taskGNUstep - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category: 

Additional constraint :


Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort.

39 matching items

- -
Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#717 Change GSWeb log output mguesdon 2002-06-14
#719 NSAttributedString parsers for HTML, etc 2002-12-27
#724 Improve NSComboBox qmathe 2003-02-27
#728 Support for more Window Managers FredKiefer 2003-02-27
#732 Windows backend 2003-02-27
#758 Doc mguesdon 2002-05-30
#993 NSPDFImageRep 2003-05-16
#994 NSPICTImageRep needs to be implemented 2003-05-16
#996 NSStatusBar needs to be implemented qmathe 2003-05-16
#997 NSStatusBarItem qmathe 2003-05-16
#1000 NSHelpPanel needs to be implemented 2003-09-15
#1475 Cache Component paths in bundles. 2002-10-14
#1476 Add WOStats dwetzel
#1477 Split GSWApplication.m into smaller files 2002-10-09
#1478 Write WOTaskd clone dwetzel 2003-08-14
#1479 Write GSWMonitor mguesdon 2003-08-14
#1480 Handle REFUSED connection (libwrap) mguesdon 2002-10-14
#1579 Enhance GSWImage dwetzel
#2752 Rework backend/frontend font system 2004-02-29
#2943 GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR nico 2003-11-10
#2944 GNUstep-make Manual 2003-11-10
#2945 Renaissance GUI builder 2006-10-02
#5951 SOCKS support needed in NSStream 2006-10-06
#5952 SSL/TLS support needed in NSStream In Progress 2006-10-06
#6084 Document key bindings System 2006-11-09
#6386 Implement Apple's scripting classes 2007-01-15
#8832 Get CYGWIN support working again... 2009-11-08
#10243 Enhance the gopen command to match OSX open 2010-03-07
#10362 Match OSX behaviors where NSError is used 2010-12-03
#10469 ProjectCenter: CVS/SVN configuration 2010-12-23
#10592 Update NSFileManager to add OSX 10.5 and 10.6 compatibility 2010-09-01
#10762 Extend GSDoc to support ObjC 2 features such as properties 2010-11-10
#12176 Make NSBrowser a proper NSScrollview 2012-07-20
#13845 GNUstep Reference Desktop 2015-12-19
#13846 Support For Wayland 2015-12-19
#13847 Various features incomplete 2015-12-19
#13848 Lack of support for some current ObjC features 2015-12-19
#13849 Default theme looks old and antiquated 2015-12-19
#13850 GNUstep WebView based on CEF 2015-12-19

39 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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