GNU Octave - Patches: patch #8607, New module h5read to read/write...
patch #8607: New module h5read to read/write HDF5 files
Follow 21 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2023-07-17 | mmuetzel | Dependencies | - | patch #10323 is dependent | |
2023-07-16 | philipnienhuis | Carbon-Copy | - | Added philipnienhuis | |
2023-07-16 | mmuetzel | Attached File | - | Added patch8607-h5read-dldfcn-20230716.patch, #54932 | |
Status | None | In Progress | |||
2018-11-18 | philipnienhuis | Category | None | Core : new feature | |
2018-07-17 | philipnienhuis | Attached File | - | Added patch_8607_h5read_20180718.cset, #44573 | |
2018-05-29 | saturn | Carbon-Copy | - | Added saturn | |
2018-01-03 | ederag | Attached File | - | Added patch_8607_h5read_18103ba.patch, #42815 | |
2018-01-03 | ederag | Attached File | - | Added patch_8607_h5read_18103aa.patch, #42802 | |
2016-12-05 | philipnienhuis | Attached File | - | Added patch_8607_h5read_20161205.patch, #39154 | |
2016-11-18 | mtmiller | Dependencies | - | bugs #44153 is dependent | |
2015-11-20 | mhirsch | Carbon-Copy | - | Added mhirsch | |
2015-06-01 | stegrobt | Carbon-Copy | - | Added stegrobt | |
2015-03-21 | ederag | Carbon-Copy | - | Added ederag | |
2015-03-04 | stegrobt | Attached File | - | Added h5read.anothercheck.patch, #33245 | |
2015-02-24 | stegrobt | Attached File | - | Added h5read.nopermute.patch, #33172 | |
2015-02-20 | None | Attached File | - | Added h5read.fixnxm.patch, #33140 | |
2015-02-19 | None | Attached File | - | Added h5read.withouttabs.patch, #33135 | |
2015-02-19 | None | Attached File | - | Added h5read.withouttabs.patch, #33133 | |
2015-02-19 | None | Attached File | - | Added h5read.betterstyle.patch, #33132 | |
2015-02-19 | None | Attached File | - | Added h5read.patch, #33129 |
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