mainFree UCS Outline Fonts - Support: Browse Items

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20 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#110241 Why no releases since 2012? In Progress Stevan_White 2020-05-25
#110052 FreeMono for HiDPI Screens Wont Do Stevan_White 2019-10-10
#109509 Build from continuous integration (CI) service Need Info Stevan_White 2018-05-23
#109418 wiggly fences Done Stevan_White 2017-11-19
#109399 Build from modified dev version -- font naming etc. In Progress Stevan_White 2017-10-12
#109388 Some Devanagari positioning lost on some Windows apps with FreeMono Confirmed Stevan_White 2017-09-25
#109295 Missing 'Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark' for FreeSerif Need Info Stevan_White 2017-04-11
#109019 Support Mongolian/Manchu scripts Postponed Stevan_White 2016-04-24
#108992 Fraser (Old Lisu) alphabet Done Stevan_White 2016-03-07
#108892 Queetion about Thai script Need Info Stevan_White 2015-09-29
#108832 some questions Done Stevan_White 2015-06-02
#108812 Support Siddhaṃ Postponed Stevan_White 2015-05-06
#108802 Require Tai Tham and New Tai Lue Postponed Stevan_White 2015-04-18
#108786 Don't support mathematical feature? Ready For Test Stevan_White 2015-04-06
#108775 Support T'ai Hsüan Ching symbols and Counting Rod numerals Postponed Stevan_White 2015-03-23
#108773 Support the 64 hexgrams of I Ching Works For Me Stevan_White 2015-03-21
#108772 Support Khmer Postponed Stevan_White 2015-03-20
#108702 WOFF files of FreeSerif und FreeSans do not work Works For Me Stevan_White 2014-12-10
#108527 Optionally allow simultaneous font installation in different formats Not a bug Stevan_White 2014-03-10
#108057 U+0060 Back-tick (`) is extremely small for fontsize < 14 Need Info Stevan_White 2012-05-12

20 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
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