mainphpGroupWare - Support: sr #103665, Some strange behaviours int...


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sr #103665: Some strange behaviours int phpgw's LDAP implementation

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 10 Dec 2004 09:00:35 AM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None

Wed 30 Nov 2005 10:19:40 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Olivier,

Non overlaping is due to SQL issues. We need to keep the compatibility with sql, where accounts and groups are separated uid and gid. This could be change in future release of phpgw if no more apps rely on this behavior.

Anyway I will try to look if we can solve the gid=uid issue in some case.

You are welcome to contribute if you want change things for calendar / account separated branches ...

I'm currently using a v3 openldap connection and it doesn't seem to be a problem.

The objective of the modification btw .14 and .16 in LDAP were a beginning of migration from a pure phpgw installation of LDAP to a more usable unix account system ...

You are still welcome to help us in implementing an LDAP system. But if you do so, don't forget to test your changes on both SQL system and LDAP ... we need the compatibility.



Caeies <Caeies>
Group administrator
Fri 10 Dec 2004 09:00:35 AM UTC, original submission:  

I just installed phpgw with LDAP account management and found some issues that look strange, if not annoying:
- Why the need of "non overlaping" uid and gid? I saw that LDAP entries are created with a gid=uid, but no group entry with that gid is created. I presume this is the reason of this "non overlapping" thing, but having an "exact overlapping" would have permit coherent user and group creation, just like some Unices do.
- Setup asks for accounts and contact LDAP context (first in system setup, second in addressbook setup), but says:
"WARNING!! LDAP is valid only if you are NOT using contacts for accounts storage!". What does it mean? Does it mean phpgw can't distinguish between accounts and contacts LDAP entries? This is what LDAP branches are done for!
- LDAP entries are created without the superior objectclasses, even without the "top" objectclass. I'm not sure, but this could be an issue with V3 only LDAP servers.

To make it short: I know that opinions are like LDAP ways of using (everyone has one ;-) ), but I'd like a more standard LDAP implementation, so that accounts are useable as unix ones (with the help of pam_ldap ans nss_ldap e.g.) and contacts are standard LDAP contacts wich I could use for example with my favorite e-mail user agent.



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