mainSavannah Administration - Support: sr #108048, documentation pages need to be...


sr #108048: documentation pages need to be rsync-ed.

Submitter:  Bruce Korb <bkorb>
Submitted:  Mon 07 May 2012 12:07:18 AM UTC
Category:  Project webpages Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Operating System:  GNU/Linux Open/Closed:  Closed
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Mon 07 May 2012 10:48:28 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Hmm, the purpose of gendocs is to generate documentation :).  The script is already plenty complex, I don't want to attempt playing with installing them in CVS too.  A separate script would be the thing to do for that, IMHO.

Maybe I could add something to maintain.texi about it all, but honestly, I'm skeptical anyone would find it there either.


Karl Berry <karl>
Site Administrator
Mon 07 May 2012 01:42:55 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Well, I knew I was either looking without seeing or there was some obstacle.  Maybe with prodding someday someone might figure out a way.  Meanwhile, how about a patch to  e.g. "gendocs --update-website /path/to/CVS-controlled-hierarchy"  That would be more findable than a make file fragment in the "hello" project.  :)  Thank you for the prompt reply!  Cheers  - Bruce

Bruce Korb <bkorb>
Mon 07 May 2012 12:39:12 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Bruce, we (either savannah or gnu maintainers) have no control over or direct access to the www server.  There is no way to access it except through the CVS repositories and I don't see this changing any time soon.

What I do is run ls -lt | tail in the html_node directory of the CVS checkout, after updating, and cvs rm the old files.  There are usually only a few.  All the file names outside of html_node don't change unless the actual manual name changes.

I embedded this little procedure in the for hello, not that anyone is likely to find it there, I grant you:

        rm -rf $(doctemp) && mkdir $(doctemp)
        cd $(doctemp) \
        && ln -s ../*.texi . \
        && env $(gendocs_envvars) $(gendocs) $(gendocs_args)
        cp -arf $(doctemp)/manual/. $(www_target)
        ls -ltu $(www_target)/html_node | tail  # cvs rm -f obsolete files
# followed by cvs add of new files and cvs commit.

Hope this helps.  Doubt it does but I just don't see anything else to do or say.  Sorry.


Karl Berry <karl>
Site Administrator
Mon 07 May 2012 12:07:18 AM UTC, original submission:  

If there is a way to use rsync, I've been unable to figure it out.  I decided it was time to remove obsolete, un-referenced pages and the only way I figured out how to do it for sure was to cvs-delete everything under manual/ and then cvs-add all the files that showed up when I copied my project's built doc/manual/ subdirectory.  The process was painful.  Since everyone who uses the script has basically the same issue, I have to wonder there must be something I'm missing.  :(  Thank you!!

Bruce Korb <bkorb>


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