bugGNU Octave - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Item Group':

Field Description: Characterizes the nature of the item (e.g. Crash Error, Documentation Typo, Installation Problem, etc

Open Items

None 154/1848 8%
Regression 75/1848 4%
Segfault, Bus Error, etc. 42/1848 2%
Unexpected Error or Warning 151/1848 8%
Missed Error or Warning 34/1848 2%
Incorrect Result 316/1848 17%
Inaccurate Result 60/1848 3%
Build Failure 52/1848 3%
Installation Failure 20/1848 1%
Documentation 85/1848 5%
Performance 77/1848 4%
Matlab Compatibility 288/1848 16%
Undocumented Matlab 1/1848 0%
WTF, Matlab?!? 7/1848 0%
Feature Request 388/1848 21%
Other 98/1848 5%


All Items

None 1373/12461 11%
Regression 883/12461 7%
Segfault, Bus Error, etc. 889/12461 7%
Unexpected Error or Warning 815/12461 7%
Missed Error or Warning 112/12461 1%
Incorrect Result 2800/12461 22%
Inaccurate Result 354/12461 3%
Build Failure 843/12461 7%
Installation Failure 265/12461 2%
Documentation 666/12461 5%
Performance 278/12461 2%
Matlab Compatibility 1216/12461 10%
Undocumented Matlab 7/12461 0%
WTF, Matlab?!? 26/12461 0%
Feature Request 1158/12461 9%
Other 776/12461 6%


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