bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #66010, Function glpk produces incorrect...


bug #66010: Function glpk produces incorrect output

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 21 Jul 2024 08:53:03 AM UTC
Category:  Octave Function Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect Result
Status:  Fixed Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Jan M. Swart Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  * Closed Release:  * 6.4.0
Operating System:  * GNU/Linux Fixed Release:  10.1.0 (current default)
Planned Release:  10.1.0 (current default)
* Mandatory Fields

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Wed 13 Nov 2024 07:47:48 AM UTC, comment #23: 

@Hendrik: Thank you for your contribution and the confirmation.

Closing report as fixed.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 13 Nov 2024 05:10:40 AM UTC, comment #22: 

It is the expected result.

The upstream glpk library result of the glpk_bug.m input data using the default value "presol= 1" is "PROBLEM HAS NO PRIMAL FEASIBLE SOLUTION".

This value is now returned correctly in the octave errnum variable (10 GLP_ENOPFS - No primal feasible solution) and the xopt result is NaN.

@Markus- thanks for migrating.

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Tue 12 Nov 2024 06:07:53 PM UTC, comment #21: 

With those changes applied, I see the following for the original test case on Windows:

octave:1> glpk_bug
ans =  NA
ans = 0.4099
status = 10

Is that the expected result?

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Tue 12 Nov 2024 05:43:48 PM UTC, comment #20: 

Sorry for the long delay. I finally pushed your patch to the default branch:

Marking as ready for test.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Sat 19 Oct 2024 05:26:43 AM UTC, comment #19: 

I just realized that this patch has not been migrated.

Anybody from the core developer team with the appropriate rights  willing to review and migrate it ?

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Wed 07 Aug 2024 01:02:48 AM UTC, comment #18: 

Updated patch is attached.

(file #56339)

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Mon 29 Jul 2024 03:32:58 PM UTC, comment #17: 

Have a good vacation.  I'll get around to updating the patch and pushing it in the next week.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Mon 29 Jul 2024 12:00:11 PM UTC, comment #16: 

I only looked at the documentation for the default presol setting, not at the glpsol code/application. You are right and I concur that the default presol setting using glpsol is actually true whereas if one uses the API it is false.

Good catch !

So then octave has no need to change, i.e. stays with presol=true.

(I am currently on a trip without computer/laptop returning in 8 days. Feel free to update the patch accordingly. If not I will do it when I return)

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Mon 29 Jul 2024 12:00:46 AM UTC, comment #15: 

@Hendrik: I agree that pivot tolerance should be updated to 1e-9.  I also think your choice of messaging level 3 is fine.  However, I don't think the presolver should be defaulted to OFF.  For the GLPK library, the documentation says that the presolver is disabled by default.  However, for the user space program which interacts with libglpk, that is glpsol.c, the default seems to be ON.  Given that Octave is attempting to act like a user space interface to libglpk, I think it should follow glpsol.c and keep the presolver enabled.  Could you check that I'm right on that?

The code I see is

      xprintf("   --presol          use presolver (default; assumes --s"
         "cale and --adv)\n");


      /* perform initialization */
      csa->prob = glp_create_prob();
      glp_get_bfcp(csa->prob, &csa->bfcp);
      csa->smcp.presolve = GLP_ON;

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Sun 28 Jul 2024 03:40:57 AM UTC, comment #14: 

I created a patch to improve the glpk behavior (bug #66010):

- align default parameter values to current glpk (version 5.0)
- implement support of msglev setting when calling glpk subroutines
- sort the constraints for better presolving analogue to the glpk provided code sample

In contrast to my previous thoughts, I aligned the msg level behavior to the core glpk solver, which does also scaling by default for most cases, but which only shows the scaling results with msg-level 3.

Note that it appears that the glpk internal message logging behavior is somehow inconsistent. For instance a failed pre-solving ONLY shows the error message "PROBLEM HAS NO PRIMAL FEASIBLE SOLUTION" with message level 3 (all) and not with msg level 1 as I had expected when calling their main routine glp_simplex... not much Octave can do about this...

(file #56321)

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Fri 26 Jul 2024 10:24:20 AM UTC, comment #13: 

Well, at least glpk (https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/) has issues with the dodgy constraint matrix A. Below is the corresponding glpk CPLEX LP Format (plan.lp). Octave uses glpk, so calling directly glpk utilities using the CPLEX LP format avoids any potential issues coming from Octave interacting with glpk.

value :
+1 x(2) +1 x(3) +1 x(4) +1 x(5) +1 x(6) +1 x(8) +1 x(9) +1 x(10) +1 x(11) +1 x(12) +1 x(14) +1 x(15) +1 x(16) +1 x(17) +1 x(18) +1 x(20) +1 x(21) +1 x(22) +1 x(23) +1x(24)

Subject To
+1 x(1)  +1 x(2)  +1 x(3)  +1 x(4)  +1 x(5)   = +1
+1 x(6)  +1 x(7)  +1 x(8)  +1 x(9)  +1 x(10)   = +1
+1 x(11)  +1 x(12)  +1 x(13)  +1 x(14)  +1 x(15)   = +1
+1 x(16)  +1 x(17)  +1 x(18)  +1 x(19)  +1 x(20)   = +1
+1 x(21)  +1 x(22)  +1 x(23)  +1 x(24)  +1 x(25)   = +1
+9.9999999999999967e-01 x(1)  -1.3877787807814457e-17 x(6)  -7.7023973792699711e-18 x(16)  +8.6248950136182310e-18 x(21)   <= +1.9322110003657564e+00
+9.9999999999999967e-01 x(2)  -1.3877787807814457e-17 x(7)  -7.7023973792699711e-18 x(17)  +8.6248950136182310e-18 x(22)   = +6.7788999634242716e-02
+9.9999999999999967e-01 x(3)  -1.3877787807814457e-17 x(8)  -7.7023973792699711e-18 x(18)  +8.6248950136182310e-18 x(23)   <= +6.9388939039072284e-18
+9.9999999999999967e-01 x(4)  -1.3877787807814457e-17 x(9)  -7.7023973792699711e-18 x(19)  +8.6248950136182310e-18 x(24)   <= -1.1553596068904957e-17
+9.9999999999999967e-01 x(5)  -1.3877787807814457e-17 x(10)  -7.7023973792699711e-18 x(20)  +8.6248950136182310e-18 x(25)   <= +6.4651290213686789e-18
+8.6442200073151410e-01 x(1)  +1.3557799926848546e-01 x(6)  +1.3877787807814457e-17 x(11)  -7.7037197775489434e-34 x(16)  -1.2944426998117335e-17 x(21)   <= +1.6851405085210678e+00
+8.6442200073151410e-01 x(2)  +1.3557799926848546e-01 x(7)  +1.3877787807814457e-17 x(12)  -7.7037197775489434e-34 x(17)  -1.2944426998117335e-17 x(22)   <= +2.8596532282743758e-01
+8.6442200073151410e-01 x(3)  +1.3557799926848546e-01 x(8)  +1.3877787807814457e-17 x(13)  -7.7037197775489434e-34 x(18)  -1.2944426998117335e-17 x(23)   = +2.8894168651493857e-02
+8.6442200073151410e-01 x(4)  +1.3557799926848546e-01 x(9)  +1.3877787807814457e-17 x(14)  -7.7037197775489434e-34 x(19)  -1.2944426998117335e-17 x(24)   <= -1.9255993448174939e-18
+8.6442200073151410e-01 x(5)  +1.3557799926848546e-01 x(10)  +1.3877787807814457e-17 x(15)  -7.7037197775489434e-34 x(20)  -1.2944426998117335e-17 x(25)   <= -2.1642235619263752e-17
+5.5403002969518678e-01 x(1)  +3.3039329569883769e-01 x(6)  +1.1557667460597534e-01 x(11)  -1.7527275501969224e-17 x(21)   <= +1.1079929963124644e+00
+5.5403002969518678e-01 x(2)  +3.3039329569883769e-01 x(7)  +1.1557667460597534e-01 x(12)  -1.7527275501969224e-17 x(22)   <= +6.0045746952612600e-01
+5.5403002969518678e-01 x(3)  +3.3039329569883769e-01 x(8)  +1.1557667460597534e-01 x(13)  -1.7527275501969224e-17 x(23)   <= +2.2323808686430061e-01
+5.5403002969518678e-01 x(4)  +3.3039329569883769e-01 x(9)  +1.1557667460597534e-01 x(14)  -1.7527275501969224e-17 x(24)   = +6.8311447297108668e-02
+5.5403002969518678e-01 x(5)  +3.3039329569883769e-01 x(10)  +1.1557667460597534e-01 x(15)  -1.7527275501969224e-17 x(25)   <= -2.9527020002483170e-17
+2.4336980634722233e-01 x(1)  +2.8389210464299264e-01 x(6)  +1.9949229982135033e-01 x(11)  +2.7324578918843467e-01 x(16)   <= +5.0356221694463010e-01
+2.4336980634722233e-01 x(2)  +2.8389210464299264e-01 x(7)  +1.9949229982135033e-01 x(12)  +2.7324578918843467e-01 x(17)   <= +5.0843648088919835e-01
+2.4336980634722233e-01 x(3)  +2.8389210464299264e-01 x(8)  +1.9949229982135033e-01 x(13)  +2.7324578918843467e-01 x(18)   <= +3.2813261838351937e-01
+2.4336980634722233e-01 x(4)  +2.8389210464299264e-01 x(9)  +1.9949229982135033e-01 x(14)  +2.7324578918843467e-01 x(19)   <= +4.0986868378265201e-01
+2.4336980634722233e-01 x(5)  +2.8389210464299264e-01 x(10)  +1.9949229982135033e-01 x(15)  +2.7324578918843467e-01 x(20)   = +2.5000000000000000e-01
+1 x(21)   <= +0
+1 x(22)   <= +0
+1 x(23)   <= +0
+1 x(24)   <= +0
+1 x(25)   <= +2




If I try to solve it via glpsol :

 glpsol  --lp --nopresol plan.lp  -o a.out ; cat a.out

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions:

KKT.PE: max.abs.err = 6.05e-02 on row 23
        max.rel.err = 5.71e-02 on row 23

KKT.PB: max.abs.err = 1.20e-17 on row 20
        max.rel.err = 1.20e-17 on row 20
        High quality

KKT.DE: max.abs.err = 1.11e-16 on column 1
        max.rel.err = 3.70e-17 on column 1
        High quality

KKT.DB: max.abs.err = 1.04e+00 on column 8
        max.rel.err = 1.04e+00 on column 8

and using xcheck

glpsol  --lp --nopresol --xcheck plan.lp


and using presol

 glpsol  --lp --presol  plan.lp

So as stated a few times, funny things can happen in numerical analysis when values go below eps, so it is good practice to check input and results and potentially cleans input data if results from a complex numerical algorithm look dodgy.
As already mentioned I am not an expert in LP nor in glpk, so feel free to report a bug in glpk (https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/#bug).

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Fri 26 Jul 2024 06:47:49 AM UTC, comment #12: 

Reacting to comment #11:
"Or for contraints matrix A with such dodgy values (< eps) presolving converts obviously the original (unsolvable) constraint matrix to a solvable albeit incorrect "equivalent" one"

I strongly doubt this is the case here. I mean that I believe the original constraint matrix in my data files which includes the small values < eps() is in fact solvable. This is why it did not occur to be that these small values could be a problem.

In general, these LP problems can be very sensitive to the data. For example, a constraint with an equality a*x==b is formally equivalent to two constraints with inequalities a*x<=b and a*x>=b but here obviously small changes in the values can make the problem unsolvable or have huge effects on the solution.

This being said, I don't think my example is of this type, which is why it is surprising that cleaning the data has such a huge effect.

Thu 25 Jul 2024 11:05:29 AM UTC, comment #11: 

I had another deeper look at the octave code and the glpk documentation and its sample code:

- Scaling the LP problem is a widely used approach to improve the numerical behavior of the dual simplex algorithm. So I think as well that msglev level 2 is appropriate to show when the scaling is requested.

- As seen below the constraints matrix with a number of values smaller than eps() is the root issue.
The (octave default) presolving converts the LP problem to an equivalent LP problem, which may be easier for solving with the simplex method than the original one. This is attained mainly due to reducing the problem size and improving its numeric properties (for example, by removing some inactive constraints or by fixing some non-basic variables).
Or for contraints matrix A with such dodgy values (< eps) presolving converts obviously the original (unsolvable) constraint matrix to a solvable albeit incorrect "equivalent" one (as already mentioned funny things can happen in numerical analysis for very small numbers (<eps)...). Therefore the return code giving back by glp_simplex did not show any issues.

Or Glpk offers sorting ("glp_sort_matrix") which should never hurt in a normal case, but which actually helps presolving to detect such ill formed contraints better. So it is done by default in their sample code before doing the solving (e.g. see examples/glpsol.c).

I tried this out calling glp_sort_matrix after loading it:

diff -r 583637c89c11 libinterp/dldfcn/__glpk__.cc
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/__glpk__.cc
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/__glpk__.cc
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@

   glp_load_matrix (lp, nz, rn, cn, a);
+  glp_sort_matrix(lp);

   if (save_pb)

It works and now the error is detected when presolving is active:
Return code status = 10 from glp_simplex, so "No primal feasible solution."

So I suggest doing this change and do always sorting (see above patch), as I cannot hurt, as it follows the glpk use case example and as it should help.

Some further suggested changes:
a) gplk does NOT activate presolv by default (int presolve (default: GLP OFF), so I suggest we do the same : presol (default: 0)

b) gplk has changed the default tol_piv value to 1E-9.  Currently octave still used the (former) default value 1e-10, so I suggest we change tolpiv to (default: 1e-9) as well.

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Wed 24 Jul 2024 07:48:50 PM UTC, comment #10: 

Okay, I did find a way to choke off the output.

      glp_term_out (GLP_OFF);
      glp_scale_prob (lp, scale);
      glp_term_out (GLP_ON);

The question is, at what message level should messages about scaling be enabled?  I think 2 is probably appropriate, but maybe only 3 which is maximum verbosity.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 24 Jul 2024 07:34:13 PM UTC, comment #9: 

On excessive messaging, I think the problem is with glpk.  Here is the Octave code for interfacing with GLPK.

  // scale the problem data
  if (! par.presol || lpsolver != 1)
    glp_scale_prob (lp, scale);

  // build advanced initial basis (if required)
  if (lpsolver == 1 && ! par.presol)
    glp_adv_basis (lp, 0);

  // For MIP problems without a presolver, a first pass with glp_simplex
  // is required
  if ((! isMIP && lpsolver == 1)
      || (isMIP && ! par.presol))
      glp_smcp smcp;
      glp_init_smcp (&smcp);
      smcp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      smcp.meth = par.dual;
      smcp.pricing = par.price;
      smcp.r_test = par.rtest;
      smcp.tol_bnd = par.tolbnd;
      smcp.tol_dj = par.toldj;
      smcp.tol_piv = par.tolpiv;
      smcp.obj_ll = par.objll;
      smcp.obj_ul = par.objul;
      smcp.it_lim = par.itlim;
      smcp.tm_lim = par.tmlim;
      smcp.out_frq = par.outfrq;
      smcp.out_dly = par.outdly;
      smcp.presolve = par.presol;
      errnum = glp_simplex (lp, &smcp);

  if (isMIP)
      glp_iocp iocp;
      glp_init_iocp (&iocp);
      iocp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      iocp.br_tech = par.branch;
      iocp.bt_tech = par.btrack;
      iocp.tol_int = par.tolint;
      iocp.tol_obj = par.tolobj;
      iocp.tm_lim = par.tmlim;
      iocp.out_frq = par.outfrq;
      iocp.out_dly = par.outdly;
      iocp.presolve = par.presol;
      errnum = glp_intopt (lp, &iocp);

  if (! isMIP && lpsolver == 2)
      glp_iptcp iptcp;
      glp_init_iptcp (&iptcp);
      iptcp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      errnum = glp_interior (lp, &iptcp);

When lpsolver is 2, the last if statement is used and the msg_lev parameter is being passed to GLPK.  If I set the message level to 3 for maximum verbosity I get

 A: min|aij| =  7.704e-34  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.298e+33
EQ: min|aij| =  8.912e-34  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.122e+33
Original LP has 30 row(s), 25 column(s), and 115 non-zero(s)
Working LP has 30 row(s), 46 column(s), and 136 non-zero(s)
Matrix A has 136 non-zeros
Matrix S = A*A' has 165 non-zeros (upper triangle)
Approximate minimum degree ordering (AMD)...
Computing Cholesky factorization S = L*L'...
Matrix L has 185 non-zeros
Guessing initial point...
Optimization begins...
  0: obj =   1.392436989e+01; rpi =  1.5e+00; rdi =  1.9e+00; gap =  7.8e-01
  1: obj =   5.208283688e+00; rpi =  4.2e-01; rdi =  1.9e-01; gap =  1.3e+00
  2: obj =   2.433432928e+00; rpi =  8.8e-02; rdi =  7.1e-02; gap =  7.2e-01
  3: obj =   1.953120363e+00; rpi =  4.4e-02; rdi =  2.8e-02; gap =  3.6e-01
  4: obj =   2.053417812e+00; rpi =  2.5e-02; rdi =  2.1e-02; gap =  2.8e-01
  5: obj =   1.829223722e+00; rpi =  3.8e-03; rdi =  3.3e-03; gap =  4.7e-02
  6: obj =   1.791162054e+00; rpi =  3.9e-04; rdi =  3.3e-04; gap =  4.8e-03
  7: obj =   1.787311256e+00; rpi =  3.9e-05; rdi =  3.3e-05; gap =  4.8e-04
  8: obj =   1.786926127e+00; rpi =  3.9e-06; rdi =  3.3e-06; gap =  4.8e-05
  9: obj =   1.786887614e+00; rpi =  3.9e-07; rdi =  3.3e-07; gap =  4.8e-06
 10: obj =   1.786883762e+00; rpi =  3.9e-08; rdi =  3.3e-08; gap =  4.8e-07
 11: obj =   1.786883377e+00; rpi =  3.9e-09; rdi =  3.3e-09; gap =  4.8e-08
 12: obj =   1.786883339e+00; rpi =  3.9e-10; rdi =  3.3e-10; gap =  4.8e-09

If I switch to minimum verbosity (0) then I get

 A: min|aij| =  7.704e-34  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.298e+33
EQ: min|aij| =  8.912e-34  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.122e+33

The scaling messages appear on the terminal after the call to glpk_scale_prob() which is done before any of the solvers.

  // scale the problem data
  if (! par.presol || lpsolver != 1)
    glp_scale_prob (lp, scale);

I looked at the GLPK API and the glpk_scale_prob() doesn't take a structure argument with options to control it.  Maybe there is a way to set the global verbosity for glpk, but I don't know how to do it.  I think we might just have to live with it, unless you want to file an issue report with the GLPK project itself.

Also, this doesn't seem great, but the documentation on the return code from glpk says


The LP problem instance has been successfully solved. (This code does not nec-
essarily mean that the solver has found optimal solution. It only means that the
solution process was successful.)

I don't know how to interpret this.  Does this mean that GLPK has successfully found a solution which satisfies all constraints, but may not be the absolute, global mininum?  Or does it mean that the process simply completed without one of the specific failure modes such as exceeding maximum iterations?  Not great.

In any case, maybe you understand the GLPK algorithms better than I (I'm only an Octave coder).  Should we be pre-scaling problems that call glp_interior?

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 24 Jul 2024 07:18:47 PM UTC, comment #8: 

I hadn't put it in my comments, but I had wondered as well if small values were a problem.  But I was silly and only changed the values in the 'b' vector using

b(abs (b) < eps) = 0;

That wasn't enough to fix the issue.  I should have thought about doing the same thing to the A matrix.

Overall, I think it's another good lesson that numerical computation is not the same thing as pure math, and that checking the answer for reasonableness is always important.  It's annoying to me that one can't rely on the status code coming from glpk.  It indicated a successful run, even though solution was clearly out of spec.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 24 Jul 2024 12:44:18 PM UTC, comment #7: 

The previous comment was very useful for me. A bit of data cleansing seems to solve my problems.

This is surprising to me. Even without data cleansing the problem has a solution, as far as I can see, or if it hadn't I would have expected an error message (10. no primal feasible solution). I still don't fully understand how small rounding errors can have the effect they have. (Apparently I am even less of an expert on linear programming.) But I am happy that I can now use glpk.

A small side comment: if param.lpsolver = 2, then setting param.msglev = 1 does not have the desired effect (error messages only). If one uses glpk in a loop (as I do) this means a lot of annoying messages flooding the screen. But this is a minor issue and I can anyway now work with the default value param.lpsolver = 1.

Wed 24 Jul 2024 09:20:33 AM UTC, comment #6: 

I looked at this and key issue seems to be that (some of the) data elements in A and in b are smaller than eps, so essentially it is a dodgy input data issue.

find(and(abs(A)<= eps(), A!= 0))'
ans =
 Columns 1 through 26:
   156   187   218   249   280   311   342   373   404   435   456   461   487   492   518   523   549   554   580   585   606   611   616   637   642   647
 Columns 27 through 35:
   668   673   678   699   704   709   730   735   740

find(and(abs(b) < eps(), b!=0))'
ans =
    8    9   10   14   15   20

Very funny things can happen in numerical mathematics in such cases.

For example the glpk prescaling (set automatically by octave calling the api and available via log info printing (set param.msglev = 3)) shows ultra large prescaling ratios due to the values in A smaller than eps which are prone to cause subsequent issues (e.g. a very small number < eps multiplied with such a very large number will have a material error compared to the analytical correct result...)

 A: min|aij| =  7.704e-34  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.298e+33
GM: min|aij| =  5.308e-09  max|aij| =  1.884e+08  ratio =  3.549e+16
EQ: min|aij| =  2.817e-17  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  3.549e+16

Possible solutions
(1) Data cleansing
If one sets all A values smaller than eps() to zero, the issue disappears

A(abs(A) <= eps()) = 0;
leading to
(A*xmin)(24) =  0.1412

(2) Appropriate glpk configuration
For example and depending on the use case, it may be possible to deactivate the presolver (param.presol = 0) as in general this is risky according to the glpk documentation:
"Note that the presolver is able to recover only optimal solutions. If a computed solution is infeasible or non-optimal, the corresponding solution of the original problem cannot be recovered and therefore remains undefined. If you need to know a basic solution even if it is infeasible or non-optimal, the presolver should be disabled."

This also leads to a solution without this issue.

param.presol = 0;
(A*xmin)(24) = 0.1412

Note that I am not very skilled in linear programming and neither very knowledgeable in glpk, but there are quite a few control parameter in glpk, so I suggest having a deeper look which are the most appropriate one(s) for the data and use case in question.

Hendrik K <koerhen>
Wed 24 Jul 2024 01:05:51 AM UTC, comment #5: 

I'm guessing that this is an upstream problem with glpk.  It's always possible that Octave is somehow not using the API correctly.  One way to test this would be to code this example in C or C++ and directly compile the example to link with libglpk and see if it gets the same results.

Just to check some other possibilities, I changed ctype(24) to 'S' and it does arrive at a solution where

(A*xmin)(24) == b(24)

This might be close to good enough since using 'U' would use '<=' constraint.  I also tried using 'F' constraint (free parameter, ignored), but the overall result of the minimization was worse.


Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Tue 23 Jul 2024 11:30:08 AM UTC, comment #4: 

I have now heard back from a friend who confirmed that on his computer he got the same incorrect outcome. So the first indications are that this is not specific to my computer and perhaps does not even depend too much on the version of Octave.

Mon 22 Jul 2024 06:26:30 PM UTC, comment #3: 

For completeness, this is the result I get.
Since 0.4658 > 0.4099, the constraint is not satisfied.

octave:24> glpk_bug
ans = 0.4658
ans = 0.4099
status = 0

For a moment I thought that I had solved my problems
by adding the line param.lpsolver = 2
which switches to the interior point method
but I have now found out this also sometimes
produces incorrect results.

So far I have only checked this on my own laptop. I am in the process of trying to check if installations of Octave on other hardware produce the same incorrect output.

Mon 22 Jul 2024 04:16:06 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I found a reply from you in the bug tracker archive mailing list, which TTBOMK is not regularly read by anyone.
Thing is, you can't just respond to a bug tracker mail and expect your reply to show up here. Please enter a new comment in the bug tracker instead.

For completeness I copied your reply here:


Sorry I forgot to add this information.
The result I get is below.
Since 0.4658 > 0.4099,
the solution does not satisfy the upper bound.

octave:24> glpk_bug
ans = 0.4658
ans = 0.4099
status = 0

For a moment I thought that I had solved my problems
by adding the line param.lpsolver = 2
which switches to the interior point method
but I have now found out this also sometimes
produces incorrect results.

I have not had the chance to check if
I get the same results on other hardware.

Jan Swart


Philip Nienhuis <philipnienhuis>
Group Member
Sun 21 Jul 2024 10:06:35 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Please paste the result you get.

Sun 21 Jul 2024 08:53:03 AM UTC, original submission:  

The attached file glpk_bug.m runs glpk on data loaded from the attached file glpk_bug.dat. It should minimise the function c*x subject to constraints of the form A*x=b or A*x<=b, as specified by ctype. The function runs without errors (status=0) but finds a minimiser xmin that does not satisfy the constraints, since (A*xmin)(24)>b(24).



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #56339:  glpk_66010.patch added by koerhen (3KiB - text/x-patch)
file #56321:  glpk.patch added by koerhen (3KiB - text/x-patch)
file #56293:  glpk_bug.m added by None (165B - text/x-objcsrc)
file #56294:  glpk_bug.dat added by None (4KiB - application/octet-stream)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by mmuetzel (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by koerhen (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by rik5 (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by None (Submitted the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.

    Only group members can vote.


    Follow 11 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-11-13 mmuetzel Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        Fixed ReleaseNone 10.1.0 (current default)
    2024-11-13 mmuetzel StatusReady For Test Fixed
    2024-11-12 mmuetzel Item GroupNone Incorrect Result
        StatusConfirmed Ready For Test
        Planned ReleaseNone 10.1.0 (current default)
    2024-08-07 koerhen Attached File- Added glpk_66010.patch, #56339
    2024-07-28 koerhen Attached File- Added glpk.patch, #56321
    2024-07-24 rik5 StatusNone Confirmed
    2024-07-21 None Attached File- Added glpk_bug.m, #56293
        Attached File- Added glpk_bug.dat, #56294

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