bugGNU roff - Bugs: bug #64466, [ms] poorly diagnosed diversion...


bug #64466: [ms] poorly diagnosed diversion error

Submitter:  Dave <barx>
Submitted:  Mon 24 Jul 2023 02:27:01 PM UTC
Category:  Macro package ms Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  Warning/Suspicious behaviour Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Planned Release:  None
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Fri 04 Aug 2023 07:11:40 PM UTC, comment #1: 

original submission:

> There was no follow-up on the list, and while the error text has improved a bit since 1.20.1, the second error is still not as helpful as the first, and it seems (says someone who has never looked at the ms code) a simple enough condition to detect earlier (presuming .KS can't legally nest).

It apparently can.

$ cat EXPERIMENTS/nested-keep.ms
.pl 20v
This my keep.
Now I'm nesting.
I'm gonna put a bunch of lines on the output to force a page break.
.nr i 0 1
.while (\n[i] < 20) \n+[i]
How is this working out?
Are we okay?
$ nroff -ms EXPERIMENTS/nested-keep.ms|cat -s



This my keep.


Now I’m nesting.
I’m gonna put a bunch of lines on the output to force a page break.




How is this working out?
Are we okay?


Also, there is more than one cause of diversions.  They're used for cover sheet information and footnotes, too.  So when I revised the diagnostic messages I found it difficult to improve on the (new) status quo.


> Reordering the lines has a similar effect to the one Doug observed:

> $ sed -n '1p; 2h; 3{p;g;p}; 4p' test.ms | groff -ms > /dev/null
> s.tmac: error: diversion open while ejecting page (last file seen: <standard input>) (recovering)

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Mon 24 Jul 2023 02:27:01 PM UTC, original submission:  

Reported by Doug McIlroy, some time ago (http://lists.gnu.org/r/bug-groff/2011-03/msg00012.html).

$ cat test.ms
$ groff -ms test.ms > /dev/null
s.tmac:test.ms:3: error: .KF while diversion open (recovering)
$ sed s/KF/KS/ test.ms | groff -ms > /dev/null
s.tmac: error: diversion open while ejecting page (last file seen: <standard input>) (recovering)

There was no follow-up on the list, and while the error text has improved a bit since 1.20.1, the second error is still not as helpful as the first, and it seems (says someone who has never looked at the ms code) a simple enough condition to detect earlier (presuming .KS can't legally nest).

Reordering the lines has a similar effect to the one Doug observed:

$ sed -n '1p; 2h; 3{p;g;p}; 4p' test.ms | groff -ms > /dev/null
s.tmac: error: diversion open while ejecting page (last file seen: <standard input>) (recovering)

Dave <barx>
Group Member


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