mainphpGroupWare - Support: sr #101103, Accounting and Invoicing.


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sr #101103: Accounting and Invoicing.

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 18 Jul 2002 05:58:24 PM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  ceb
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None

Fri 19 Jul 2002 12:58:28 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hello, CL,

You may like to try out ck-ledger, which comprises
add-on accounting modules running atop phpgroupware.
The software is released under GPL.  Most of the
functions that you requested are already implemented
within ck-ledger.

Details of the software is available from


C K Wu <ckwu>
Thu 18 Jul 2002 05:58:24 PM UTC, original submission:  

Let me begin by saying thankyou to the developers.

About a year ago I began including phpgroupware on
turn-key servers I produce.
I included it for the calendar and e-mail function and
told my customers that
other functions listed were in various states of
development and may or may
not work. I have over 50 customers running phpgroupware
and they all LOVE IT!

I have recently shifted my business to working from the
phpgroupware server using the project
section to handle the management of time and billing of
contract work.

I would like to make a few suggestions. I have vary
little programing knowledge
so I am asking that a few modifications/improvements be

I would like to see the following,

#1) It would be nice if the invoices were handled by a
common invoice system
       All invoices would have a unique id and
searching, sorting, and
       reporting of invoices could be easily done.

#2) Accounting.
      The bookkeeping system seems to have disappeared.
(I never did get it to work)
      I would like to suggest a simple accounting
system. Intigrated with the previously
      mentioned common invoice system.
       I would like to see the ability to add terms to
a customers account
       ("Net ??" example: Net 30 is to be paid in 30
       The ability to view invoices that are late
(Customer has a net 30 account
        and has outstanding invoices that are over 30
days old.)
       The ability to view and export to delimited
text, Tables of paid,unpaid,or late
       invoices based on months, quarters (3months),
halves (6months), and annually (Years)
       It might also be nice to see reports of taxes
collected from invoices based on the above.

#3) Adding inventory items to projects.
        When a job is done in projects there are many
times that the customer
        needs an inventory item (Example: Firewall
config but they need a
        second network card.) It would be nice to be
able to add inventory
        items to a project that would then be billed on
the same invoice.

#4) E-mail invoice
    It would be nice to be able to select to e-mail the
invoice to the listed e-mail address
    of the customer you are billing to.

#5) PDF Invoices.
    In the Inventory system there is an option to make
PDF invoices. This does not seem to work
    but it would be nice if it did and offered the
generation of PDF invoices across the board on
    all invoices.

  cl at




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2002-09-19 ceb Assigned toNone None

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