bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #58464, [octave forge] (tisean) Failing...


bug #58464: [octave forge] (tisean) Failing unit tests in lyap_spec and ikeda

Submitter:  Rafael Laboissière <rlaboiss>
Submitted:  Fri 29 May 2020 01:52:20 PM UTC
Category:  Octave Package Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Unexpected Error or Warning
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * other Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Fri 29 May 2020 07:05:56 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Actually i guess it is https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=56541

Just also in linux as well as windows

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Fri 29 May 2020 07:04:27 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Likely related whateer is causing #56541 and #54039

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Fri 29 May 2020 01:52:20 PM UTC, original submission:  

Some unit tests for functions lyap_spec and ikeda of the tisean package fail with the error messages below.  I am using the sources from the tip of the Mercurial repository (commit 71f2c8fd), in a Debian GNU/Linux testing system, with Octave 5.2.0.

In inst/lyap_spec.m:

***** test
 ik = ikeda(1000);
 [lyap, pars] = lyap_spec (ik, 'm',4, 'n',100, 'k', 50,'invert');
 res = {lyap, pars.rel_err, pars.abs_err, pars.nsize, pars.nno, pars.ky_dim};
 assert (res, tisean_res, 1e-6);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (cond {i},expected {i},tol)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (2)         1.7325       1.7247      Abs err 0.0077905 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.008
    (3)         1.4465       1.3443      Abs err 0.10219 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.1
    (4)        0.72538      0.60553      Abs err 0.11985 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.1
    (5)        0.027079     0.11075      Abs err 0.083666 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.08
    (6)        -0.26156     -0.16793     Abs err 0.093635 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.09
    (7)        -0.47958     -0.48399     Abs err 0.0044105 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.004
    (8)        -0.81334     -0.68313     Abs err 0.1302 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.1
    (9)        -1.3824      -1.2791      Abs err 0.10325 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.1

ASSERT errors for:  assert (cond {i},expected {i},tol)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)        0.11486      0.098795     Abs err 0.016061 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.02
    (2)        0.054347     0.056064     Abs err 0.0017169 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.002

ASSERT errors for:  assert (cond {i},expected {i},tol)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)        0.055726     0.046455     Abs err 0.0092712 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.009
    (2)        0.039855     0.039155     Abs err 0.00069943 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.0007

ASSERT errors for:  assert (cond {i},expected {i},tol)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
     ()         0.6789      0.70356      Abs err 0.024668 exceeds tol 1e-06 by 0.02
shared variables   scalar structure containing the fields:

    tisean_res =
      [1,1] =

       Columns 1 through 6:

         97.00000    1.72473    1.34430    0.60553    0.11075   -0.16793

       Columns 7 through 9:

         -0.48399   -0.68313   -1.27913

      [1,2] =

         0.098795   0.056064

      [1,3] =

         0.046455   0.039155

      [1,4] =  0.70356
      [1,5] =  50
      [1,6] =  8

In inst/ikeda.m:

***** test
 ikd = [0.28571947432035805 0.64340009417266342;0.50841625820931591 -0.39972597757561129;0.87547944209544659 0.56858743316662752;0.70057389172681206 -0.89053147224601548;-1.9710645882970557E-002 -1.0429004993745
194E-002;0.99222205960974108 -1.8501225510088638E-002;0.21620211688366087 -0.42823693940249830;1.3295528700280905 0.27892721893609196;1.0842998438472966 -1.2197367054961652;0.28153619668028618 -1.281099304043960
 res = ikeda (10);
 assert (res, ikd, 1e-16);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (res,ikd,1e-16)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
   (1,1)        0.9083      0.28572      Abs err 0.62258 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.6
   (2,1)       0.36161      0.50842      Abs err 0.14681 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.1
   (3,1)       -0.23865     0.87548      Abs err 1.1141 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (4,1)        1.1155      0.70057      Abs err 0.41491 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.4
   (5,1)        1.5532     -0.019711     Abs err 1.5729 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 2
   (6,1)        1.0934      0.99222      Abs err 0.10116 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.1
   (7,1)       0.62798       0.2162      Abs err 0.41178 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.4
   (8,1)       0.07858       1.3296      Abs err 1.251 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (9,1)       -0.28822      1.0843      Abs err 1.3725 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (10,1)      0.96779      0.28154      Abs err 0.68626 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 0.7
   (1,2)       -1.7101       0.6434      Abs err 2.3535 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 2
   (2,2)       -1.6216      -0.39973     Abs err 1.2219 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (3,2)       -0.83762     0.56859      Abs err 1.4062 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (4,2)        0.7753      -0.89053     Abs err 1.6658 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 2
   (5,2)       -1.0903     -0.010429     Abs err 1.0799 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (6,2)       -1.7053     -0.018501     Abs err 1.6868 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 2
   (7,2)       -1.7848      -0.42824     Abs err 1.3566 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (8,2)        -1.432      0.27893      Abs err 1.711 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 2
   (9,2)      -0.081066     -1.2197      Abs err 1.1387 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
   (10,2)      -0.26754     -1.2811      Abs err 1.0136 exceeds tol 1e-16 by 1
1 test, 0 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped

Rafael Laboissière <rlaboiss>


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