bugThe GNU Hurd - Bugs: bug #17128, fifos not going away


bug #17128: fifos not going away

Submitter:  Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Submitted:  Mon 17 Jul 2006 09:31:46 AM UTC
Category:  Hurd Servers Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  Confirmed Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  antrik Originator Name: 
Open/Closed:  Open Reproducibility:  Every Time
Size (loc):  None Planned Release:  None
Effort:  0.00
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Mon 04 Jul 2016 09:36:25 AM UTC, comment #3: 

I cannot reproduce this bug with hurd 1:0.8.git20160522-4, libc0.3 2.22-13, and gnumach 2:1.7+git20160607-1 from Debian.  I tried to reproduce it this way, all commands as root:

ps -e | grep fifo    # showed two /hurd/fifo processes
mkfifo horhor
sh -c 'ls -l horhor' # showed that it's a pipe
sh -c 'cat horhor'   # blocked, so I hit ^C
ps -e | grep fifo    # showed three /hurd/fifo processes
rm horhor
ps -e | grep fifo    # showed the original two /hurd/fifo processes

I expected that, if the bug had not been fixed, there would have been three /hurd/fifo processes at the end.

Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <kon>
Tue 30 Aug 2011 04:53:57 PM UTC, comment #2: 

IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-07-24

    [mkfifo F; rm F]
    < braunr> even after the node is removed, the translator remains
    < braunr> interesting
    < antrik> braunr: I suspect that like other files, named pipes stay around
      after unlinked if they still have users
    < antrik> we might have some bug that makes the fifos stay around even if
      there aren't any users anymore...
    < braunr> antrik: yes
    < antrik> most active translators generally stay around until a timeout is
      reached, even if they don't have users. this probably makes sense for
      some kinds of translators; but for most, I actually consider it a
    < antrik> or at least the timeout should be much much shorter
    < antrik> (a few seconds rather than minutes)
    < antrik> also, I guess all translators should go away immediately if
      neither user nor control ports are open anymore -- in this case it's
      simply impossible that they will be used again
    < braunr> this should be the case here
    < braunr> so it must be a bug
    < antrik> well, presently the translators simply don't have such a
      mechanisms... more of a missing feature than a bug
    < braunr> really ?
    < antrik> I guess this is actually a pretty good task for me to work
      on... I already understand most of the relevant mechanisms (I believe);
      it's not too involved coding-wise; and it would be a major improvement
    < braunr> :)
    < antrik> braunr: at least I don't remember seeing anything for that in any
      of the translators I looked at... though admittedly I haven't studied
      this specific area extensively
    < braunr> it must be in a hurd library

Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Jul 2011 08:11:55 AM UTC, comment #1: 
Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Group administrator
Mon 17 Jul 2006 09:31:46 AM UTC, original submission:  

11:00 <abeaumont> tschwinge: you're not connected in clubber, but there're some processes you own working, named /hurd/fifo
11:00 <abeaumont> is there a problem with them?
11:03 <tschwinge> abeaumont: No, those a just some FIFO processes.
11:04 <tschwinge> Are there any problems with those?
11:08 <tschwinge> abeaumont: Such a process is spawned if you e.g. run `screen'.  But now, don't ask me why the old ones don't go away...
11:09 <abeaumont> tschwinge: heh, that's the point, whether there's a bug anywhere
11:10 <tschwinge> Might be.
11:10 <tschwinge> One could have a look at [hurd]/trans/fifo.c and try to figure out.

Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge>
Group administrator


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    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2011-08-30 tschwinge StatusNone Confirmed
        Assigned toNone antrik
    2011-07-25 tschwinge ReproducibilityNone Every Time

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