707 for sure, no-qt binary can't be built 2021-11-19
#61466 Colons in filenames cause several problems In Progress vdhoeven 2021-11-11
#61418 Potential data loss without warning after opening my-init-texmacs.scm Confirmed mgubi 2021-11-03
#61395 Case insensitive search only accepts lowercase input 2021-10-28
#61289 text above right border of a block 2021-10-05
#61264 Annotations 2021-10-02
#61227 Crashes when idle Need Info mgubi 2021-09-26
#61178 guile3_branch_2.1: no mathematical input in interactive sessions 2021-09-17
#61118 Part of the document is printed as blank, but pdf is correct 2021-09-05
#61039 Spacing between letters are bad in the editor's text. 2021-08-13
#60991 Some figures converted from LaTeX do not work well with preview-ref 2021-07-29
#60974 LaTeX conversion: make rightrightarrows / leftrightarrows extensible 2021-07-26
#60925 Improve search and replace: respect limitation to selection. 2021-07-16
#60911 wishlist: mathematical italic capital greek letters 2021-07-11
#60905 Right-click menu displays the options for where the cursor is rather than for where you click 2021-07-10
#60899 R plugin does not start under Windows In Progress _86389 2021-07-09
#60876 Copiable text in debugging console 2021-07-03

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