bugfindutils - Bugs: bug #65283, Misleading statement, I believe


bug #65283: Misleading statement, I believe

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 09 Feb 2024 08:12:46 PM UTC
Category:  documentation Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  jay
Originator Name:  Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  None
Fixed Release:  4.10.0
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Fri 17 May 2024 08:49:54 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Fixed in git.

Example: The output of "locate foo" would include /home/james/foo/bar
while the output of "find /home -name foo" would not.

James Youngman <jay>
Group administrator
Fri 09 Feb 2024 08:12:46 PM UTC, original submission:  

"The differences are that the locate information might be out of date, and that locate handles wildcards in the pattern slightly differently than find (see Shell Pattern Matching)."


I checked the section Shell Pattern Matching and I absolutely see no difference among locate and find.

Maybe the writer thinks to

locate pattern

where pattern does not contain wildcards, but this has already been explained just above line 651.



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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-06-01 berny Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        Fixed ReleaseNone 4.10.0
    2024-05-17 jay Severity3 - Normal 2 - Minor
        StatusNone Fixed
        Assigned toNone jay

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