buggnubg - Bugs: bug #41164, Simplifying the review of saved...


bug #41164: Simplifying the review of saved sessions

Submitter:  Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Submitted:  Thu 09 Jan 2014 03:06:50 PM UTC
Originator Name:  Tom Martin Item Group:  * Feature Request
Category:  * Loading and saving of SGF files Release:  * 1.01-Release
Privacy:  Public Operating System:  * All
Severity:  3 - Normal Open/Closed:  Open
Assigned to:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None
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Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:19:29 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Never mind, I've decided to implement it differently.  Rather than use Cmark I'll change Next Marked to show EITHER the next error or the next comment.  It's no big deal to skip over the uncommented positions and it has a very nice benefit - while you're playing a game you can mark each position that you'd like to later review regardless of whether a mistake was made.

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Wed 22 Jan 2014 04:01:25 AM UTC, comment #2: 

I think I have a cheap solution for this.  For people who don't care about Cmarking, this is probably a one or two-line code change.  I'll figure out what that is and document it here so that anyone else who wants to review sessions more than once can pull the source code, make my change(s) and recompile.

I have yet to acquire a compiler or look at the code so it may take me a while.  If anyone feels pity, I would appreciate knowing where to find the line of code that needs to change.  Rather than returning the next Cmarked position, it would return the next position with a comment entry.

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Wed 15 Jan 2014 02:33:29 AM UTC, comment #1: 

It seems I may have stirred up some bad memories here.  I apologize for not researching this more carefully before suggesting the "Cmark" flag for displaying commented entries.

For those who would rather forget about Cmarking, I doubt if we need to have a method that allows people to choose between the old and new behavior.  The only case in question is when someone has saved comments for a session and then uses "Go to Next Marked" to review it later.  Would they really be annoyed to not see decisions that weren't worthy of comment?  I think it's safe to say those aren't worth seeing again unless it's a different person reviewing the file.  In that case you could manually select each marked move to see the uncommented positions.

Unconvinced?  The second possibility is to redefine what "Cmarking" means.  I can't find any formal documentation of it, so what if I define it as a way of viewing comments?  Unfortunately the vestiges of the old Cmark will seem confusing.  We would need to remove them and that seems like way too much work.  Plus there may be some people that still use the feature since it does seem valuable.

One last suggestion is to make "Go to Next Cmark" to behave similarly as I suggested for "Go to Next Marked".  If no Cmarked entries exist, display the next comment.  A bit klugy, but maybe practical.  How to document it?  By mentioning some of the history of Cmarking and saying that it now performs double duty.  Or we could just let people do an Internet search for it and find out for themselves.       

Tom Martin <tom_martin>
Thu 09 Jan 2014 03:06:50 PM UTC, original submission:  

This further simplifies an earlier request of mine to allow people to easily review positions more than once.

During the initial analysis of a session the person enters comment entries for the positions that he'd like to review later.  When done he saves the session.

When later reloaded, it's checked for comment entries.  If present, the "Next Marked" function retrieves those rather than uncommented errors.  If no further comments are found, the next error is shown (this allows people to save sessions that are only partially commented).

Although uncommented sessions are unaffected, what if someone wants the current behavior despite the presence of comments?  That could be done manually, but I suppose we should have some way of choosing behaviors.  To keep things simple, I wanted to avoid adding something to Options or another "Go" action.  The best I could find was "Next Cmark" - could that have double duty?  If no Cmarks were present, the next comment would display.

The total effort would be:

1.  Detect comment entries when loading (if "Next Cmark" not used)
2.  Locate next comment entry
3.  Optionally allow toggling between old and new behavior (if "Next Cmark" not used)

Tom Martin <tom_martin>


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