bugPSPP - Bugs: bug #24574, Decimal point behavior in data...


bug #24574: Decimal point behavior in data import not so great

Submitter:  Ben Pfaff <blp>
Submitted:  Thu 16 Oct 2008 03:55:02 AM UTC
Category:  Graphical User Interface Severity:  5 - Average
Status:  None Assigned to:  blp
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  Future
Effort:  0.00
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Thu 03 Nov 2011 05:41:59 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Jeremy Lavergne <jeremy@lavergne.gotdns.org> passed along this comment from "Patrick Noué" <patrick.noue@umontreal.ca>:

>just forgot to mention that importiation of CSVs isn't right the first
>time in PSPP.
>The first issue is minor, and could well be classified under
>"ergonomics" than a bug per se. The column coming out as "VAR001" has
>to be selected as "DOT", with "2 decimal places". Point is, LibreOffice
>outputs CSV according to locale, including commas as decimal separators
>and no thousands separators. As worldwide usage of dot and comma as
>decimal separators is roughly half-and-half, and that CSV format
>doesn't store that info, it may be useful to add a "use comma as
>decimal separator" case on the "separators" choice panel, especially
>since I preferred to use the tab as column separators.
>Also, the "SUJET" column, despite containing mostly numbers, isn't
>numeric. Can PSPP default to "String" when more than one character type
>is detected?
>In both case, the goal is to avoid creating voids which may be
>difficult to detect afterwards. When a variable type is wrongly
>detected, all the file must be re-imported, which is awkward.
> The joined file is quite small, but I'm actually wary of what would
>have happened if I had to process 7000-lines x 30 columns of raw data
>in PSPP. Checking such a large file by hand would be impossible.

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator
Thu 16 Oct 2008 08:15:13 AM UTC, comment #1: 

From a user point of view I would like an addition radio button int he import screens to choose between dot and comma for the import. The default should be the system default.

BTW I checked this situation with openoffice and this makes also a mess of it. :-) I didn't see a nice solution there either.

Harry Thijssen <unknown_one>
Thu 16 Oct 2008 03:55:02 AM UTC, original submission:  

unknown-1 <pspp@sjpaes.nl> writes the following:

> Situation 1:
> Syntax screen:
>  set decimal=comma.
> Then Import Delimited Text Data. The data:
> "var3";"var4"
> 7,88;89
> 5,3;6,2
> In choose separators unmarked  Comma and marked Semicolon.. Continue and
> things work fine.
> Situation 2:
> Syntax screen:
>  set decimal=dot.
> Then Import Delimited Text Data. The data:
> "var3";"var4"
> 7,88;89
> 5,3;6,2
> In choose separators unmarked  Comma and marked Semicolon.. Continue and
> things are messed up.
> Situation 3:
> Syntax screen:
>  set decimal=comma.
> Then Import Delimited Text Data. The data:
> "var1";"var2"
> 7.88;89
> 5.3;6.2
> Continue (semicolon is already marked) and things are messed up.
> Situation 4:
> Syntax screen:
>  set decimal=dot.
> Then Import Delimited Text Data. The data:
> "var1";"var2"
> 7.88;89
> 5.3;6.2
> Continue (semicolon is already marked) and things work fine.

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator


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