taskGnowledge Networking and Organizing System - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category: 

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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

30 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#11981 creating a shortcut menu in gnowmacs editor supriya 2012-04-12
#11960 virtualenv directory for development johnsonc 2012-03-31
#11940 Setting custom widget supriya 2012-03-31
#11931 get_cnlnbh anujag 2012-03-31
#10928 graph generation options ginovation 2011-02-15
#10436 Updating subjecttypes in relationtypes and attributetypes rajivnair 2010-06-10
#10287 a method that uses emacs on the client side to do batch processing divyas 2010-03-31
#10286 Optimizing Performance by Data Partitioning Cancelled shaswat 2010-04-30
#10285 inference engine for sparql In Progress shaswat 2010-04-10
#10281 inheriting structure of an ontology to its instances Ready For Test rajivnair 2010-03-19
#9903 canvas based editing ginovation 2009-12-15
#9902 gnowsys templates rajivnair 2009-12-15
#9901 Unit Tests rajivnair 2009-12-21
#9900 code comments nagarjun 2009-12-15
#9899 screencasts nagarjun 2009-12-15
#9896 Installation documentation rajivnair 2009-12-09
#9895 P2P distribution, mirroring 2010-03-09
#9894 optimization shaswat 2010-01-09
#9893 benchmarking Ready For Test shaswat 2009-11-10
#9892 Flow and Class modules rajivnair 2009-11-09
#9891 Ontology editor divyas 2009-11-09
#9890 Inference engine 2009-11-09
#9888 Owl Import and Export shaswat 2009-11-09
#9681 Ontology handling in gnowsys-mode divyas 2009-09-11
#9580 exporting neighbourhood of a node in rdf Ready For Test shaswat 2009-07-30
#9552 improving the representation quality of the graph view ginovation 2009-07-17
#9551 SELF Platform in GNOWSYS-mode divyas 2009-07-31
#9549 mapping orgmode tags into GNOWSYS KB Cancelled nagarjun 2009-07-16
#9334 Addition of mandatory fields jaymehta 2009-04-21
#8541 adaptive widgets based on datatype ginovation 2008-10-19

30 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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