bugGNU Octave - Bugs: bug #41515, dbstop could support breakpoints...


bug #41515: dbstop could support breakpoints in private functions and private methods

Submitter:  Felipe G. Nievinski <fgnievinski>
Submitted:  Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:57:58 PM UTC
Category:  Interpreter Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Feature Request
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Open
Release:  * dev Operating System:  * Any
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
* Mandatory Fields

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Thu 05 Aug 2021 02:29:21 PM UTC, comment #4: 

bug has been sitting since 2014

I admit this would be nice to have, but is there even a path forward to implement this via cli or gui breakpoint functions? 

if not, recommend bug be closed as a won't fix.

Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Group Member
Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:25:35 PM UTC, comment #3: 

@comment #2:
Of course, but that gives other problems.
For one, that e.g., data files and core dumps could end up in the private dir. It gets real messy then.

Really, to be able to properly debug function files in "real" situations they need to be in the load path.

I sometimes add the private dir to the load path (addpath .....), that helps too. But I find that Octave doesn't reliably pick up changes to function files in that private subdir.

Philip Nienhuis <philipnienhuis>
Group Member
Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:07:50 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Another option is to change directory from within Octave to the private directory which contains the function to debug.  At that point you will be able to set the breakpoint and it doesn't involve moving any files.

Rik <rik5>
Group administrator
Sat 08 Feb 2014 09:14:24 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Yeah this would be nice.

A (the?) problem might be that files in private dirs are not in Octave's load path (not explicitly).

When I want to debug or step through function files in private subdirs I usually move them up into the private/ subdir's parent directory (which is usually in the load path).

Philip Nienhuis <philipnienhuis>
Group Member
Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:57:58 PM UTC, original submission:  

so that these would work:

dbstop private\apvtfnc
dbstop @aclass\private\apvtmethod

also tried variations with forward slash and .m extension.
zip file attached.

Felipe G. Nievinski <fgnievinski>


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