bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #49707, Windows 10 won't associate .m...


bug #49707: Windows 10 won't associate .m files with Octave after re-install

Submitter:  Brandon Graham <themawg>
Submitted:  Sat 26 Nov 2016 05:37:16 PM UTC
Category:  Configuration and Build System Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect Result
Status:  Need Info Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Brandon Graham Open/Closed:  * Closed
Release:  * 4.2.0 Operating System:  * Microsoft Windows
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
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Sun 10 Mar 2019 06:44:33 PM UTC, comment #10: 

No response, asumming this has been fixed in the latest release.  Closing report.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Sun 03 Mar 2019 06:56:19 AM UTC, comment #9: 

Version 4.2.0 is deprecated and no longer supported.  Please try with the latest stable release which is 5.1.0.  The problem is likely to have been fixed.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Tue 06 Dec 2016 04:07:29 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Can you uninstall octave again, check if the registry directory is still there for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Octave.Document.4.2.0, and if it is, remove it, and then try install again ?

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Fri 02 Dec 2016 04:29:09 AM UTC, comment #7: 

I have Octave 4.2.0 currently installed. No other versions are currently installed.

I tried renaming the Classes/Octave.Ducment.4.2.0 but no luck. I'm guessing because the place where it's supposedly looking for the association is in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Octave.Document.4.2.0, which for me doesn't have any entry for "command" (see comment #2).

Brandon Graham <themawg>
Mon 28 Nov 2016 01:18:20 PM UTC, comment #6: 

So which version of Octave is currently now installed? In comment #2 I would assume Octave 4.2.0 ?

Im also not sure where the classes Classes/Octave.Document.4.2.0 came from - the installer doesnt add that, so maybe windows generated something that is now confusing things. You could try enameing the Classes enty for Octave.Document.4.2.0 to something else to see if thats the problem.

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Sun 27 Nov 2016 10:31:45 PM UTC, comment #5: 

When I click on a .m file, it asks "How would you like to open this file?" and shows a list of known Windows programs. Octave isn't on the list.

Pretty sure I selected "Install for all users" during the install. I basically selected the default options for everything.

Again, the .m file association used to work for 4.0.3 until I uninstalled it. Then it wouldn't work for any subsequent version of Octave which I installed. I'll try re-installing and see if the registry values change.

Brandon Graham <themawg>
Sun 27 Nov 2016 07:23:12 PM UTC, comment #4: 

The formmating didn't show for the previous post:

- (default) GNU Octave script
- Default Icon
  - (default)   path to icon file
- shell
  - open
    - command
      - (default) "C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.0\octave.vbs" --force-gui --persist --eval "edit '%1'"

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Sun 27 Nov 2016 07:21:21 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Sorry that should have been




Doing a fresh install on mine, for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Octave.Document.4.2.0 it should be similar to:

- (default) GNU Octave script
- Default Icon
  - (default)   path to icon file
- shell
  - open
    - command
      - (default) "C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.0\octave.vbs" --force-gui --persist --eval "edit '%1'"

Mine is based on selecting "Install for all users" when running the installer.

What option did you use in the install?

Also, if you double click on a .m file, what happens?

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Sun 27 Nov 2016 05:15:59 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Computer restart doesn't fix the problem.

Please forgive my limited knowledge of the Registry.
I can't find HKEY_CURRENT_MACHINE in the registry

In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.m the value is Octave.Document.4.2.0
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Octave.Document.4.2.0 the value is GNU Octave Script
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Octave.Document.4.2.0/DefaultIcon is a path to the Octave icon which seems correct although the icon doesn't show up on my .m files right now.
There is a folder for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Octave.Document.4.2.0/shell/open but the value is not set. There is no "command" under the "open" folder

In HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/.m the value is Octave.Document.4.2.0. There doesn't seem to be an Octave folder in there.

In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes/ there is no ".m" directory, but there is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes/Octave.Document.4.2.0/shell/open/command which has a value of wscript "C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.0\octave.vbs" --force-gui --persist --eval "edit '%1'"

Seems confusing that there are 3 places (at least that I know of from Google) to store all of this stuff. I hope this info helps.

Brandon Graham <themawg>
Sun 27 Nov 2016 12:16:03 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Just to ensure that it is not Windows becoming confused with install and install of application, have you checked the association after rebooting Windows?

If it is still not working, can you check the value of the following registry values:

The value of it should be Octave.Document.XXXXXXX

where XXXXX is the octave version.

There should also be a correctponding registry entry of

that should have a key in it of 'shell\open\command" and a value that will be something similar to:

wscript "OCTAVE_INSTALL_DIR\octave.vbs" --force-gui --persist --eval "edit '%1'"

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Sat 26 Nov 2016 05:37:16 PM UTC, original submission:  

I first installed Octave 4.0.3 with the Windows executable. It associated .m files with Octave as I requested.

I later installed Octave 4.2.0-w64 with the Windows executable. I told it to associate .m files with Octave.

Before running Octave 4.2.0, I uninstalled Octave 4.0.3. After that, .m files were no longer associated with Octave. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Octave 4.2.0 but got the same result. I uninstalled Octave, then re-installed the older 4.0.3 version (and told it to associate .m files with Octave), but I can't get the association back.

Note - during all uninstalls, when it asked me to attempt to delete any extra files associated with Octave I clicked Yes.

Brandon Graham <themawg>


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