bugGNUstep - Bugs: bug #37036, releasing already released object...


bug #37036: releasing already released object when closing EOModelEditor

Submitter:  Sebastian Reitenbach <buzzdee>
Submitted:  Sun 05 Aug 2012 09:56:26 PM UTC
Category:  gdl2 Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Bug Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 17 Jan 2013 05:22:42 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I am able to reproduce this problem. My feeling is that it is related to the way Renaissance loads and frees its toplevel objects (see GSMarkupWindowController). But I can see no issue in that code. I cannot even tell, whether this is a gui, renaissance or gdl2 bug.

Did anybody ever tests gdl2 on Cocoa? Does this work? And why don't we get an error when the window is closed?

Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer>
Group Member
Sun 05 Aug 2012 09:56:26 PM UTC, original submission:  

gdl2 from svn, together with gnustep core latestes releases I get:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

when I close EOModeleditor.
I need to have the Model Window open, when I quit EOModelEditor. When the window is closed already, then everything is fine.

running with NSZombieEnabled=YES EOModelEditor
I see:
2012-08-05 23:55:52.709 EOModelEditor[27307] * -[NSWindow release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x8649c704

Sebastian Reitenbach <buzzdee>
Group Member


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