bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #47818, Octave


bug #47818: Octave

Submitter:  Ezequiel Gaona <snd>
Submitted:  Sun 01 May 2016 07:00:53 PM UTC
Category:  Interpreter Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect Result
Status:  Duplicate Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  SnD Open/Closed:  * Closed
Release:  * 4.0.1 Operating System:  * Microsoft Windows
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
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Mon 02 May 2016 01:18:03 AM UTC, comment #3: 

This is basically bug #31080, which was reported a long time ago and has a lot more discussion on it, so I'm going to close this as a duplicate, but please add your comments there.

The root problem is probably related to the directory timestamp, and ignore_function_time_stamp only operates on known function files, not new ones.

Mike Miller <mtmiller>
Group Member
Sun 01 May 2016 07:05:11 PM UTC, comment #2: 

A workaround that works:

fid = fopen ("C:\example\foo.m", "wt");
fputs (fid, "function foo ()\n disp (\"This is function foo.\");\nendfunction\n");
fclose (fid);
fn = str2func ("foo");
fn ()

Ezequiel Gaona <snd>
Sun 01 May 2016 07:01:38 PM UTC, comment #1: 

ups... forgot to fill the title :S

Ezequiel Gaona <snd>
Sun 01 May 2016 07:00:53 PM UTC, original submission:  

This works:

fid = fopen ("foo.m", "wt");
fputs (fid, "function foo ()\n  disp (\"This is function foo.\");\nendfunction\n");
fclose (fid);
fn = str2func ("foo");
fn ()

This doesn't:

fid = fopen ("C:\example\foo.m", "wt");
fputs (fid, "function foo ()\n  disp (\"This is function foo.\");\nendfunction\n");
fclose (fid);
fn = str2func ("foo");
fn ()

That is because Octave doesn't refresh the functions in others directories, only the current path.

This is something that rehash would fix... right?

This fails too:

fid = fopen ("foo.m", "wt");
fputs (fid, "function foo ()\n  disp (\"This is function foo.\");\nendfunction\n");
fclose (fid);
fn = str2func ("foo");
fn ()

Using ignore_function_time_stamp doesn't fix it:

fid = fopen ("foo.m", "wt");
fputs (fid, "function foo ()\n  disp (\"This is function foo.\");\nendfunction\n");
fclose (fid);
fn = str2func ("foo");
fn ()

If I wait a while (like 1 min or something like that), I can do the str2func and works fine.

(Windows, no packages installed, octave 4 clean)

Maybe #35771 is related.

Ezequiel Gaona <snd>


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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2016-05-02 mtmiller Dependencies- Depends on bugs #31080
    2016-05-02 mtmiller Dependencies- Depends on bugs #35771
    2016-05-02 mtmiller StatusNone Duplicate
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed

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