bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #65734, some bar plot updates don't...


bug #65734: some bar plot updates don't properly update axes and labels

Submitter:  Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Submitted:  Mon 13 May 2024 05:16:33 PM UTC
Category:  Plotting Severity:  2 - Minor
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect Result
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * 9.1.0 Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Mon 13 May 2024 05:16:33 PM UTC, original submission:  

while writing bar/barh tests for bug #65671, i came upon a few cases where changes to bar data do not trigger needed updates to axes properties:

1) changing to horizontal results in incorrect yaxis ticks/labels
h = bar (2:4);
set (h, 'horizontal', 'on');

result should be identical, or close too h = barh(2:4).  vertical axis ticks/labels are not updated however, leaving a number of intermediate values.  see attached figure comparing both for octave 9.1.0 and matlab. (results are independent of the pending patch for bug #65671)

2) changing xdata moves the bars but fails to update xlim and xticks to match:

hf = figure(); hax = axes('parent',hf);
h = bar (hax, 2:4);
set (h, 'xdata', [3:5]')  # stored vert, but horiz no difference
set (hax, 'xlim', [2.5 5.5]);

as shown in the figure next to a matlab comparison, setting xdata fails to update xlim to show the bars, and even with a manual xlim the new xaxis ticks/lables have not been created.

since changing xdata calls h= bar () again, not sure why the axis setting isn't occurring along with it.

will be writing up xtest BISTs to capture these along with tests for bug #65671. then will give these a look after that one's finished.

Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Group Member


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Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #56041:  bar+xdatachange.PNG added by nrjank (42KiB - image/png)


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    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-05-13 nrjank Summarysame bar plot updates don't properly update axes and labels some bar plot updates don't properly update axes and labels
    2024-05-13 nrjank Attached File- Added bar+horizotal_yaxistickslabels.PNG, #56040
        Attached File- Added bar+xdatachange.PNG, #56041

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