Item ID  |
Summary |
Status |
Assigned to |
Submitted |
#7521 |
Added support for features in GLPK 4.36+ |
Need Info |
2011-04-03 |
#7622 |
New functions cquiver, cquiver3, __cquiver__ |
Postponed |
2011-09-22 |
#7919 |
[octave forge] (new package?): RWTH Mindstorms NXT |
Need Info |
2013-01-09 |
#7958 |
Enable tracing calls to underlying numerical libraries |
Postponed |
2013-02-25 |
#7970 |
Added trivial OpenMP constructs to liboctave/array classes as an experiment. |
Need Info |
2013-03-10 |
#8053 |
[octave forge] (linear-algebra) submatrix function (exists?) |
2013-05-20 |
#8059 |
[octave forge] (image) ranktf.m |
2013-05-25 |
#8060 |
[octave forge] (image): new function whitepoint.m |
carandraug |
2013-05-25 |
#8078 |
[octave forge] (signal) ultrwin: new function, chebwin rebase |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2013-06-15 |
#8094 |
[octave forge] () X-input grab screen coordinates |
Postponed |
2013-06-25 |
#8139 |
cd: Add Bash-like "cd -" shortcut to change to last dir from input prompt. |
Postponed |
2013-07-30 |
#8141 |
[octave forge] (signal) levinson: deal with matrix input (matlab compatibility) |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2013-07-31 |
#8248 |
In (element-wise) power op. functions, do range check before casting to int. |
2013-11-28 |
#8267 |
Documentation and 'debug-tool' patch. |
2014-01-01 |
#8314 |
Patch to build system to use @rpath for Mac liboctave/libinterp |
Need Info |
2014-02-13 |
#8386 |
Fixed up "find" function with templates and fourth parameter |
2014-03-10 |
#8417 |
Consolidate large conditional type decisions |
Need Info |
2014-03-24 |
#8460 |
[octave forge] (fem-fenics): interpolate function |
2014-05-12 |
#8468 |
[octave forge] (fem-fenics): ufl.m |
2014-05-21 |
#8495 |
[octave forge] (signal) goertzel: new function |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2014-07-10 |
#8506 |
[octave forge] (signal) taylorwin: new function |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2014-08-06 |
#8513 |
[octave forge] (mapping): SRTM / .hgt tools |
2014-08-13 |
#8517 |
[octave forge] (signal) Legendre-Papoulis filter design functions |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2014-08-19 |
#8528 |
[octave forge] (geometry) inpolyeder |
In Progress |
juanpi |
2014-09-11 |
#8532 |
Use conventional signaling to modify Readline term size rather than callback. |
2014-09-12 |
#8542 |
Handle sparse matrices in cholinsert |
2014-09-24 |
#8548 |
New integerizing range algorithm for non-integer elements using better interp. |
2014-10-01 |
#8571 |
[octave forge] (image): three deconvolution routines (Wiener, RL, RLTV) |
2014-11-17 |
#8597 |
[octave forge] (fuzzy-logic-toolkit): improvement |
2015-01-23 |
#8607 |
New module h5read to read/write HDF5 files |
In Progress |
2015-02-19 |
#8630 |
[octave forge] (signal) stepz: new function |
Need Info |
mtmiller |
2015-03-26 |
#8668 |
[octave forge] (signal) firls: add demos, tests, etc |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2015-05-04 |
#8669 |
C++ Implementation of sprand() |
Postponed |
2015-05-07 |
#8693 |
Reimplement operator * (const SparseMatrix& m, const SparseMatrix& a) to use SuiteSparse |
2015-06-23 |
#8694 |
[octave forge] (communications) poly2trellis: add feedback polynomial support |
Postponed |
2015-06-24 |
#8697 |
[octave forge] (signal) bandpower: new function |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2015-07-04 |
#8722 |
[octave forge] (image) implement impixelinfo and impixelinfoval |
In Progress |
2015-08-21 |
#8726 |
[octave forge] (signal) lsf2poly and poly2lsf: new functions |
Postponed |
mtmiller |
2015-08-25 |
#8768 |
new field for stack info in structure passed to error handler of cellfun |
Need Info |
i7tiol |
2015-10-12 |
#8778 |
[octave forge] (control) improvement of lti/ss/freqresp numerics, possibly also a way to better ss2tf |
2015-10-22 |
#8787 |
[octave forge] (generate_html) Improve package overview page |
2015-11-04 |
#8801 |
add support for the histogram and histcounts functions |
Postponed |
2015-11-20 |
#8813 |
[octave forge] (image) Extended image I/O for Analyze 7.5 format to handle big-endian images |
2015-11-29 |
#8913 |
remove zlib from public API |
2016-02-19 |
#8936 |
[octave forge] (econometrics) kernel_density: accept function handle kernel |
2016-03-08 |
#8962 |
Working version of expmv |
2016-03-30 |
#8974 |
GSOC16 - Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems |
2016-04-09 |
#8983 |
automatic broadcasting for assignment operations |
2016-04-16 |
#8988 |
[octave forge] (generate_html) Adding to index.html of manual, installation/loading commands |
2016-04-28 |
#9009 |
[octave forge] (generate_html) LaTeX equation support in HTML documentation |
2016-05-23 |