patchGNU Libtool - Patches: patch #4072, MinGW/MSYS support in ltdl broken...


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patch #4072: MinGW/MSYS support in ltdl broken (adds -ldl to LIBS)

Submitter:  Mark Junker <mjscod>
Submitted:  Sun 05 Jun 2005 03:44:58 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  7 - High
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Tue 07 Jun 2005 08:21:46 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I cannot reproduce nor understand this at all.  Libtool support for MinGW is certainly suboptimal (search mailing list archives for recent discussions and open problems), it's not that bad.

First, mingw does have LoadLibrary ( is provided by libltdl itself!).  Over here, -ldl is not added to the link line because it is not found.  Second, your patch breaks dlopen support on many decent systems.

Please provide more (much more!) information and show what fails --  the docs state what is interesting.  Please state which version you use -- if it's CVS HEAD: you do know what "not stable" means?


Ralf Wildenhues <rwild>
Group Member
Sun 05 Jun 2005 03:44:58 AM UTC, original submission:  


it seems that ltdl.m4 adds -ldl and -lloadlibrary to LIBS even though it finds no libdl and libloadlibrary doesn't exist on the MinGW/MSYS platform.

The following patch fixes this problems:

1. When dlopen is found but no libdl, no -ldl will be added to LIBS
2. When host os is mingw*, no -lloadlibrary will be added

Mark Junker <mjscod>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #8924:  ltdl.m4.patch added by mjscod (823B - application/octet-stream - correction for libdl tests in ltdl.m4)


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-06-05 mjscod Attached File- Added ltdl.m4.patch, #4688

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