bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #42561, gnuplot colors incorrect for 'demo...


bug #42561: gnuplot colors incorrect for 'demo trimesh'

Submitter:  Hartmut <hardy>
Submitted:  Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:08:39 PM UTC
Category:  Plotting with gnuplot Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect Result
Status:  Confirmed Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * dev Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Thu 14 Dec 2017 10:15:15 PM UTC, comment #28: 

Matlab is a bit vague about the case of "edgecolor" = "flat", but they say this

Use a different color for each edge based on the values in the CData property. First you must specify the CData property as a matrix the same size as ZData. The color value at the first vertex of each face (in the positive x and y directions) determines the color for the adjacent edges. You cannot use this value when the EdgeAlpha property is set to 'interp'.

I interpret the "first vertex of each face (in the positive x and y direction)" to mean the first vertex encountered when heading away from the origin.  So |-1| < |-2|.  This explains the OpenGL results just fine.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 14 Dec 2017 09:22:57 AM UTC, comment #27: 

OK, your meshtst.var example is great.  I substituted -x and -y for the input to mesh() and it suggests that the order relationship of amplitude of the position variables as opposed to the order of the position variables is what's used.  I.e.,

load meshtst.var
close all
graphics_toolkit fltk
figure ("colormap", [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
hm = mesh (-x, -y, z, cdata)
h2 = copyobj (1)
graphics_toolkit (h2, "gnuplot")
figure (1)
title ("FLTK");
figure (2)
title ("gnuplot");

That is, in this case |-1| < |-2| so it is the -1 position value that is used.  Also, it's still not 100% accurate.  Is it Euclidean distance, x^2 + y^2, that is used for comparison?   Or some other distance like sup-norm, |x| + |y|?

Why is it distance from the origin (regardless of the quadrant)?  My guess would be that Matlab thought such a definition would look good in the cases of plotting symmetric 2D functions, such as the sombrero and so many other quick yet interesting plots.  Otherwise the colors of the mesh/surface wouldn't be symmetric while the function is.  Of course, plotting a function symmetric about somewhere other than the origin would come out with nonsymmetric colors.

gnuplot toolkit is using lines with the "palette" setting for these color mesh plots.  There is no means of controlling the behavior of that.  However, the interesting thing is that there appears to be a new plot element for every line in the mesh.  (No wonder the gnuplot plots are somewhat sluggish to initially draw.)  That means I might be able to specify an RGB linecolor for individual lines rather than indicating to simply use the palette (i.e., colormap).  That opens the possibility for implementing this color blending algorithm in _gnuplot_draw_axes_.m and bypassing the palette altogether for mesh.

I'll look at this in the next few days.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Thu 14 Dec 2017 05:12:37 AM UTC, comment #26: 

For Matlab, and hence Octave, the vertex with smaller X and Y value sets the color of the segment.  I'm not sure which vertex gnuplot is using for color determination.  In the example given in comment #23 there are 4 vertices, but only 3 are used for coloring segments.

Vertex (1,1) : colors segments (1,1)->(1,2) and (1,1)->(2,1)
Vertex (2,1) : colors segment (2,1)->(2,2)
Vertex (1,2) : colors segment (1,2)->(2,2)

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 14 Dec 2017 04:22:16 AM UTC, comment #25: 

gnuplot is 1-based indexing, so the toolkit adds 1, otherwise it is the same scaling.  If one concentrates on the colors of the points of the mesh, they should be the same between OpenGL and gnuplot.  We can pick a different formula in gnuplot for blending colors, maybe one will be similar; or maybe it is the ordering of the points that needs to change.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Wed 13 Dec 2017 11:52:54 PM UTC, comment #24: 

We'll have to see how Matlab behaves, but Octave is calculating the index as

clim = caxis ();
num_colors = rows (colormap);
idx = @(x) fix (num_colors * (x - clim(1)) / (clim(2) - clim(1)))

The idx is a zero-based ranged so the idx is [0, num_colors-1].

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 13 Dec 2017 08:48:07 PM UTC, comment #23: 

I extracted the relevant segment of the mesh from the demo and created a simpler example.  The data and the file to run are attached.

The code in tst_bad_gnup_mesh.m is

load meshtst.var
close all
graphics_toolkit fltk
figure ("colormap", [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
hm = mesh (x, y, z, cdata)
h2 = copyobj (1)
graphics_toolkit (h2, "gnuplot")
figure (1)
title ("FLTK");
figure (2)
title ("gnuplot");

This uses a 3-color colormap of Red/Green/Blue so the difference is quite easy to see.  This might be round-off error.

(file #42645, file #42646)

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 13 Dec 2017 07:34:39 PM UTC, comment #22: 

@Dan: You're seeing the same thing I am, occasionally line segments are colored differently.  Since Matlab is based on OpenGL I think it will behave the same way that the FLTK and Qt toolkits do.

Could someone following this report, who has access to Matlab, try the following code and upload the resulting image?

load trimesh.var.mat
trimesh (tri, x(:), y(:), z(:));
saveas (gcf, 'trimesh.matlab.png')

(file #42644)

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Wed 13 Dec 2017 06:51:17 PM UTC, comment #21: 

I'm not seeing the drastic color difference you are seeing as given in your example fltk/gnuplot toolkit PNGs.  I'm attaching screenshots of what I'm seeing and the cyan color is dominant in both FLTK and gnuplot toolkits.

It could be that there is a difference between the gnuplot version you are using and the one I'm using.

So the differences I'm seeing are subtle, occasional differences in a color of a line.  I think that is due to the manner in which OpenGL and gnuplot choose (or is configured) to blend colors.  There are a half dozen or more ways to construct a color for an element when given the corner colors of a mesh.  For example, one could pick one of the corners of the mesh element, choose an average of all corners, so on.  See the very last example of the following page:


Do we want to go into that detail?  If so, we'd have to reference what Matlab is doing.  And then are we assured we can achieve the exact same behavior?  I mean, mesh element coloring has far more internal algorithms than the simpler construction of a color map.  We could pick this or that blending scheme for both OpenGL and gnuplot and still not get a perfect match (maybe we could, but going to such lengths would mean we might as well match what Matlab is doing as well).

Notice in the fltk_toolkit_trimesh_Screenshot_from_2017-12-13_12-27-44.png file that the title appears in the center of the plot, suggesting that  copyobj() didn't work completely correctly.  Are you seeing that?  If not, it might be an issue with a race condition of when items are updated versus callbacks or something.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Wed 13 Dec 2017 06:05:38 PM UTC, comment #20: 

After working on bug #52624, colors for trimesh objects seem to be nearly correct.  However, I think there may be an off-by-one error still present.  The following code shows the issue

close all
graphics_toolkit gnuplot
demo trimesh
colormap (jet (3));
h = copyobj (gcf);
graphics_toolkit (h, "fltk");

If you take a look at the figures you can see that, occasionally, one line segment will be a different color.  This might have to do with using fix(), floor(), ceil(), or round() in the color computations.  And I suppose it might also be a difference between single (OpenGL) and doubles (gnuplot).  But I'm guessing there is something in _gnuplot_draw_axes_.m.

I've added png images of the two trimesh plots.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2016 10:55:06 PM UTC, comment #19: 

According to the documentation for scatter3, it also uses 36 as the default size.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2016 09:43:57 PM UTC, comment #18: 

OK, I follow the logic on that: a marker alpha times wider looks alpha^2 times as massive.

Out of curiosity, what about scatter3() in 3D?  Conceptually, a marker could have volume meaning cube-root is in order, but of course the marker itself is a 2D object in a 3D world, and it is always facing the viewer.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Thu 08 Sep 2016 09:22:34 PM UTC, comment #17: 

The size simply changed definition.  Matlab uses the area of the marker as the size and this is measured in points.  The default is 36.  The actual marker size is sqrt (sizedata) or 6 points in the default case.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2016 09:14:30 PM UTC, comment #16: 

If this is "autosizing" concept (as the color argument seems to use automatic fit across the whole color map), should

scatter (1:100, 1:100, 10*ones(1,100))
scatter (1:100, 1:100, 100*ones(1,100))

these produce a similar size?

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Thu 08 Sep 2016 08:46:46 PM UTC, comment #15: 

I see the change.  Is the idea with that size argument that "autosizing" is applied, i.e., the numerical values don't necessarily translated to marker dimensions?  Some adjustment might be needed for gnuplot toolkit as it seems there isn't much granularity in the sizes or the size on the larger end of the spectrum is maybe now too small.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Thu 08 Sep 2016 08:35:04 PM UTC, comment #14: 

I checked in a change that at least gets visual conformance with Matlab scatter, although the performance problem is still unaddressed.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2016 08:06:16 PM UTC, comment #13: 

A "scatter" type.  That will simplify matters eventually...  I'll have a look at the color mapping problem.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Thu 08 Sep 2016 04:00:21 PM UTC, comment #12: 

I think this is a consequence of how Octave is trying to map to Matlab.  In Matlab, scatter produces a Scatter Group Series object.  In Octave, we use an hggroup that has the appropriate Scatter Group properties, but the internal implementation is done with patch objects since each scatter object could have a different size and/or color.  See http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/scatter.html and http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/scatterseries-properties.html.

scatter is very slow, probably as you say, because it has to create so many objects.  The function needs an overhaul for other reasons as well as it doesn't produce Matlab compatible results.  See bug #48873 where it is the last function that needs work.

Overhauling scatter promises to be a significant coding effort so I don't think it will happen before 4.2.

If there is a temporary fix for gnuplot that would be nice, otherwise it can be addressed when scatter is re-done.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Thu 08 Sep 2016 05:51:32 AM UTC, comment #11: 

This bug has come to my attention.  There's been a temporary fix for the gnuplot errors by forcing color values to be uint8 between 0 and 255.


Obviously the colors come out incorrect, and I think it is just a matter of mapping the color values to the proper range.  We've done some other types of mapping based on cmap and that sort of thing elsewhere.

I'd like to first ask a more general question about how this scatter plot sets up data.  I'm a bit surprised that markers go through the "patch" route.  I do:

[break after the second demo with filled circles]
kids = get(gca,'children')
grandkids = get(kids, 'children')
get(grandkids (1))

and these items all have 'tag' property 'patch'.  Is _scatter_.m choosing to do this because it is the only way for markers to have colors different for each marker?  (gnuplot can handle plotting markers as a function of color.)  The ramification of this is that scatter.m seems to be a very slow routine, regardless of toolkit, when all it is doing essentially is plotting a collection of markers.  (My guess is that there is some slowness associated with constructing all the plot elements and properties...is this an internal C routine or done as a script?)  I'm just trying to think if there is a way to speed things with a change in organization before altering the patch sub-code.

Dan Sebald <sebald>
Tue 06 Sep 2016 03:31:46 AM UTC, comment #10: 

With current tip

changeset:   22438:5a838a892adb
bookmark:    @
tag:         tip
user:        Kai T. Ohlhus <k.ohlhus@gmail.com>
date:        Mon Sep 05 09:49:33 2016 +0200
summary:     Use F77_INT* rather than int*.

Neither qt nor gnuplot seems to produce correct output

x = [-1, -1, 1, 0];
y = [-1, 1, 1, 0];
z = [0, 0.5, 0, 1];
tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:));
patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri, "FaceColor", "w");

(attached screenshots of both).
gnuplot 5.0.3 (qt terminal).


Dmitri A. Sergatskov <dasergatskov>
Tue 06 Sep 2016 03:11:18 AM UTC, comment #9: 

Re-titlling report.  The gnuplot backend now produces the mesh mor or less correctly, but the colors are wrong.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Mon 29 Jun 2015 05:54:59 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Here is a partial solution, according to comment #7. It
shows the mesh, but doesn't solve the problem with the colors
(overflow and underflows).

Please review. Thanks.

(file #34344)

Avinoam Kalma <avinoam>
Group Member
Wed 07 Jan 2015 10:09:53 PM UTC, comment #7: 


there are few problems with gnuplot plotting of trimesh,
like colormap problems, but according to gnuplot documentation,
pm3d plots surface, and trimesh should plot only the mesh.
To get trimesh working, two lines should be changed

   fputs (plot_stream, "set pm3d implicit;\n");
(line 1407) should not be written  but
   fputs (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit;\n");

and line 679 "sprintf ("with pm3d");" should be (for mesh only!)
"sprintf ("with lines");"

These changes will not solve the problem shown in comment #6,
but show the mesh lines in demo trimesh


Avinoam Kalma <avinoam>
Group Member
Tue 17 Jun 2014 01:57:08 PM UTC, comment #6: 

I tried to create a minimalistic example which shows the problem:

close all
graphics_toolkit gnuplot
x = [-1, -1, 1, 0];
y = [-1, 1, 1, 0];
z = [0, 0.5, 0, 1];
tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:));
patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri, "FaceColor", "w");

Shouldn't this draw a line where the 2 faces are connected (as with fltk)?

colorspec = sprintf ("lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"",round (255*color));

sometimes over- or undeflows

Andreas Weber <andy1978>
Group Member
Tue 17 Jun 2014 01:18:37 PM UTC, comment #5: 

This is because values of 'color' in go_draw_axes_.m, line 908 (default) is sometimes greater than 255 or negative.

Stefan Mahr <dac922>
Tue 17 Jun 2014 12:33:32 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Just some thoughts:

... with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b239310";
line 1294: not recognized as a color name or a string of form "#RRGGBB"

I don't understand where this 5byte hexadecimal color comes from. The alpha channel has been introduced in CVS gnuplot 4.7 and will be part of the 5.0 release (http://gnuplot.info/ReleaseNotes_5_0_rc1.html) so it's possible to use rgb '#AARRGGBB"

Andreas Weber <andy1978>
Group Member
Tue 17 Jun 2014 10:55:06 AM UTC, comment #3: 

I can confirm this issue on linux mint 14 (based on the same version of ubuntu as the OP).
On mac, with octave 3.6.4 or 3.8.0 and gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 4 (from fink) the problem doesn't occur (even though the resulting patch is essentially white).

Pantxo Diribarne <pantxo>
Group Member
Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:33:11 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I use Gnuplot 4.6.1-1 (package 4.6.1-1~precise1 from the standard repository of Ubuntu 12.04)

And this is the error message I get as result of the demo trimesh in octave 3.8.1:

1>> demo trimesh
trimesh example 1:
 colormap ('default');
 old_state = rand ('state');
 restore_state = onCleanup (@() rand ('state', old_state));
 rand ('state', 10);
 N = 10;
 x = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N);
 y = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N);
 z = peaks (x, y);
 tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:));
 trimesh (tri, x(:), y(:), z(:));

gnuplot> splot "-" using 1:2:3:4 title "" with pm3d , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-3000-10" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#08-3000" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#060239" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#0602-5" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#514308" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" withlines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#5112108" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000lt 1 lc rgb "#445ee66d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#0c0800" ,"-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#0c0820" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-8008-38" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-8008-30" ,"-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-80-39-30" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1a12108" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b20239" ,"-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b202-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000lt 1 lc rgb "#-351-80-39" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-14-5-10" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-14-31-10" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-4202-42" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-42-57-42" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-42-5702" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-7000-42" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-70-57-42" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1-7000" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1-70-137" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#974342" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#70d5ee66d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#70d97156" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb"#3b45143" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#3b470d66d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#3b49743" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#3b470d97" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3)title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#99445ee" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#a915642" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#a9138156" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3)title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#16f0820" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#070c00" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb"#070c20" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#070042" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#07a942" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#07a920" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-227-1569" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#0c0100" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#0c-1569" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#40b239" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#40b21b8" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-706-1523-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-463-70-137" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-463-137-434" , "-" binary format='%float64'record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1lc rgb "#-272-1-15" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-227-15" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" withlines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-137-434" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-1-137" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-1310-434" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-1310-828" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lineslinewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-272-227-828" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-3-1-15" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30000" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30000" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-3-100" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30c00" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30c-15" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1613-1310-828" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1613-706-1523" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#11315642" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1139742" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#11397156" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#6e470d5ee" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#6e4138156" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#6e470d156" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30451121" , "-" binaryformat='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#3043b451" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#3043b466d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-190-35145" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1909945" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-190-80-38" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-190-351-80" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" withlines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#cd9944" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#cd4511f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#cd9945" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b6a920" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b6a9138" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b616f20" , "-"binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#b616f138" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2e408-38" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2e416f08" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2e4-190-38" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000lt 1 lc rgb "#2e4995ee" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2e4-19099" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#12d1a121" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#080c01" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#080c69" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" withlines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1d1a01" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1d0801" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49-2271cb" ,"-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#492b11f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#76401b8" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#76451b8" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#76-35145" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#162b21b8" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#162b2-457", "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#162-706-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1624511f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#162451b8" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1624911f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#16249-706" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-25202-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-252-5702" , "-" binaryformat='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1184-1310-434" , "-" binary format='%float64'record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1lc rgb "#-1184-1613-1523" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-1184-1613-1310" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2eb304121" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49d2e416f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49d16f138" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49d6e4138" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49d6e45ee" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#49d2e45ee" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#4612d1a" , "-"binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#4612d64" , "-" binary format='%float64'record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1lc rgb "#461d1a" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#460864" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#461d08" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-769-227-828" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-76949-227" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-769-1613-828" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-769-1613-706" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-76949-706" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-88-351-39" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-88-31-10" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lcrgb "#-88-30-10" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-88-39-30" , "-"binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-307640" , "-" binary format='%float64'record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1lc rgb "#-30-88-31" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30-14-31" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-300639" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-304039" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-3076-351" ,"-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30-88-351" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-3006-5" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-30-14-5" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-338-463-70" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-338-70-57" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-338-252-57" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-338-1523-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-338-252-457" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-827-463-434" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-827-1184-434" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title"" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-827-1184-1523" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-827-338-1523" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#-827-338-463" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#18b2eb304" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#18b4466d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#18b30466d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1b211997" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title ""with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1b26997" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1b2-22769" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#1b2-2271cb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#8011997" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#8011964" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#806997" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#800869" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#800864" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#eb18b2eb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title ""with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#eb18b44" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#23931012d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#23912d64" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#23911964" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2391b2119" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#2391b21cb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30d2eb121" , "-" binaryformat='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30d12d121" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30d31012d" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#03eb44" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#03eb2b" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#032b11f" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#03cd11f" , "-" binaryformat='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#03cd44" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b30d310" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30beb2eb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b30d2eb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b491cb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b492b" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30beb2b" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b2391cb" , "-" binary format='%float64' record=4 using ($1):($2):($3) title "" with lines linewidth 0.500000 lt 1 lc rgb "#30b239310" ;
2>>                                                              ^
         line 1294: not recognized as a color name or a string of form "#RRGGBB"

         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?�B����ݿ�W^?8�@qw���?���v�����]۷�@�e��+�?���v�����]۷�@�e��+�?qtc{w��B�Y���@�j�\��?���rL
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?���v�����]۷�@�e��+�?�#�[����9��+:�
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?�B����ݿ�W^?8�@qw���?���kރ�?w�)Y@�l�D>�?���kރ�?w�)Y@�l�D>�?@Hֈ}N�?^�ĶN@YQ,��?�B����ݿ�W^?8�@qw���?���kރ�?w�)Y@�l�D>�?���kރ�?w�)Y@�l�D>�?@Hֈ}N�?^�ĶN@YQ,��?���rL
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?���kރ�?w�)Y@�l�D>�?`ͺ�+�ɿ�Z P�?�'
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �`ͺ�+�ɿ�Z P�?�'
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �qtc{w��B�Y���@�j�\��?���rL
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?`ͺ�+�ɿ�Z P�?�'
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �`ͺ�+�ɿ�Z P�?�'
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �?vBm�F�@Q��}�r�?`ͺ�+�ɿ�Z P�?�'
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �d�<-1)�?.[f����?��
         line 1294:

gnuplot> �@�\��w�?#���8@�����T�?ǽ�
         line 1294: invalid character

gnuplot> �@d�<-1)�?.[f����?��
         line 1294: invalid character

         line 1294: invalid character

gnuplot> �@d�<-1)�?.[f����?��
         line 1294: invalid character

         line 1294: invalid character

gnuplot> �@`�G3�����r���?�m��▒���`y�C���`��Iz^�?%�▒-���h��3Rs��0�"M��?W�Φ8�?`�G3�����r���?�m��▒���`�G3�����r���?�m��▒�翸

Hartmut <hardy>
Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:14:20 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Please add the error message verbatim and the gnuplot version. I can't see an error message an my system.

Andreas Weber <andy1978>
Group Member
Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:08:39 PM UTC, original submission:  

Here is how to reproduce the error:

demo trimesh

Instead of the expected figure window with a funny 3D plot, you'll get several pages of error messages from gnuplot.

The trimesh demo works fine with fltk. But the gnuplot errors are still there with the octave version 3.8.2-rc1.

I've observed this under Linux, but I assume it'll be the same for other operating systems.

Hartmut <hardy>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #42645:  meshtst.var added by rik5 (369B - application/octet-stream)
file #42646:  tst_bad_gnup_mesh.m added by rik5 (227B - text/x-matlab)
file #42644:  trimesh.var.mat added by rik5 (7KiB - application/octet-stream)
file #42639:  trimesh.gnuplot.png added by rik5 (42KiB - image/png)
file #42640:  trimesh.fltk.png added by rik5 (47KiB - image/png)
file #38433:  gnuplot503.png added by dasergatskov (23KiB - image/png)
file #38434:  qt.png added by dasergatskov (19KiB - image/png)
file #34344:  bug42561.cs added by avinoam (3KiB - text/plain)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by sebald (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by dasergatskov (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by rik5 (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by mtmiller (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by avinoam (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by dac922 (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by pantxo (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by andy1978 (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by hardy (Submitted the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.

    Only group members can vote.


    Follow 14 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2017-12-13 rik5 Attached File- Added meshtst.var, #42645
        Attached File- Added tst_bad_gnup_mesh.m, #42646
    2017-12-13 rik5 Attached File- Added trimesh.var.mat, #42644
    2017-12-13 sebald Attached File- Added fltk_toolkit_trimesh_Screenshot_from_2017-12-13_12-27-44.png, #42642
        Attached File- Added gnuplot_toolkit_trimesh_Screenshot_from_2017-12-13_12-26-24.png, #42643
    2017-12-13 rik5 Attached File- Added trimesh.gnuplot.png, #42639
        Attached File- Added trimesh.fltk.png, #42640
    2016-09-06 dasergatskov Attached File- Added gnuplot503.png, #38433
        Attached File- Added qt.png, #38434
    2016-09-06 rik5 StatusPatch Submitted Confirmed
        Release3.8.1 dev
        Summarygnuplot error on &quot;demo trimesh&quot; gnuplot colors incorrect for 'demo trimesh'
    2016-02-28 mtmiller StatusNone Patch Submitted
    2015-06-29 avinoam Attached File- Added bug42561.cs, #34344

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