taskThe GNU Hurd - Tasks: task #1605, Designing and Implementing a...


task #1605: Designing and Implementing a Serial Devices Interface

Submitter:  Marcus Brinkmann <marcus>
Submitted:  -
Category:  GNU Mach Should Start On:  Mon 11 Nov 2002 11:00:00 PM UTC
Should be Finished on:  Mon 11 Nov 2002 11:00:00 PM UTC Priority:  * 9 - Immediate
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  Any
Open/Closed:  Open Planned Release:  None
Effort:  0.00
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OSKit does not have a useful serial device interface yet.  The only thing that is available includes the full blown termios functionality, and is not low-level enough for us.

The task includes designing an OSKit interface for serial devices which allows to control the modem and block until the modem control changes.  Then drivers need to be intergrated into OSKit (probably glued in from BSD or Linux drivers).

Then there is need for a sane device_set_status/device_get_status interface for these devices, which allows to access the OSKit interface.

The interfaces should be designed to allow implementation of POSIX compatible terminal servers.  A bottom handler for term should be an easy task once the above is finished.

Marcus Brinkmann <marcus>
Group administrator


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