GNU Accounting Utilities - News: slowly but surely
slowly but surely
Item posted by CiarĂ¡n O Riordan <coriordan> on Wed 14 May 2003 01:04:59 AM UTC.
On the 17th, I'll be giving a talk "Software Patents in Europe: TODO", in Aston University in Birmingham (England). Research for this talk is monopolising my time but I think it's well worth it.
To tide people over, I've imported the code files into Savannah's CVS repository. The build system is still missing, I'll get this up next week.
Add a comment to this forum if you have any comments. I haven't tested the accounting utils under Linux 2.5 yet, Alan Cox made a reference to some changes to the process accounting (32bit uids), I'll take a proper look at this when I get a chance.
Ciaran O'Riordan
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