bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #64446, Sparse QR segfaults with...


bug #64446: Sparse QR segfaults with SuiteSparse 7 on 32-bit architectures

Submitter:  Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Submitted:  Wed 19 Jul 2023 07:05:47 AM UTC
Category:  Octave Function Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Segfault, Bus Error, etc.
Status:  Confirmed Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Closed
Release:  * 8.2.0 Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Fri 04 Aug 2023 05:53:58 PM UTC, comment #12: 

Thank you for putting some weight on the issue.

Closing this as an upstream problem.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 02 Aug 2023 04:41:30 PM UTC, comment #11: 

SuiteSparse upstream has committed a fix that, according to my testing, fixes the present issue:

No change in Octave source code is needed.

So the present bug report can be closed now, or when there is a new SuiteSparse release, as you prefer.

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Fri 21 Jul 2023 08:08:04 AM UTC, comment #10: 

commentaire #9 :

> comment #8:
> > You mean there may be conversions between integer types and pointer types within SuiteSparse? That would indeed be a rather serious design issue.
> Yeah. I tried to point that out multiple times since SuiteSparse 6 was released. But upstream didn't react on that point ever since...

Indeed at this point I don’t really understand why the 64-bit SPQR doesn’t work on 32-bit architectures. The Octave code seems to do the right thing (i.e. convert integers to SuiteSparse_long, which is now int64_t). So the problem seems internal to SPQR/CHOLMOD, and that would indeed be consistent with an integer-to-pointer conversion issue. Adding a 32-bit SPQR will not solve that (though of course it will provide a solution for 32-bit Octave).

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Fri 21 Jul 2023 08:00:18 AM UTC, comment #9: 

comment #8:

> You mean there may be conversions between integer types and pointer types within SuiteSparse? That would indeed be a rather serious design issue.

Yeah. I tried to point that out multiple times since SuiteSparse 6 was released. But upstream didn't react on that point ever since...

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Fri 21 Jul 2023 07:34:30 AM UTC, comment #8: 

commentaire #7 :

> I'm not 100% sure either about the extent of the breakage. But I believe that something is going wrong if the indexing type is larger than `sizeof(void*)`.

You mean there may be conversions between integer types and pointer types within SuiteSparse? That would indeed be a rather serious design issue.

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Thu 20 Jul 2023 07:48:04 AM UTC, comment #7: 

Thank you for pointing to those additional changes. I pushed them to the stable branch here:

I'm not 100% sure either about the extent of the breakage. But I believe that something is going wrong if the indexing type is larger than `sizeof(void*)`.

When SuiteSparse will provide SPQR functions that use 32-bit integers for indexing, we'll likely need to adapt Octave's code to start using those. But we'll likely need to wait until a version of SuiteSparse with those additional functions will be released.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Jul 2023 01:16:02 PM UTC, comment #6: 

As a temporary solution, I’ve disabled SPQR usage for 32-bit architectures in Debian.

Note that I had to apply the following patch to make it compile, that you probably want in the hg repository:

I’m not sure I understand your last point about the extent of the breakage. For sure there is an ABI change in many suitesparse functions for 32-bit architectures, but that’s normally not a problem if the source code uses the correct types. Anyways, that discussion is probably off-topic for the present bug report (but I’d still be interested in understanding it better, perhaps in another venue).

Also, my understanding is that suitesparse upstream is working on a fix for this issue (providing a 32-bit SPQR flavour). Maybe that will call for a change in the Octave source code to make use of it. Feel free to either close the present bug report, or to keep it open to track this issue until a proper fix is on the way.

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Wed 19 Jul 2023 11:53:21 AM UTC, comment #5: 

Also be aware when switching to the SuiteSparse 7:
It's not only SPQR that is affected. For all libraries, the `_l_` interface is not usable on 32-bit platforms afaict. By `_l_` interface I mean the part of the API that used to use `long` but is now using `int64_t` for indices. Most of those functions contain `_l_` in their name.
Other libraries have most functions in variants that use either `int32_t` or `int64_t`. For those libraries, "only" half the interface is unusable on 32-bit platforms.
SPQR is "more affected" because it only has an interface using `int64_t`.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Jul 2023 10:21:44 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Realized after hitting the "Submit" button that my comment was unclear on the first affected version:
SPQR from SuiteSparse 5 or earlier can be used on 32-bit platforms.
SPQR from SuiteSparse 6 or later can't be used on 32-bit platforms.

(That is at least my current understanding.)

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Jul 2023 10:19:22 AM UTC, comment #3: 

My understanding is that SPQR from SuiteSparse after version 6 is unusable on 32-bit platforms. I don't think there is anything that Octave can do about this.

The only solution that I can see if you need to use SuiteSparse 7 is to not use SPQR on 32-bit platforms.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Jul 2023 07:36:35 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately pinning SuiteSparse to version 5 on some architectures is not an option for Debian.

I’m afraid this is a blocker for Debian. Unless someone provides a real fix, the only “solution” that I can think of is to disable the use of SPQR by Octave on 32-bit architectures, but maybe this will have unintended consequences.

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>
Wed 19 Jul 2023 07:22:53 AM UTC, comment #1: 

> Note that between SuiteSparse 5 and 7, the SuiteSparse_long type has changed on 32-bit architectures. It used to be a long (i.e. 32-bit), and it is now an int64_t (i.e. 64-bit). I don’t know if that is related to the issue. There is however already some code in sparse-qr.cc to deal with the different possible sizes of SuiteSparse_long, so maybe this is a red herring.

That is likely the cause of the issue. IIUC, that change causes those libraries from SuiteSparse that don't have an explicit interface for 32-bit integers to become unusable on 32-bit platforms. (I might be wrong though).
See also this report for SuiteSparse:

For the SuiteSparse libraries distributed by MSYS2, this was "resolved" by pinning SuiteSparse to version 5 for 32-bit:

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Jul 2023 07:05:47 AM UTC, original submission:  

Debian is currently transitioning to SuiteSparse 7, and the Octave 8.2.0 testsuite now fails on 32-bit architectures.
See for example:

More precisely, there is now a segmentation fault in the tests for the “qr” function. The segfault is triggered at line 523 of liboctave/numeric/sparse-qr.cc. I attach a backtrace obtained by running “test qr” on i386.

Note that in Debian, Octave 8.2.0 has been patched to compile against SuiteSparse 7 (hg ID 134152cf1a3f has been backported).

I tried to reproduce the problem on the default branch, but unfortunately that branch fails to build on i386 for an unrelated reason (some issue around time_t types).

Note that between SuiteSparse 5 and 7, the SuiteSparse_long type has changed on 32-bit architectures. It used to be a long (i.e. 32-bit), and it is now an int64_t (i.e. 64-bit). I don’t know if that is related to the issue. There is however already some code in sparse-qr.cc to deal with the different possible sizes of SuiteSparse_long, so maybe this is a red herring.

Sébastien Villemot <svillemot>


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    2023-08-04 mmuetzel Open/ClosedOpen Closed
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    2023-07-19 svillemot Attached File- Added suitesparse7.log, #54939

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