patchThe GNU Hurd - Patches: patch #5018, Remove support to msg_send...


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patch #5018: Remove support to msg_send interface.

Submitter:  Leonardo Lopes Pereira <llp>
Submitted:  Wed 05 Apr 2006 11:59:55 PM UTC
Category:  GNU Mach Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  tschwinge Open/Closed:  Closed
Planned Release:  GNU MIG 1.3.2
Wiki-like text discussion box: 

Sun 03 Dec 2006 08:32:12 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I installed the following:

2006-12-03  Leonardo Lopes Pereira  <>

--- ``Remove support to msg_send interface.''

  • global.c (UseMsgRPC): Removed definition.
  • global.h (UseMsgRPC): Removed declaration.
  • (--help): Removed information about `-r' and `-R' options.
  • migcom.c (parseArgs): Changed the switches `-r' and `-R' to deal with

the absence of obsolete the send/receive pairs.

  • user.c (WriteRoutine): Adapted the use of `UseMsgRPC' as if it was

defined to `TRUE'.
(WriteMsgSendReceive): Removed, since it is not used anymore.

Thanks for the patch!

Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Group administrator
Wed 05 Apr 2006 11:59:55 PM UTC, original submission:  

There is a patch to remove MACH_IPC_COMPAT code from Mach, the removal of that obsolete interface will make Mig generate unuseful code if the -R option be used, so, this patch remove the possibility of the use of that option turning the -r option aways used.

Leonardo Lopes Pereira <llp>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #9722:  mig_sendreceive_v2.patch added by llp (6KiB - text/x-patch - Corrected the e-mail on Changelog)
file #9721:  mig_sendreceive.patch added by llp (6KiB - text/x-patch - Removal of -R option.)


Depends on the following items: None found

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   task dependencies.


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by tschwinge (Posted a comment)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 10 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2006-12-03 tschwinge StatusIn Progress Done
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        Planned ReleaseGNU Mach 1.4 GNU MIG 1.3.2
    2006-11-16 tschwinge Dependencies- task #6111 is dependent
    2006-05-04 tschwinge CategoryNone GNU Mach
        StatusNone In Progress
        Assigned toNone tschwinge
        Planned ReleaseNone GNU Mach 1.4
    2006-04-06 llp Attached File- Added mig_sendreceive_v2.patch, #9722
    2006-04-05 llp Attached File- Added mig_sendreceive.patch, #9721

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