bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #66651, control package, MIMO systems...


bug #66651: control package, MIMO systems wrong created C matrix for state space representation using ss

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 10 Jan 2025 12:07:22 PM UTC
Category:  Octave Package Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  Fixed Assigned to:  ttl
Originator Name:  Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  * Closed Release:  * 7.1.0
Operating System:  * GNU/Linux Fixed Release:  None
Planned Release:  None
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Sun 19 Jan 2025 12:39:09 PM UTC, comment #5: 

I have revised the algorithm for computing a state space representation from a transfer function with this commit: https://github.com/gnu-octave/pkg-control/commit/9b4481b280829d6dbfd98cf312dd688b176015bb . The new algorithm uses an automated "manual" composition and looks for a minimal realization afterwards. The results of your example and other systems are as expected.

The new method will be included in the upcoming release 4.1.1. of the control package.

Thanks again for reporting the issue and providing the example.

Torsten Lilge <ttl>
Group Member
Sat 11 Jan 2025 12:10:15 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Thanks for the code, now I see the problem. From your original post, where you were referring to a wrong C Matrix, I supposed that only the structure of the state space representations were different.

There are obviously some numerical issues for systems of this order. I will think about an improved method for ss().

Torsten Lilge <ttl>
Group Member
Fri 10 Jan 2025 09:55:24 PM UTC, comment #3: 

i tried the provided code and it is still not working, i provide code with the correct step response using manual transformation to MIMO so you can test and make ss more robust

pkg load control
pkg load signal

t=u1y1 =        tf([  4.74972290301299  0.0962858385264363  0.000679935548113776  3.72643701613439e-07  ],[  1  0.0207380329272262  0.000358651716393651  1.53426197558325e-06  1.60694141834117e-09  ]);

t=u1y2 =               tf([  -2.11493904790791e-05  -3.98828140784831e-07  -1.66475746406136e-08  -1.83748125520122e-10  -3.17372735779801e-12  -1.51387201191368e-14  -7.95515361277902e-18  ],[  1  0.0237440013869291  0.00093839286173024  1.36557230877558e-05  2.17818987171716e-07  1.82722920274503e-09  5.29889671308072e-12  4.97347909522557e-15  ]);

t=     u2y1=             tf([  0.0337260175091407  0.414338784602062  0.00343501567979344  0.00132279342826428  8.05249078940347e-06  1.39424444953855e-06  5.51151054539321e-09  5.10115766190411e-10  9.91853470677749e-13  2.88997553994485e-14  ],[  1  0.153889837566522  0.00677224375967168  0.000548671957421157  1.41722799246167e-05  6.85514842206994e-07  1.19614786183711e-08  3.46611370329274e-10  3.77280525883548e-12  5.76999094807308e-14  2.00325109640768e-16  ]);

t=   u2y2 =             tf([  -1.48787383837688e-06  -3.24705706205277e-08  -6.54751170609613e-10  -7.46171917997884e-12  ],[  1  0.0134226252067825  0.000316273404177729  2.74708154815059e-06  5.9854886873292e-09  ]);

t=u3y1 =        tf([  -8318.14771695403  -1005.17247836674  -69.388714502427  -2.13567218084595  -0.057214617650067  -0.00051673284923126  -5.21707731497307e-06  -3.10877494268659e-09  ],[  1  0.127298409756932  0.0105061762139007  0.000356618210494435  1.16880708107467e-05  1.51741412632152e-07  2.05485336227224e-09  2.72630351738011e-12  ]);

t=u3y2 =       tf([  6.58550303958022e-07  1.12032568300048e-06  4.84240826234966e-08  2.06589443851401e-09  3.25197618527417e-11  2.6086983962496e-14  ],[  1  0.0340866722611228  0.0019478738998518  3.09342222656595e-05  4.969573841421e-07  2.19170977290605e-09  2.86190017229284e-12  ]);

%tf matrix
sys=[u1y1 u2y1 u3y1 ;
u1y2 u2y2 u3y2];

sys_ss=ss(sys);%non working ss

%SISO ss

%manual transform to MIMO ss
A_ss = blkdiag(A_u1y1, A_u2y1, A_u3y1, A_u1y2, A_u2y2, A_u3y2)
B_ss = [ blkdiag(B_u1y1, B_u2y1, B_u3y1) ; blkdiag(B_u1y2, B_u2y2, B_u3y2) ]
C_ss = blkdiag([C_u1y1, C_u2y1, C_u3y1] , [C_u1y2, C_u2y2, C_u3y2])
D_ss = [D_u1y1, D_u2y1, D_u3y1 ; D_u1y2, D_u2y2, D_u3y2 ]

close all
step(s)%correct step response

%provided code

# Similarity trnasformation
[T, lambda] = eig (sys_ss.a);
A = inv(T)*sys_ss.a*T;
B = inv(T)*sys_ss.b;
C = sys_ss.c*T;
# Set very small values to 0 (finite
# numerical accuracy) for a nicer output
A(abs(A)<1e-12)= 0
B(abs(B)<1e-12)= 0
C(abs(C)<1e-12)= 0

step(s)%incorrect step response

Fri 10 Jan 2025 08:32:20 PM UTC, comment #2: 

There exists an indefinite number of state space representations with identical transfer function. You are expecting a diagonal form. You can try to transform the result of ss() into a diagonal form by

# Similarity trnasformation
[T, lambda] = eig (sys_ss.a);
A = inv(T)*sys_ss.a*T;
B = inv(T)*sys_ss.b;
C = sys_ss.c*T;
# Set very small values to 0 (finite
# numerical accuracy) for a nicer output
A(abs(A)<1e-12)= 0
B(abs(B)<1e-12)= 0
C(abs(C)<1e-12)= 0

However, this method is only possible for systems with single eigenvalues.

Could you please try this and report back whether you get the expected results? The order of non-zero entries in B and C might differ because the order of the subsystems in A follows the magnitude of their eigenvalues.

Torsten Lilge <ttl>
Group Member
Fri 10 Jan 2025 06:15:42 PM UTC, comment #1: 

> ... i dont have access to your source code ...

Au contraire, you do. Octave is an OSS project, remember?  :-)
You can type 'which ss' in the octave command window; it'll tell you where the file ss.m can be found, and if you do 'edit ss' you'll have the source code in the editor.

Starting from https://packages.octave.org, the source code of 'ss' with all its helper functions is easily found:

control package repository:


Turns out to be an 'old-style' class, but ss.m is here:

Philip Nienhuis <philipnienhuis>
Group Member
Fri 10 Jan 2025 12:07:22 PM UTC, original submission:  

thanks for the control package

i have a MIMO system like this, where u1y1 u2y1 etc are transfer functions:

sys=[u1y1 u2y1 u3y1 ;
u1y2 u2y2 u3y2];


this results in the wrong state space representation of the system, i dont have access to your source code but from the result of your function it seems the C matrix is created wrongly

it should be created like this:


A_ss = blkdiag(A_u1y1, A_u2y1, A_u3y1, A_u1y2, A_u2y2, A_u3y2)
B_ss = [ blkdiag(B_u1y1, B_u2y1, B_u3y1) ; blkdiag(B_u1y2, B_u2y2, B_u3y2) ]
C_ss = blkdiag([C_u1y1, C_u2y1, C_u3y1] , [C_u1y2, C_u2y2, C_u3y2])
D_ss = [D_u1y1, D_u2y1, D_u3y1 ; D_u1y2, D_u2y2, D_u3y2 ]



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