bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #47272, Get a list of all function...


bug #47272: Get a list of all function evaluations of fminsearch

Submitter:  Max Görner <maxg>
Submitted:  Fri 26 Feb 2016 10:02:13 AM UTC
Category:  Octave Function Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Feature Request
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * 4.0.0 Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
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Mon 29 Feb 2016 02:50:31 PM UTC, comment #4: 

You could try fminsearch.m from patch #8901 with the example in myproblem.m.
With very minor modifications, that is probably what you are looking for.
Please, report if you find any errors.

Markus Mützel <mmuetzel>
Group administrator
Sat 27 Feb 2016 02:21:14 PM UTC, comment #3: 

OT: It sounds like the fminsearch function of the interval package could be of interest to you.


It has an OutputFcn option (maybe the core  fminsearch has as well) which can be used to gain information about the tested values. Above link show an example which plots these values as sets.

Oliver Heimlich <oheim>
Sat 27 Feb 2016 09:43:31 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Unfortunately, that's not what I meant.

Firstly, one does not see where the values for each iteration were found. For example, it is not possible to answer, whether something near x = [1337, 42] was tried or not.

Secondly, thats only STDOUT. I'm thinking of a matrix that could be returned. Than one could analyse it further, eg. by visualising it via venn diagramms.

Max Görner <maxg>
Fri 26 Feb 2016 04:41:57 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Have you tried the Display option?  It might already provide what you need.

help optimset

          Request verbose display of results from optimizations.  Values

          "off" [default]
               No display.

               Display intermediate results for every loop iteration.

               Display the result of the final loop iteration.

               Display the result of the final loop iteration if the
               function has failed to converge.

Trying on the example in the fminsearch documentation

opts = optimset ("Display", "iter");

fminsearch (@(x) (x(1)-5).^2+(x(2)-8).^4, [0;0], opts)

f(x0) = -4.1210e+03
Iter.  1,  how = initial    nf =   3,  f = -2.4706e+03  (40.0%)
Iter.  2,  how = expand,    nf =   5,  f = -1.4526e+03  (41.2%)
Iter.  3,  how = expand,    nf =   7,  f = -3.6041e+02  (75.2%)
Iter.  4,  how = expand,    nf =   9,  f = -8.2275e+00  (97.7%)
Iter.  5,  how = reflect,   nf =  11,  f = -2.4633e+00  (70.1%)
Iter.  6,  how = contract,  nf =  13,  f = -1.3366e+00  (45.7%)
Iter.  7,  how = contract,  nf =  15,  f = -8.0682e-01  (39.6%)
Iter.  8,  how = reflect,   nf =  17,  f = -5.3167e-01  (34.1%)
Iter.  9,  how = contract,  nf =  19,  f = -6.5457e-02  (87.7%)
Iter. 10,  how = contract,  nf =  21,  f = -6.5457e-02  (0.0%)
Iter. 11,  how = shrink,    nf =  25,  f = -2.4286e-02  (62.9%)
Iter. 12,  how = contract,  nf =  27,  f = -2.4286e-02  (0.0%)
Iter. 13,  how = expand,    nf =  29,  f = -1.2372e-03  (94.9%)
Iter. 14,  how = contract,  nf =  31,  f = -1.2372e-03  (0.0%)
Iter. 15,  how = contract,  nf =  33,  f = -1.2372e-03  (0.0%)
Iter. 16,  how = reflect,   nf =  34,  f = -1.2372e-03  (0.0%)
Iter. 17,  how = contract,  nf =  36,  f = -1.0750e-03  (13.1%)
Iter. 18,  how = contract,  nf =  38,  f = -7.6996e-04  (28.4%)
Iter. 19,  how = contract,  nf =  40,  f = -7.5565e-06  (99.0%)
Iter. 20,  how = reflect,   nf =  41,  f = -7.5565e-06  (0.0%)
Iter. 21,  how = contract,  nf =  43,  f = -7.5565e-06  (0.0%)
Iter. 22,  how = contract,  nf =  45,  f = -7.5565e-06  (0.0%)
Iter. 23,  how = reflect,   nf =  46,  f = -7.5565e-06  (0.0%)
Iter. 24,  how = shrink,    nf =  50,  f = -7.5565e-06  (0.0%)
Iter. 25,  how = contract,  nf =  52,  f = -5.5181e-07  (92.7%)
Iter. 26,  how = contract,  nf =  54,  f = -5.5181e-07  (0.0%)
Iter. 27,  how = reflect,   nf =  55,  f = -5.5181e-07  (0.0%)
Iter. 28,  how = contract,  nf =  57,  f = -2.5979e-07  (52.9%)
Iter. 29,  how = contract,  nf =  59,  f = -2.5979e-07  (0.0%)
Iter. 30,  how = reflect,   nf =  61,  f = -2.0956e-07  (19.3%)
Iter. 31,  how = contract,  nf =  63,  f = -1.0911e-08  (94.8%)
Iter. 32,  how = reflect,   nf =  64,  f = -1.0911e-08  (0.0%)
Iter. 33,  how = shrink,    nf =  68,  f = -1.0768e-08  (1.3%)
Iter. 34,  how = contract,  nf =  70,  f = -2.2601e-09  (79.0%)
Iter. 35,  how = reflect,   nf =  72,  f = -8.5887e-10  (62.0%)
Iter. 36,  how = contract,  nf =  74,  f = -8.5887e-10  (0.0%)
Iter. 37,  how = contract,  nf =  76,  f = -4.5694e-10  (46.8%)
Iter. 38,  how = contract,  nf =  78,  f = -1.8423e-11  (96.0%)
Iter. 39,  how = contract,  nf =  80,  f = -1.8423e-11  (0.0%)
Iter. 40,  how = shrink,    nf =  84,  f = -1.8423e-11  (0.0%)
Simplex size 8.3015e-05 <= 1.0000e-04...quitting
ans =


Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Fri 26 Feb 2016 10:02:13 AM UTC, original submission:  

When using fminsearch, on only gets back the position of a convergence point(*) and its value. However, these values are not sufficient to be able to judge the quality of that convergence point.

What would help greatly would be a list of all tried points and there function value. This is something fgridsearch of [patch #8918] does.

(*) One could be tempted to call it a minimum. However, it mustn't, therefore we call it convergence point.

Max Görner <maxg>


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