bugGNUstep - Bugs: bug #16262, GScups Generate Invalid font Names


bug #16262: GScups Generate Invalid font Names

Submitter:  Charles Philip Chan <cpchan>
Submitted:  Tue 04 Apr 2006 07:02:05 AM UTC
Category:  Backend Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 09 Oct 2007 10:57:55 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Changed category to backend

Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer>
Group Member
Thu 22 Feb 2007 07:19:35 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I can confirm this is a problen in GSStreamContext in -back. I'm not a PostScript expert, but as far as I understand the issue, this is how it can be solved:

As far as I understand it, PostScript interpreters usually only understand the fonts Helvetica, Courier and Times. Looking at some LaTeX-generated PostScript-files, I found out that it's possible to include fonts in PostScript code. This seems to be pretty straightforward using pfb fonts (Search for pfb2ps in the code search engine of your choice), but is probably harder for TrueType fonts. (However, it's not impossible, since UNIX word processing applications seem to do it.)

A related problem is the improper glyph alignment in printed documents. This is caused by NSLayoutManager placing the individual glyphs based on the size of the glyphs as AppKit sees them. When both AppKit and the PostScript interpreter / printer

With the DPS-ish architecture, GNUstep is in theory a very good application framework for printing things. Unfortunately, small issues like this make printing unusable for real-world scenarios. Fixing this bug could be a pretty big step for a relatively small effort.

Günther Noack <guenthernoack>
Tue 25 Apr 2006 08:48:34 PM UTC, comment #2: 

FYI, this is from the PostScript generation class - back/Source/gsc/GSStreamContext.m

Adam Fedor <fedor>
Group administrator
Tue 25 Apr 2006 08:07:52 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Which GNUstep backend are you using and where do your fonts come from, if this is the art backend?

There seem to be name difference between the GNUstep backend font names and the Postscript font names, but I could not see, where the font traits would be left out by GNUstep.
The bad thing here is that each GNUstep backend has its own font name handling, we may need to fix more than one backend here.

Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer>
Group Member
Tue 04 Apr 2006 07:02:05 AM UTC, original submission:  

Hello all:

I am testing out printing in GNUstep with no success. After looking into the postscript files generated by gscups though gs, I found out that instead of outputing the font names, it is outputing the font family names. For example, NimbusSanL-Regu is generated as Nimbus Sans L and NimbusMonL-Regu is generated as Nimbus Mono L.


Charles Philip Chan <cpchan>


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