bugThe GNU Hurd - Bugs: bug #17132, project's GPG key ring


bug #17132: project's GPG key ring

Submitter:  Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Submitted:  Mon 17 Jul 2006 09:39:45 AM UTC
Category:  Meta Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Originator Name: 
Open/Closed:  Open Reproducibility:  None
Size (loc):  None Planned Release:  None
Effort:  0.00
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Mon 17 Jul 2006 09:39:45 AM UTC, original submission:  

10:09 < tschwinge> Hm.  Why does the "Hurd keyring" <URL:https://savannah.gnu.org/project/memberlist-gpgkeys.php?group=hurd> contain the following keys:
10:10 < tschwinge> gpg: key 70771FF3: public key "Mandrake Linux <mandrake@mandrakesoft.com>" imported
10:10 < tschwinge> gpg: key 22458A98: public key "Mandrake Linux Security Team <security@mandrakesoft.com>" imported
10:10 < neal> no idea.
10:10 < neal> I'd never even seen that page before.
10:11 < tschwinge> Do you know those people (that are also in the keyring):
10:11 < tschwinge> gpg: key 5E08EE03: public key "Akihiro MATSUSHIMA <amatsus@jaist.ac.jp>" imported
10:11 < tschwinge> gpg: key C8485BFC: public key "Mohit Agarwal <mohit@m-net.arbornet.org>" imported
10:11 < neal> no.
10:11 < tschwinge> s/that/who/
10:11 < Jeroen> neal: I guess it's new
10:11 < tschwinge> Hm.
10:11 < Jeroen> and they didn't fix the bugs yet :-)

Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Group administrator


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