bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #65209, get() results should be...


bug #65209: get() results should be alphabetized

Submitter:  Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Submitted:  Wed 24 Jan 2024 09:15:37 PM UTC
Category:  Octave Function Severity:  2 - Minor
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Feature Request
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * dev Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Wed 24 Jan 2024 09:15:37 PM UTC, original submission:  

when scanning through a list of object properties, it's helpful if they're in alphabetical order. get() appears to alphabetize in subsections, first listing all of the properties inherited from a base property set, then listing object specific ones, while set() alphabetizes the full list. e.g. in the following get() resets alphabetization after 'visible':

>> hf = figure(1);
>> get(hf)
ans =

  scalar structure containing the fields:

    beingdeleted = off
    busyaction = queue
    buttondownfcn = [](0x0)
    children = -34.057
    clipping = on
    contextmenu = [](0x0)
    createfcn = [](0x0)
    deletefcn = [](0x0)
    handlevisibility = on
    hittest = on
    interruptible = on
    parent = 0
    pickableparts = visible
    selected = off
    selectionhighlight = on
    tag =
    type = figure
    userdata = [](0x0)
    visible = on
    alphamap =


    closerequestfcn = closereq
    color =

       1   1   1

    colormap =

       2.6700e-01   4.8743e-03   3.2942e-01
       2.7265e-01   2.5846e-02   3.5337e-01
       2.7711e-01   5.0914e-02   3.7624e-01
       2.8036e-01   7.4201e-02   3.9790e-01
       2.8239e-01   9.5954e-02   4.1825e-01
       2.8320e-01   1.1689e-01   4.3718e-01

    currentaxes = -34.057
    currentcharacter =
    currentobject = [](0x0)
    currentpoint =


    dockcontrols = on
    filename =
    graphicssmoothing = on
    innerposition =

       862    73   560   420

    integerhandle = on
    inverthardcopy = on
    keypressfcn = [](0x0)
    keyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
    menubar = figure
    name =
    number = 1
    nextplot = add
    numbertitle = on
    outerposition =

       862   104   560   472

    paperorientation = portrait
    paperposition =

       1.1129   3.1471   6.2743   4.7057

    paperpositionmode = auto
    papersize =

        8.5000   11.0000

    papertype = usletter
    paperunits = inches
    pointer = arrow
    pointershapecdata =

       1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
       1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1

    pointershapehotspot =

       1   1

    position =

       862    73   560   420

    renderer = opengl
    renderermode = auto
    resize = on
    resizefcn = [](0x0)
    selectiontype = normal
    sizechangedfcn = [](0x0)
    toolbar = auto
    units = pixels
    windowbuttondownfcn = [](0x0)
    windowbuttonmotionfcn = [](0x0)
    windowbuttonupfcn = [](0x0)
    windowkeypressfcn = [](0x0)
    windowkeyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
    windowscrollwheelfcn = [](0x0)
    windowstate = normal
    windowstyle = normal

>> set(hf)

        beingdeleted:  [ {off} | on ]
        busyaction:  [ cancel | {queue} ]
        clipping:  [ off | {on} ]
        dockcontrols:  [ off | {on} ]
        graphicssmoothing:  [ off | {on} ]
        handlevisibility:  [ callback | off | {on} ]
        hittest:  [ off | {on} ]
        integerhandle:  [ off | {on} ]
        interruptible:  [ off | {on} ]
        inverthardcopy:  [ off | {on} ]
        menubar:  [ {figure} | none ]
        nextplot:  [ {add} | new | replace | replacechildren ]
        numbertitle:  [ off | {on} ]
        paperorientation:  [ landscape | {portrait} ]
        paperpositionmode:  [ {auto} | manual ]
        papertype:  [ <custom> | a | a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | arch-a | arch-b | arch-c | arch-d | arch-e | b | b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5 | c | d | e | tabloid | uslegal | {usletter} ]
        paperunits:  [ centimeters | {inches} | normalized | points ]
        pointer:  [ {arrow} | botl | botr | bottom | circle | cross | crosshair | custom | fleur | hand | ibeam | left | right | top | topl | topr | watch ]
        renderer:  [ {opengl} | painters ]
        renderermode:  [ {auto} | manual ]
        resize:  [ off | {on} ]
        selected:  [ {off} | on ]
        selectionhighlight:  [ off | {on} ]
        selectiontype:  [ alt | extend | {normal} | open ]
        toolbar:  [ {auto} | figure | none ]
        units:  [ centimeters | characters | inches | normalized | {pixels} | points ]
        visible:  [ off | {on} ]
        windowstate:  [ fullscreen | maximized | minimized | {normal} ]
        windowstyle:  [ docked | modal | {normal} ]
>> gg = get(hf)
gg =

  scalar structure containing the fields:

    beingdeleted = off
    busyaction = queue
    buttondownfcn = [](0x0)
    children = -34.057
    clipping = on
    contextmenu = [](0x0)
    createfcn = [](0x0)
    deletefcn = [](0x0)
    handlevisibility = on
    hittest = on
    interruptible = on
    parent = 0
    pickableparts = visible
    selected = off
    selectionhighlight = on
    tag =
    type = figure
    userdata = [](0x0)
    visible = on
    alphamap =


    closerequestfcn = closereq
    color =

       1   1   1

    colormap =

       2.6700e-01   4.8743e-03   3.2942e-01
       2.7265e-01   2.5846e-02   3.5337e-01

    currentaxes = -34.057
    currentcharacter =
    currentobject = [](0x0)
    currentpoint =


    dockcontrols = on
    filename =
    graphicssmoothing = on
    innerposition =

       862    73   560   420

    integerhandle = on
    inverthardcopy = on
    keypressfcn = [](0x0)
    keyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
    menubar = figure
    name =
    number = 1
    nextplot = add
    numbertitle = on
    outerposition =

       862   104   560   472

    paperorientation = portrait
    paperposition =

       1.1129   3.1471   6.2743   4.7057

    paperpositionmode = auto
    papersize =

        8.5000   11.0000

    papertype = usletter
    paperunits = inches
    pointer = arrow
    pointershapecdata =

       1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
       1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1

    pointershapehotspot =

       1   1

    position =

       862    73   560   420

    renderer = opengl
    renderermode = auto
    resize = on
    resizefcn = [](0x0)
    selectiontype = normal
    sizechangedfcn = [](0x0)
    toolbar = auto
    units = pixels
    windowbuttondownfcn = [](0x0)
    windowbuttonmotionfcn = [](0x0)
    windowbuttonupfcn = [](0x0)
    windowkeypressfcn = [](0x0)
    windowkeyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
    windowscrollwheelfcn = [](0x0)
    windowstate = normal
    windowstyle = normal

>> ss = set(hf)
ss =

  scalar structure containing the fields:

    alphamap = {}(0x0)
    beingdeleted =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    busyaction =
      [1,1] = cancel
      [2,1] = queue

    buttondownfcn = {}(0x0)
    clipping =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    closerequestfcn = {}(0x0)
    color = {}(0x0)
    colormap = {}(0x0)
    contextmenu = {}(0x0)
    createfcn = {}(0x0)
    currentaxes = {}(0x0)
    deletefcn = {}(0x0)
    dockcontrols =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    filename = {}(0x0)
    graphicssmoothing =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    handlevisibility =
      [1,1] = callback
      [2,1] = off
      [3,1] = on

    hittest =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    innerposition = {}(0x0)
    integerhandle =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    interruptible =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    inverthardcopy =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    keypressfcn = {}(0x0)
    keyreleasefcn = {}(0x0)
    menubar =
      [1,1] = figure
      [2,1] = none

    name = {}(0x0)
    nextplot =
      [1,1] = add
      [2,1] = new
      [3,1] = replace
      [4,1] = replacechildren

    numbertitle =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    outerposition = {}(0x0)
    paperorientation =
      [1,1] = landscape
      [2,1] = portrait

    paperposition = {}(0x0)
    paperpositionmode =
      [1,1] = auto
      [2,1] = manual

    papersize = {}(0x0)
    papertype =
      [1,1] = <custom>
      [2,1] = a
      [3,1] = a0
      [4,1] = a1
      [5,1] = a2
      [6,1] = a3
      [7,1] = a4
      [8,1] = a5
      [9,1] = arch-a
      [10,1] = arch-b
      [11,1] = arch-c
      [12,1] = arch-d
      [13,1] = arch-e
      [14,1] = b
      [15,1] = b0
      [16,1] = b1
      [17,1] = b2
      [18,1] = b3
      [19,1] = b4
      [20,1] = b5
      [21,1] = c
      [22,1] = d
      [23,1] = e
      [24,1] = tabloid
      [25,1] = uslegal
      [26,1] = usletter

    paperunits =
      [1,1] = centimeters
      [2,1] = inches
      [3,1] = normalized
      [4,1] = points

    parent = {}(0x0)
    pointer =
      [1,1] = arrow
      [2,1] = botl
      [3,1] = botr
      [4,1] = bottom
      [5,1] = circle
      [6,1] = cross
      [7,1] = crosshair
      [8,1] = custom
      [9,1] = fleur
      [10,1] = hand
      [11,1] = ibeam
      [12,1] = left
      [13,1] = right
      [14,1] = top
      [15,1] = topl
      [16,1] = topr
      [17,1] = watch

    pointershapecdata = {}(0x0)
    pointershapehotspot = {}(0x0)
    position = {}(0x0)
    renderer =
      [1,1] = opengl
      [2,1] = painters

    renderermode =
      [1,1] = auto
      [2,1] = manual

    resize =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    resizefcn = {}(0x0)
    selected =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    selectionhighlight =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    selectiontype =
      [1,1] = alt
      [2,1] = extend
      [3,1] = normal
      [4,1] = open

    sizechangedfcn = {}(0x0)
    tag = {}(0x0)
    toolbar =
      [1,1] = auto
      [2,1] = figure
      [3,1] = none

    units =
      [1,1] = centimeters
      [2,1] = characters
      [3,1] = inches
      [4,1] = normalized
      [5,1] = pixels
      [6,1] = points

    userdata = {}(0x0)
    visible =
      [1,1] = off
      [2,1] = on

    windowbuttondownfcn = {}(0x0)
    windowbuttonmotionfcn = {}(0x0)
    windowbuttonupfcn = {}(0x0)
    windowkeypressfcn = {}(0x0)
    windowkeyreleasefcn = {}(0x0)
    windowscrollwheelfcn = {}(0x0)
    windowstate =
      [1,1] = fullscreen
      [2,1] = maximized
      [3,1] = minimized
      [4,1] = normal

    windowstyle =
      [1,1] = docked
      [2,1] = modal
      [3,1] = normal

Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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