patchThe GNU Hurd - Patches: patch #2508, ext2fs support for large store...


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patch #2508: ext2fs support for large store (> 1.5G)

Submitter:  Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Submitted:  Wed 21 Jan 2004 01:00:33 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  6
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Closed
Planned Release:  None
Wiki-like text discussion box: 

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Sun 28 Aug 2016 11:32:07 PM UTC, comment #18: 

Indeed, thanks for the triaging!

Samuel Thibault <sthibaul>
Group administrator
Sun 28 Aug 2016 11:21:20 PM UTC, comment #17: 

Commit ea4802bc0975218544cb447df37b704f60ef2fde "Large store support for ext2fs" was made on 2013-09-16 and it is based on this patch.  I think this could be closed now.

Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <kon>
Tue 03 Apr 2007 12:07:24 AM UTC, comment #16: 

Ooops, sorry, I must be sleepy. The assertion is ok.

Mon 02 Apr 2007 10:44:22 PM UTC, comment #15: 

There is a strange assert:

  assert (! (disk_cache_info[index].flags & DC_DONT_REUSE & ~DC_UNTOUCHED));

DC_UNTOUCHED includes DC_DONT_REUSE, so DC_DONT_REUSE & ~DC_UNTOUCHED will actually always be 0 (and hence the assertion always succeed).

Mon 15 Mar 2004 10:25:05 AM UTC, comment #14: 

Debian packages for patched Hurd (with RC1+20040304) and patched e2fsprogs can be downloaded using this apt source:

deb ./

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 10 Mar 2004 06:00:35 PM UTC, comment #13: 
Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 10 Mar 2004 05:57:25 PM UTC, comment #12: 

Marco Gerards wrote:

> (default pager): dropping data_request because of previous paging errors
> Perhaps this has something to do with forgetting to put swap in
> /etc/fstab after installing this system, but it should not happen
> because I have 390MB RAM.  Please test this.  I have used bonnie++ for
> this (it is in debian).

After searching with google, it seems that it's highly probable that the missing swap is the reason[1].  Another possible reason is bad sectors.


Anyway, I'll definately try bonnie++ before releasing RC2.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Mon 08 Mar 2004 02:42:55 PM UTC, comment #11: 

M. Gerards wrote:

> Quoting Ognyan Kulev <>:
>>* sleep(1) is called only when all cached blocks are referenced
>>(improves performance).
> Oh, nice.  But is it possible to use conditions instead of sleep?  Or
> at least sleep shorter?

condition... This sounds good.  I'll try it.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Thu 04 Mar 2004 02:18:27 PM UTC, comment #10: 

Changes in RC1+20040304:

  • ihash* -> hurd_ihash* (use revised libihash API)
  • block << log2_block_size -> (off_t) block << log2_block_size (`block' is usually 32-bit and stores larger than 4G didn't work with old code)
  • sleep(1) is called only when all cached blocks are referenced.

There are some other minor changes.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 25 Feb 2004 07:02:55 PM UTC, comment #9: 

Marco Gerards wrote:

> Right, I forgot about the pokels.  But I missed the rationale behind
> flushing all the pages with ref. count zero.  I understand why it
> has to be zero, I just do not understand why you have to flush all
> instead of just a few.
> Perhaps I just read over the text, can you please point me to it?

I meant this (about peeking all pages because of the Mach bug):

"It's true that with large disk
cache, e.g. 512M, this potentially will re-read the whole cache from
disk.  But if we reach this point, the microkernel is telling us that
all is already read :-)"

Obviously this is not directly related to your questions (why not flush just some pages, not all), so there is no "rationale" behind this case.

Now I agree that flushing just some pages is always better idea.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 25 Feb 2004 08:36:33 AM UTC, comment #8: 

Marco Gerards wrote:

> disk_pager_read_page removes the RC_MAPPING bit from the flags and
> notices the disk_cache_wait_remapping that it is safe to continue.
> But you broadcast the condition before removing the bit.  I think this
> can cause some problems, what do you think?

You're right, but this has no practical sequences, because condition_wait will continue after unlocking of disk_cache_lock in disk_pager_read_page.  See below.  Anyway, I'll change this (swap broadcast and clearing the flag) in RC2.

> How about the loop that touches all pages?  I read touch as writing,
> does it make pages dirty?  If that happens it is not acceptable.  when
> it reads in a page that was evicted it is just an unfortunate waste of
> resources but ok for me (but I do not think everyone will agree with
> me).  Better fix it in Mach.

Here "touch" is used as "peek".  Il'l change that too.

And, really, Mach should be fixed.  But I don't have time resource to do this, and Mach code is famous for being unpleasent to read.

> When there are no pages free you just throw the entire cache away (if
> I understand it correctly).  I do not like this because this can be
> one of the main factors that will slow down someone's computer.  Isn't
> it possible to ask Mach to evict 10 pages (for example)?  Mach usually
> knows better which pages should be evicted.  If that is not possible
> you can just evict 10 pages (10 was randomly chosen) and evict the
> non-dirty pages first.

In the text, there is some rationale behind flushing all pages with reference count zero.  Dirty pages are not flushed, because they have refcount > 0.  (Dirty pages are always in some pokel or are synced before deref.)

There is another way for fine-grained flushing of pages. disk_cache_hint cycles through whole cache and is used for finding unreferenced block which is not in core (i.e. evicted).  So next 5-10 unreferenced blocks after disk_cache_hint can be flushed (pager_return_some) and another try can be made.  Synchronization between pager_notify_pageout and disk_cache_map is not clear to me right now, though.  I'll try to implement it for RC2.

> There is some possible locking problem:
> The call disk_cache_wait_remapping is called with disk_cache_lock
> locked.  The condition in disk_pager_read_page is broadcasted while
> disk_cache_lock is locked too.

This is by design.  condition_wait unlocks the lock and waits.  When condition is broadcasted, it locks the lock again, potentially blocking the thread.  In our case, this will make disk_cache_wait_remapping to wait until disk_pager_read_page unlocks disk_cache_lock.

> Please be really careful with a global lock like disk_cache_lock.  It
> cannot make it hard to prevent deadlocks, it can slow ext2fs down
> too.  I do not know if there is another way though.

Yes, but in our case I see no way to avoid it too.

> Have you fixed the bug I reported BTW?

No, unfortunately I still haven't found time for debugging   But this is something that must be fixed before RC2.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 25 Feb 2004 02:26:54 AM UTC, comment #7: 

Thanks a lot for your text.  It is really clear and useful to me.

There are a few possible problems I noticed:

disk_pager_read_page removes the RC_MAPPING bit from the flags and
notices the disk_cache_wait_remapping that it is safe to continue.
But you broadcast the condition before removing the bit.  I think this
can cause some problems, what do you think?

How about the loop that touches all pages?  I read touch as writing,
does it make pages dirty?  If that happens it is not acceptable.  when
it reads in a page that was evicted it is just an unfortunate waste of
resources but ok for me (but I do not think everyone will agree with
me).  Better fix it in Mach.

When there are no pages free you just throw the entire cache away (if
I understand it correctly).  I do not like this because this can be
one of the main factors that will slow down someone's computer.  Isn't
it possible to ask Mach to evict 10 pages (for example)?  Mach usually
knows better which pages should be evicted.  If that is not possible
you can just evict 10 pages (10 was randomly chosen) and evict the
non-dirty pages first.

There is some possible locking problem:
The call disk_cache_wait_remapping is called with disk_cache_lock
locked.  The condition in disk_pager_read_page is broadcasted while
disk_cache_lock is locked too.

What if you are waiting for the condition?  It can never be send
because when disk_pager_read_page is called ext2fs will deadlock.
Other that that I would not like to lock a loop that depends on an

Please be really careful with a global lock like disk_cache_lock.  It
cannot make it hard to prevent deadlocks, it can slow ext2fs down
too.  I do not know if there is another way though.

I also hope you will fix the other things you mentioned as possible
problems and not so beautiful things, for example that the pokels do
not call the disk_cache functions when it is shouldn't do that (like
you mentioned).

Have you fixed the bug I reported BTW?

Marco Gerards <marco_g>
Group Member
Thu 12 Feb 2004 08:31:25 AM UTC, comment #6: 

Marco Gerards wrote:

> Ognyan Kulev <> writes:
>> Marco Gerards wrote:
> No, it is not fixed.  It is just that the kernel determines the amount
> of mapped blocks (all individual mappings) and when which mapping
> should be removed.

This is the "next level".  I though about it: .  But we better focus on fixed size of cache, as changing to floating mapped blocks is not trivial task.

>> It's just that: GNU Mach is instructed to notify us about evicted
>> pages, but it doesn't.  This is not rare case.  The code above is
>> work-around. It first touches all pages and then synces them all.
>> Fortunately this seems to always work.
> Does this problem cause any problems for currently use ext2fs?

No, because current ext2fs doesn't need notification on evicting page. This seems to happen only on precious clean pages and on eviction sometimes Mach "forgets" to notify us although they are marked as precious.  Current ext2fs doesn't rely on precious pages in any way.

>> The "starving" happens when all blocks are in use.  That is, each
>> block has reference count > 0 and it can't be replaced.  So the best
>> we can hope of is to wait for some other thread to release block.
> Ok, I understand.  Thinking of this (the amount of threads and the
> amount of blocks that will be referenced by just one thread) it will
> be very unlikely that this will ever happen.
> Because this rarely happens it would be wise to test this (perhaps by
> setting DISK_CACHE_BLOCKS to a lower value?).  Did this ever happen
> while you were testing it?

Usually I run with DISK_CACHE_BLOCKS=20.  The minimum seems to be around 10-15.  Below that it's impossible to compile large source like Hurd's.  The uploaded patch has DISK_CACHE_BLOCKS=100, but it should be largened, of course.

So yes, on low values (10-15) I observed this "starving" and depending on what you are doing, you either enter endless loop, or the sleep does its job and ext2fs continues.

> I am thinking if it is possible to prevent this from happening
> completely.  I will come back to this later.

Probably the starving can't be avoided.  And the other case, when no evicted page is found, will be very, very rare when cache is 512M (for example).

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 11 Feb 2004 08:22:29 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Marco Gerards wrote:

> Something I have noticed is that there is a disk_cache_blocks. I do
> not understand why you have that. You can easily map in every page and
> let GNUMach decide to evict the page (like Neal proposed). But before
> I can say more about it I can better wait for your reply.

Do you mean to map (all metadata at fixed location) and (all indirect blocks), and to not care about reusing pages for different blocks?

> The same is true for pokels. They are there to keep track of all th
> metadata in memory so you can write it easely to disk when syncing. I
> assume you have datastructures for your cache that hold this
> information as well, do you still need the pokel stuff? Well, perhaps
> I am misunderstanding something about pokels or your patch (because I
> do not fully understand it yet, give me a bit more time for that :)).

I'm writing description of the patch, but I'm still at introduction yet.  Anyway, you can see part of the style of the description in . (This link is temporary.)  I hope to finish it in couple of days.  And again: currently there isn't much information this text.

> Some things I have noticed so far:
>       /* XXX: Touch all pages.  It seems that sometimes GNU Mach
>          "forgets" to notify us about evicted pages.  */
>       for (vm_offset_t i = 0; i < disk_cache_size; i += vm_page_size)
>         (volatile char )(disk_cache + i);
> Why do you need that? What happens when it isn't used?

It's just that: GNU Mach is instructed to notify us about evicted pages, but it doesn't.  This is not rare case.  The code above is work-around.  It first touches all pages and then synces them all.  Fortunately this seems to always work.

> And doesn't this mean al pages get dirty??

With small cache, after some time, yes.  Some pages are evicted, but Mach doesn't tell us.  And the count of these pages increases slowly.

> In disk_cache_map:
>   bptr = ihash_find (disk_cache_bptr, block);
>   if (bptr)
>       ...
>       return bptr;
>     }
> Personally I would use "return 0" here.

"if (bptr)" means that bptr != 0, so the code is correct.

> In the same function I see this code:
>       if (pending_end >= 0)
>         pager_return_some (diskfs_disk_pager,
>                            pending_begin * vm_page_size,
>                            (pending_end - pending_begin) * vm_page_size,
>                            1);
>       else
>         printf ("ext2fs: disk cache is starving\n");
>       /* Give it some time.  This should happen rarely.  */
>       sleep (1);
> I'm not that happy with this.  Can you explain when it happens (I
> guess when you run out of cache?) and how sleeping fixes it.

The "starving" happens when all blocks are in use.  That is, each block has reference count > 0 and it can't be replaced.  So the best we can hope of is to wait for some other thread to release block.

The non-starving case is when there are some blocks with reference count == 0, but none of them is evicted.  So the "for" is to sync and flush all these potential candidates for replacement.  Although pager_return_some (..., 1) (sync+flush with waiting) is used, sleep (1) is executed again.  In theory, this is not needed.  I'll remove it (for the non-starving case) in RC2 and test it.

> I see some function calls that is enabled in the debugging
> code. Please make sure the code works the same when debugging is of
> like it works when it is on. (So, have you tested with debugging off?)

I don't remember if I try it with debugging off.  So this is one more note before releasing RC2

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Sat 07 Feb 2004 08:07:43 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Thanks for your fast response.
(The sourcecode I copied into this reply is not really well formatted after copying, it seems)

Because you have tested it only on a 3GB partition I can do just the same.

About the ChangeLog patch, I think you can better leave it out. (I've included things like that, but now I notice a lot of noise can be annoying while reading patches)

Can you please describe how your patches work? I am familiar with how Neal proposed to fix it. So please describe the theory behind your patch and which function is doing that what you describe.

Because this patch it quite big and many people who don't have the time want to discuss it such explanation is important for acceptation of the patch. And such explanation will help me a lot while reading the patch.

Something I have noticed is that there is a disk_cache_blocks. I do not understand why you have that. You can easily map in every page and let GNUMach decide to evict the page (like Neal proposed). But before I can say more about it I can better wait for your reply.

The same is true for pokels. They are there to keep track of all the metadata in memory so you can write it easily to disk when syncing. I assume you have datastructures for your cache that hold this information as well, do you still need the pokel stuff? Well, perhaps I am misunderstanding something about pokels or your patch (because I do not fully understand it yet, give me a bit more time for that :)).

I think we can better discuss all this on the mailinglist. (because not everyone has a look at savannah and the mail notification to bug-hurd is broken)

Some things I have noticed so far:

      /* XXX: Touch all pages.  It seems that sometimes GNU Mach
         "forgets" to notify us about evicted pages.  */
      for (vm_offset_t i = 0; i < disk_cache_size; i += vm_page_size)
        (volatile char )(disk_cache + i);
Why do you need that? What happens when it isn't used?

And doesn't this mean al pages get dirty??

In disk_cache_map:

  bptr = ihash_find (disk_cache_bptr, block);
  if (bptr)
      return bptr;

Personally I would use "return 0" here.

In the same function I see this code:

      if (pending_end >= 0)
        pager_return_some (diskfs_disk_pager,
                           pending_begin * vm_page_size,
                           (pending_end - pending_begin) * vm_page_size,
        printf ("ext2fs: disk cache is starving\n");

      /* Give it some time.  This should happen rarely.  */
      sleep (1);

I'm not that happy with this.  Can you explain when it happens (I guess when you run out of cache?) and how sleeping fixes it.

I see some function calls that is enabled in the debugging code. Please make sure the code works the same when debugging is of like it works when it is on. (So, have you tested with debugging off?)

I hope you can explain the theory and reasoning about this all, but in the meanwhile I will continue to read the patch.

Marco Gerards <marco_g>
Group Member
Sat 07 Feb 2004 04:53:05 AM UTC, comment #3: 

> The changelogs can use some work AFAICS.  For example you notice when
> you add new local variables, I would not do this.

Hm, you're right I think.  I'll remove them.

  Another thing you

> do is:

> Add declaration for map_hypermetadata.
> (bptr_index): New macro.
> I have copied some of the context.  You should do the same for
> disk_cache_map, disk_cache_lock and whatever variables, functions and
> macros you add as you did for bptr_index.

At the time I wrote the changelog, I just treated declarations as different than definitions, but I suppose you're right about adding as the common style says.

> And I noticed you include the ChangeLog entries in the patch,
> personally I don't like this, also because you already included it.

The patch is in 3 parts.  The first part is the commit message, as used currently in the Hurd.  The second part is diff for changelogs only.  And the third part is diff for the code itself, without changelogs.  The extra diff for changelogs is just for convenience when applying the patch.

> I wanted to test the patch before reading it in detail, so I just
> did.

Great!  Not only reviews, but heavy testing is missing for this patch too!

> When I used it on a small partition it worked for me.  After
> that I made a 10GB partition in GNU/Linux, I put about 2.7GB of data
> on it.

The largest partition I ever used this patch is 3G.  Probably this has hidden some things from me.  Now I have 30G spare disk and I'll make tests on really large partitions.

> ext2fs.static.2: ../../hurd/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:330: boffs_ptr: Assertion
> `ptr' failed.

I thought this kind of fails is cleaned but obviously I'll need to test with really large partitions more.

> (I put the backtraces at the end of the mail)
> Perhaps I can debug this problem myself, but I am not promising
> anything. :)

Thank you for your efforts.  Next week (9-14.02) will be very busy for me but I'll try at least to keep communication.

>> The patch requires changes in libpager and I don't claim they've been
>> done in the best way.  For example, ABI compatibility of libpager is
>> broken by this patch.  Again, just specify what should be changed in
>> the patch.
> Is there any way to prevent breaking the ABI?

Adding new function that set flags for page(s) will prevent that.

>  And do you think the
> changes can be made in a better way?

I wanted to use pager_change_attributes, but the function is declared in such a way that adding a flag will again break ABI.  Generally, I'm not sure what libpager API changes are best.  So I prefer to leave that decision to more experienced people.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Sat 07 Feb 2004 04:26:02 AM UTC, comment #2: 

These comments are from Marco Gerards:

> Original Submission:  Finally, the patch is prepared to enter the Hurd.

This is good to hear.  My first impression of the patch was good (by
reading over it very quickly).

I have some comments so far, I will continue to read the patch and
test it later this weekend.

The changelogs can use some work AFAICS.  For example you notice when
you add new local variables, I would not do this.  Another thing you
do is:

        (DC_DONT_REUSE): Likewise.
        (struct disk_cache_info): New struct.
        Add declarations for disk_cache_bptr, disk_cache_info,
        disk_cache_lock and disk_cache_remapping.
        Add declarations for functions disk_cache_map,
        disk_cache_block_ref, disk_cache_block_ref_ptr,
        disk_cache_block_deref and disk_cache_block_is_ref.
        Add declaration for map_hypermetadata.
        (bptr_index): New macro.
        (boffs_ptr): Instead of macro, now it's inline function that uses

I have copied some of the context.  You should do the same for
disk_cache_map, disk_cache_lock and whatever variables, functions and
macros you add as you did for bptr_index.  If you are in doubt, just

And I noticed you include the ChangeLog entries in the patch,
personally I don't like this, also because you already included it.

I wanted to test the patch before reading it in detail, so I just
did.  When I used it on a small partition it worked for me.  After
that I made a 10GB partition in GNU/Linux, I put about 2.7GB of data
on it.  When I tried copying a directory to this partition an
assertion was triggered.  Here is some information that can hopefully
help you finding the problem:

ext2fs.static.2: ../../hurd/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:330: boffs_ptr: Assertion `ptr'

(I put the backtraces at the end of the mail)

Perhaps I can debug this problem myself, but I am not promising
anything. :)

> To have a chance RC3 or even RC2 to be committed, please don't stop
> reviewing the code at the first thing you don't like.  List precisely
> all things that need to be changed, so that number of release
> iterations is reduced.

Ok.  I will continue reading the patch and test it.  This is just what
I found so far.

> The patch requires changes in libpager and I don't claim they've been
> done in the best way.  For example, ABI compatibility of libpager is
> broken by this patch.  Again, just specify what should be changed in
> the patch.

Is there any way to prevent breaking the ABI?  And do you think the
changes can be made in a better way?


(gdb) bt
#0  0x080a5cbc in mach_msg_trap ()
#1  0x0807988a in mach_msg ()
#2  0x080e612d in msg_sig_post ()
#3  0x080b72d7 in kill_port.1 ()
#4  0x080b7425 in kill_pid.0 ()
#5  0x080b76cd in kill ()
#6  0x080b6de5 in raise ()
#7  0x08087ce6 in abort ()
#8  0x08083c70 in __assert_perror_fail ()
#9  0x0804d30c in ext2_alloc_inode (dir_inum=454274, mode=16877)
    at ../../hurd/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:342
#10 0x0804daa8 in diskfs_alloc_node (dir=0x814c090, mode=16877, node=0x0)
    at ../../hurd/ext2fs/ialloc.c:300
#11 0x0805cce5 in diskfs_create_node (dir=0x814c090, name=0x108df58 "doc",
    mode=16877, newnode=0x108be24, cred=0x814b1d8, ds=0x108bdfc)
    at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/node-create.c:52
#12 0x0805ee7b in diskfs_S_dir_mkdir (dircred=0x814b1d8, name=0x108df58 "doc",
    mode=16877) at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/dir-mkdir.c:57
#13 0x0805a0eb in _Xdir_mkdir (InHeadP=0x108df3c, OutHeadP=0x108bf3c)
    at fsServer.c:1753
#14 0x0805a93c in diskfs_fs_server (InHeadP=0x108df3c, OutHeadP=0x0)
    at fsServer.c:2679
#15 0x0805862a in diskfs_demuxer (inp=0x108df3c, outp=0x108bf3c)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/demuxer.c:40
#16 0x080719ed in internal_demuxer.0 ()
    at ../../hurd/libports/manage-multithread.c:101
#17 0x08079b1b in mach_msg_server_timeout ()
#18 0x08071ade in thread_function.1 ()
    at ../../hurd/libports/manage-multithread.c:136
#19 0x08070694 in cthread_body (self=0x8144d90)
    at ../../hurd/libthreads/cthreads.c:306

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x080a5cbc in mach_msg_trap ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0807988a in mach_msg ()
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x080e612d in msg_sig_post ()
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x080b72d7 in kill_port.1 ()
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x080b7425 in kill_pid.0 ()
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x080b76cd in kill ()
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x080b6de5 in raise ()
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x08087ce6 in abort ()
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x08083c70 in __assert_perror_fail ()
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x0804d30c in ext2_alloc_inode (dir_inum=454274, mode=16877)
    at ../../hurd/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:342
        bh = 0x17000 "\001"
        i = 40
        j = 0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        inum = 0
        gdp = (struct ext2_group_desc *) 0x8500
        tmp = (struct ext2_group_desc *) 0x0
#10 0x0804daa8 in diskfs_alloc_node (dir=0x814c090, mode=16877, node=0x0)
    at ../../hurd/ext2fs/ialloc.c:300
        err = 0
        sex = 0
        block = 0
        np = (struct node *) 0x108bdd4
        st = (struct stat *) 0x40000002
        inum = 4611686027017322496
#11 0x0805cce5 in diskfs_create_node (dir=0x814c090, name=0x108df58 "doc",
    mode=16877, newnode=0x108be24, cred=0x814b1d8, ds=0x108bdfc)
    at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/node-create.c:52
        np = (struct node *) 0x0
        err = ENOENT
        newuid = 135577744
        newgid = 135577744
#12 0x0805ee7b in diskfs_S_dir_mkdir (dircred=0x814b1d8, name=0x108df58 "doc",
    mode=16877) at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/dir-mkdir.c:57
        dnp = (struct node *) 0x814c090
        np = (struct node *) 0x0
        ds = (struct dirstat *) 0x108bdfc
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        error = 1073741826
#13 0x0805a0eb in _Xdir_mkdir (InHeadP=0x108df3c, OutHeadP=0x108bf3c)
    at fsServer.c:1753
        nameCheck = {msgt_name = 12, msgt_size = 8, msgt_number = 1024,
  msgt_inline = 1, msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}
        modeCheck = {msgt_name = 2, msgt_size = 32, msgt_number = 1,
  msgt_inline = 1, msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}
#14 0x0805a93c in diskfs_fs_server (InHeadP=0x108df3c, OutHeadP=0x0)
    at fsServer.c:2679
        RetCodeType = {msgt_name = 2, msgt_size = 32, msgt_number = 1,
  msgt_inline = 1, msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}
        routine = 0
#15 0x0805862a in diskfs_demuxer (inp=0x108df3c, outp=0x108bf3c)
    at ../../hurd/libdiskfs/demuxer.c:40
No locals.
#16 0x080719ed in internal_demuxer.0 ()
    at ../../hurd/libports/manage-multithread.c:101
No locals.
#17 0x08079b1b in mach_msg_server_timeout ()
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x08071ade in thread_function.1 ()
    at ../../hurd/libports/manage-multithread.c:136
No locals.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#19 0x08070694 in cthread_body (self=0x8144d90)
    at ../../hurd/libthreads/cthreads.c:306
        t = 0x8144d18

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 28 Jan 2004 06:36:01 AM UTC, comment #1: 

There is one more problem.  The Hurd can't work with files larger than 2G and e2fsprogs use file interface to access disks.  Although Hurd's file ABI is 64-bit, the implementation limits file interface to 32-bit.

In ext3fs home page, there is a patch for e2fsprogs to use libstore, but it's questionable if it should be send upstream.

So the problem remains.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member
Wed 21 Jan 2004 01:00:33 PM UTC, original submission:  

Finally, the patch is prepared to enter the Hurd.

To have a chance RC3 or even RC2 to be committed, please don't stop reviewing the code at the first thing you don't like.  List precisely all things that need to be changed, so that number of release iterations is reduced.

The patch requires changes in libpager and I don't claim they've been done in the best way.  For example, ABI compatibility of libpager is broken by this patch.  Again, just specify what should be changed in the patch.

Ognyan Kulev <ogi>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #7028:  ext2fs_20040304.diff added by ogi (73KiB - text/plain - RC1+20040304; See in comments for changelog)
file #6939:  ext2fs_20040219.txt added by ogi (22KiB - text/plain - Complete description of Release Candidate 1. It's good to be read along with the patch.)
file #6731:  ext2fs_20040121.patch added by ogi (92KiB - application/octet-stream - Release Candidate 1)


Depends on the following items: None found

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  • -email is unavailable- added by sthibaul (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by kon (Posted a comment)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2016-08-28 sthibaul StatusNone Done
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2004-03-04 ogi Attached File- Added ext2fs_20040304.diff, #2843
    2004-02-19 ogi Attached File- Added ext2fs_20040219.txt, #2752
    2004-01-21 ogi Attached File- Added ext2fs_20040121.patch, #2560
        Carbon-Copy- Added bug-hurd --AT-- gnu --DOT-- org

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