bugPSPP - Bugs: bug #56459, Thousands separators are sometimes...


bug #56459: Thousands separators are sometimes dropped from display.

Submitter:  John Darrington <jmd>
Submitted:  Sat 08 Jun 2019 05:23:54 AM UTC
Category:  Output Driver Severity:  3 - Ordinary
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  None
Effort:  0.00
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Sun 09 Jun 2019 10:23:26 PM UTC, comment #1: 

It seems to me that it's doing what you asked, by limiting the width to 8 columns: when a value won't fit in the width, the formatting code discards group separators.

To always include group separators, use the maximum width, for example DOT40.2 in this case.

If this behavior differs from what SPSS does in a similar situation, then we should change PSPP to match.  (For example, maybe SPSS always assumes the maximum width?)

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator
Sat 08 Jun 2019 05:23:54 AM UTC, original submission:  

Run the following syntax:

data list notable list /a.
begin data.
end data.

set FORMAT DOT8.2.

descriptives /variables =all /statistics=all.

In the resulting table, some of the statistics are correctly displayed with thousands separators.  For example, the mean "6.790,11".  However others are missing eg the Sum: "13580,23"

John Darrington <jmd>
Group administrator


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