mainphpGroupWare - Support: sr #100617, TTS Input Request


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sr #100617: TTS Input Request

Submitter:  Invalid User ID <#6018>
Submitted:  Tue 19 Mar 2002 02:00:13 AM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  lpiepho
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None

Tue 19 Mar 2002 02:09:13 AM UTC, comment #1: 

PS: Something about this request I didn't metion....

It is absolutely essential to me (well, my company) that
these requests only be viewable externally by the person
that submitted them.

So, Some sort of email should be autogenerated with a
key/password that allows the submitter to check the status
of their request at any time, but never see any other bug
submissions.  (This is not exactly an "open bug report
system" because no company from the corprate level ever
really wants to let EVERYONE IN THE WORLD see ALL of the
bugs submitted).

That would require a couple more "hooks" where the external
user can submit his/her bug, and expect email responces from
within the company (generated by clicking the "mail to
client" box from internal TTS) as well as being able to
check the progress by viewing the status from their external
referrer (like "request read" or "request not yet reviewed"

Obviously, this is an end user "feel good" feature, not one
that actually helps track bugs.  But it will help the end
user keep tabs on their request, and will internally help
the maintainers/company keep tabs on the "zelous" clients
(like finding out "man, they have checked the status of thie
request 10 times this week, and we still don't have an
answer, we gotta kick some but to get back to them... blah

Thanks again, big time.  This project is one of the coolest
I've seen since... Uh... bash shell!

Invalid User ID <#6018>
Tue 19 Mar 2002 02:00:13 AM UTC, original submission:  

OK, deeper longer term thoughts (not a bug, feature

I'd like to run phpGroupware on a virtual on the same server as my
basic site.  And, for TTS stuff, I'd
like to put a page up as (php, whatever) page.

So, my feature request is an external input to the TTS
system.  Something that allows users to enter their
email address, subject, and body/description.  Then,
emails the TTS admin of the new service request.

From there, it gets a bit more complex.  The info
should go to the internal TTS system (database) and
there should be a checkbox in the "Update" section that
says "Send Email to Client" that sends and external
email to the client about the status and planned
responce or resolution to the request.

I know this is asking alot, but I it would really be
cool in general as well as help me in my application of
phpGroupWare ;-)

Again with the lame: "if there is a way to use an AmEx
card to contribute to indiviual coders who fix bug
requests (via PayPal or something?) we would be willing
to do so (talking $20-$80 a bug fix, not going to make
you a millionare, but better than nothing, right?)"

Invalid User ID <#6018>


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