buggnubg - Bugs: bug #41877, Handle Windows 7's medium to large...


bug #41877: Handle Windows 7's medium to large text settings

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:59:31 AM UTC
Originator Name:  Tom Martin Originator Email:  * -email is unavailable-
Item Group:  Installation Error Category:  Graphical User Interface
Release:  * 1.01-Release Privacy:  Public
Operating System:  Windows 7 Severity:  3 - Normal
Open/Closed:  Open Assigned to:  None
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  None
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Sun 22 Mar 2015 09:18:02 PM UTC, comment #8: 

I found a workaround.  When using a font changing program, only "MessageFont" needs to be Segoe in order for GNUBG to work properly (I hope).

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Sun 22 Mar 2015 08:27:01 PM UTC, comment #7: 

As for Windows 8, it doesn't support ANY fonts other than its beloved Segoe UI varieties.  Changing the FontSubstitute registry entries appears to do nothing and using a "font changer" utility may well work fine for MS utilities but will cause problems with GNUBG (at least on 13" screens).

This may take a while to notice, but even Times New Roman caused issues with the display of comment entries.

From what I can see, Windows 10 will not support alternate fonts either so stick with 7 if you really don't like Segoe.

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Tue 13 May 2014 08:13:43 PM UTC, comment #6: 

This is mostly Microsoft’s fault.  They need to document that normally DPI should only be adjusted when using a monitor connected to a laptop.  When Windows 7 is initially installed, the correct DPI should automatically be set.  But if it’s on a laptop the fonts will be too small for many.  If so you should adjust the DPI while viewing via the monitor, but if you don’t reset the DPI when using the laptop screen, you’re asking for trouble if you have modest screen resolution.

Leaving DPI at the default value, the problem of small fonts can be eliminated by choosing a different one and optionally specifying bold.  With Windows 7’s default theme, set the font type to Verdana, Lucida or Tahoma and use size 10 for 768 vertical resolution.  With a higher resolution screen you can either go larger or set DPI to something more than 96.  Make sure you save the new "theme". 

Note that Windows may often switch back to the default theme.  If so, just use Control Panel/Personalization to reselect your new theme.  Microsoft claims that this is due to some badly-written software that fails to retain the current theme settings.  Curiously, Bing is thought to be the primary culprit!

P.S.  The "instability" I mentioned below was mainly due to a few flaky USB ports.  Their problems were aggravated when using a wireless mouse.  The processor still hangs up periodically when GNUBG is idle, but I've learned to live with it.

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Mon 24 Mar 2014 07:56:38 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Sorry, my screen resolution is actually 1366*768 (one out of two ain't so bad).

So the problem with using XP resolution (verified) with XP text size (verified) occurs even when no other user apps are running. 

As a side issue, I couldn't reproduce the problem with IE8 in a controlled environment so all I can say is if anyone is still using IE8 on the same machine as GNUBG, get IE9 or 10.

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Sat 22 Mar 2014 03:55:09 AM UTC, comment #4: 

As you would expect, the same problem exists when you create a new .sgf and try to view it.

Sat 22 Mar 2014 03:46:38 AM UTC, comment #3: 

No luck with using Medium Display settings with no other app running (see attachment).  Most of the tools continued to work however, so I may have given a bad explanation earlier.  Playing a game seems to work fine, but reviewing prior sessions is impossible.

(file #30998)

Sat 22 Mar 2014 03:15:21 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Yes, I'm stuck with the business standard of 1024 * 768.  The odd thing is that this is the identical resolution as with my old XP machine and when you use XP text size (Control Panel/Display/Medium) everything looks and behaves normally for a minute or two before things break down completely (all buttons cease to function and the game record starts to look flaky).

I'm curious if others can recreate this.  After resetting my display to Small text, I've run GNUBG twice on my new machine (Lenovo T430) and both times it's become wildly unstable after a few hours with the software not understanding the cursor position (among other things).  In both cases I had IE8 open and was viewing only bgonline.org (typical in my XP days).  IE became even more unstable but in similar ways.   

For now I will avoid using IE8 and see if I can recreate the instability with only GNUBG running (and see if a Medium text setting will work with no other apps running).  If that works, I'll stop using IE8 (another business standard, unfortunately).

Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:50:20 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I think there is more too this. Medium or Large settings/ Do you mean text size? Second of all Screen reoslution will also be a factor. What screen resolution are you using?

On a 1600x900 display on Large test setting it render fine (Win8). However if I change screen resolution to 1024x768 (for example) and use Large then things look messy.

If you can give information on your screen settings, and may attach a photo I can get a better idea.

Michael Petch <mdpetch>
Group administrator
Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:59:31 AM UTC, original submission:  

GNUBG only works when you use the smallest display settings in Windows 7 (and probably Windows 8).  Ideally it should work when you choose a medium or large setting under Control Panel/Display.  If it's too difficult to make it work with all settings, the medium setting is a fine compromise.

It looks OK initially, but fails very quickly if the size is not set to the smallest (default) value.



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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Attached Files
file #30998:  GNUBG screen.doc added by None (625KiB - application/msword)


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2014-03-22 None Attached File- Added GNUBG screen.doc, #30998

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