taskThe GNU Hurd - Tasks: task #1417, Screensaver support


task #1417: Screensaver support

Submitter:  Marcus Brinkmann <marcus>
Submitted:  -
Category:  Console Should Start On:  Mon 16 Sep 2002 10:00:00 PM UTC
Should be Finished on:  Mon 16 Sep 2002 10:00:00 PM UTC Priority:  * 5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  marco_g Percent Complete:  75 (Error - Not Found)
Open/Closed:  Open Planned Release:  None
Effort:  8.00
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Sat 26 Jul 2003 02:26:28 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The interfaces and generic code have been written. DPMS blanking has been done partially.

Marco Gerards <marco_g>
Group Member
-, original submission:  

Writing an interface and an implementation of a screen saver in libcons and/or the console client.  What is the best interface for this?  How does DPMS work for monitor blanking?

Marcus Brinkmann <marcus>
Group administrator


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