taskGNU Astronomy Utilities - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

Begin     Previous Results         200 matching items - Items 51 to 100         Next Results     End

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#15909 Query to SDSS data release 16 adrihp06 2021-03-03
#15907 book: add tips for developers on composing their 'texi' documentation 2021-02-28
#15901 Gnuastro autocompletion in Emacs 2021-02-05
#15896 Query ADS for astrophysics papers and paper metadata 2021-01-30
#15895 JSON support Postponed 2021-01-30
#15894 Query accept list of datasets to include or exclude 2021-01-27
#15893 match: the nearest neighbour in kdtree should calculate elliptical distances 2021-01-26
#15892 Search VizieR datasets that cover a certain location 2021-01-22
#15884 Add a column in the log file for equal matchings in Kd-tree matching 2021-01-16
#15878 SDSS RGB color conversion in ConvertType Postponed 2021-01-11
#15821 Option to copy full header keywords from input into output 2020-11-25
#15820 Labeled image showing pixels above half maximum 2020-11-24
#15819 Directly access Sesame server at CDS in Query 2020-11-23
#15813 book: Add a `developer-build' example in the `Developer' section 2020-11-19
#15810 Database access configured in configuration files 2020-11-13
#15806 Example commands for every operator in Arithmetic Postponed 2020-11-04
#15801 Point-based interpolation method for rebinning 2020-10-26
#15799 Add the autocomplete feature to gnuastro pedram 2020-10-25
#15798 Robust way to build the same quads from multiple catalogs In Progress 2020-10-25
#15784 Table add an ID column 2020-09-30
#15783 MakeCatalog minimum/maximum positions in WCS makhlaghi 2020-09-30
#15780 Query imaging databases 2020-09-26
#15774 Use libcurl to contact remote servers, not the curl executable Postponed 2020-09-14
#15767 Extinction calculators in Gnuastro 2020-08-30
#15762 Optional contour functionality to EPS/PDF output 2020-08-24
#15747 Finding WCS using pixel and celestial coordinates 2020-08-12
#15730 Installed scripts with Makefiles for parallel operations 2020-07-17
#15729 Warp on 3D cubes (at first 2D warp over third dimension) 2020-07-15
#15690 WCS distortion conversion only in the headers 2020-06-12
#15675 Make generic/modular GSL wrapper functions Postponed sks_15 2020-06-05
#15644 Tools for spectroscopic data reduction Postponed 2020-05-14
#15636 Warp image to a fixed center position, accounting for distortions sks_15 2020-05-11
#15631 Using IAU's SOFA libraries in Gnuastro 2020-05-08
#15570 Operator to group rows with special scaling 2020-03-05
#15555 Account for timezone in date strings in --datetosec 2020-02-22
#15468 Manage vector values inside tables 2019-11-18
#15417 Implementing flag --noblanks in wcs 2019-10-17
#15391 Crop removing extra (1-element) dimensions Postponed 2019-09-14
#15278 Better autoconf checks for libraries Postponed 2019-05-17
#15266 MakeCatalog measuring curve-of-growth Postponed 2019-05-01
#15245 weight-mean operator in astarithmetic 2019-04-25
#15241 Program to aid in observations (making altitude plots and sorting targets) Postponed 2019-04-17
#15198 Specificifying directory for memory-mapped files Postponed 2019-02-28
#15194 Animated SVG demos of Gnuastro in action In Progress 2019-02-25
#15193 Fits program sort many files based on keyword value Postponed 2019-02-25
#15181 Libcurl for optimal download of only the necessary bytes Postponed 2019-02-14
#15156 Programs as library functions Postponed makhlaghi 2019-01-17
#15138 Color command-line output Postponed 2018-12-31
#15136 Debian's Lintian warnings Postponed 2018-12-28
#15123 RGB to HSV converter Postponed 2018-12-17

Begin     Previous Results         200 matching items - Items 51 to 100         Next Results     End

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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