patchphpGroupWare - Patches: patch #3343, Reassigned item: Login Email...


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patch #3343: Reassigned item: Login Email authentication problem in 0.9.16RC3

Submitter:  Miguel <konsultex>
Submitted:  Sun 05 Sep 2004 11:16:41 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Sun 05 Sep 2004 11:16:41 PM UTC, comment #5: 

This item has been reassigned from the project phpGroupWare bugs tracker to your tracker.

The original report is still available at bugs #7926

Following are the information included in the original report:

[field #0] Item ID: 7926
[field #1] Group ID: 509
[field #2] Status: Open
[field #3] Severity: 5 - Average
[field #4] Privacy: Public
[field #5] Category: API - phpGWapi
[field #6] Submitted by: konsultex
[field #7] Assigned to: skwashd
[field #8] Submitted on: Fri 02/27/2004 at 12:34
[field #9] Summary: Login Email authentication problem in 0.9.16RC3
[field #10] Original Submission: I m trying to set up email authentication using 0.9.16RC3 of phpGroupware (On Fedora 1

with phpGroupware on MySql). I got the system set up correctly for SQL authentication,

created groups, users and set up the administration email parameters using IMAP (and

POP3) with ip instead of server names for the imap and smpt server. I then tested that

I can access the email application (site configuration) without setting special

preferences for the admin user. I sent out a test email without any problems. I did

not configure email further because my objective is not to use email inside

phpGrpupware but to authenticate users so they have just one password for email, samba

and groupware. I access phpGroupware using SSL.

I get a warning at the top of the page when I access the email app, like this:

Warning: imap_open(): Couldn t open stream {}INBOX in

/opt/phpgroupware/email/inc/ on line 214

but it seems to work. This happens with IMAP/Courier/Standard login (and any IMAP

combination). If I change it to POP-3/Courier/Standard the warning goes away the first

time I access the email app, but makes no difference to my main problem of

authenticating users. If I log in again with POP-3 configured and use the email app, I

get this error and it does not work at all:

Warning: imap_open(): Couldn t open stream {}INBOX in

/opt/phpgroupware/email/inc/ on line 184

 source: email

called from: /phpgroupware/index.php, mail_msg: ensure_stream_and_folder(),

called_from: from mail_msg_base: loginerr_tryagain_buggy_cert FOR

/phpgroupware/index.php, msg_bootstrap: ensure_mail_msg_exists(), called_by:

email.boindex.index_data LINE 353

 imap_last_error: [Certificate failure for self signed certificate:


tried RH bug recovery?: [1]

When I switch the preferences to authenticate with Mail (having IMAP defined) I can t

log in. By looking at the logs I get the feeling that phpGroupware is not sending the

mail server (the same physical server) the user name. This is what the

/var/log/maillog shows (having IMAP in the email administration setup):

Feb 26 23:32:44 TBNET imapd[24585]: imap service init from

Feb 26 23:32:44 TBNET imapd[24585]: Authenticated user=admin host=tbnet []

Feb 26 23:32:53 TBNET imapd[24585]: Logout user=admin host=tbnet []

Feb 26 23:34:21 TBNET imapd[24586]: imap service init from

Feb 26 23:34:21 TBNET imapd[24586]: Command stream end of file, while reading line

user=??? host=UNKNOWN

Feb 26 23:34:31 TBNET imapd[24587]: imap service init from

Feb 26 23:34:32 TBNET imapd[24587]: Command stream end of file, while reading line

user=??? host=UNKNOWN

The first lines show access from within the email application. The last lines show

where I tried to log in twice (in case I made a mistake with the password).

This happens when I have POP-3 set up:

Feb 27 00:27:40 TBNET ipop3d[24991]: pop3 service init from

Feb 27 00:27:40 TBNET ipop3d[24991]: Command stream end of file while reading line

user=??? host=UNKNOWN

Feb 27 00:27:51 TBNET ipop3d[24992]: pop3 service init from

Feb 27 00:27:51 TBNET ipop3d[24992]: Command stream end of file while reading line

user=??? host=UNKNOWN

I checked with telnet to port 110 that the user is able to log in.

I m curious about the user=??? message.

Any ideas of what could be wrong? Are the IMAP errors (when having POP-3 defined)

somehow related to the fact that I use SSL?


P.S. I m not new to email login authentication. I had this working with version (I believe x was 5) on Red Hat 7.3
[field #12] Item Group: 0.9.16RC3
[field #13] Resolution: None
[field #14] Component Version: TGZ
[field #15] Platform Version: GNU/Linux - RedHat/Fedora
[field #16] Reproducibility: Every Time
[field #17] Size (loc): None
[field #18] Fixed Release: None
[field #19] Planned Release: None
[field #20] Effort: 0.00
[field #24] Priority: 5 - Normal
[field #27] Percent Complete: 0%
[field #29] Release: None
[field #54] Custom Select Box #1: None
[field #55] Custom Select Box #2: None
[field #56] Custom Select Box #3: None
[field #57] Custom Select Box #4: None
[field #58] Custom Select Box #5: None
[field #59] Custom Select Box #6: None
[field #60] Custom Select Box #7: None
[field #61] Custom Select Box #8: None
[field #62] Custom Select Box #9: None
[field #63] Custom Select Box #10: None

Dave Hall <skwashd>
Group administrator
Sun 05 Sep 2004 11:15:48 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Will apply this patch shortly ... didn't know there was a patch.  Please post patches on the patch manager with a reference to a bug report.

Dave Hall <skwashd>
Group administrator
Tue 09 Mar 2004 03:25:53 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Great! This was solved by the patch to as per the other post.

Miguel <konsultex>
Sat 06 Mar 2004 01:12:32 AM UTC, comment #2: 

This patch solved the issue for my rh8.0 installation with courier IMAP

---        2004-03-05 19:09:36.000000000 -0600
+++     2004-03-05 19:07:36.000000000 -0600
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
                                /* assume imap */
-                               $mailauth = imap_open('{'.$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_server']
+                               $mailauth = imap_open('{'.$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_server'].'/imap/notls'
                                        .':'.$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_port'].'}INBOX', $username , $passwd);

Jim Richardson <treyvan>
Mon 01 Mar 2004 04:14:53 PM UTC, comment #1: 

RH changed the IMAP libs, it now forces TLS when you don't ask for it.  The code needs edited to force the /notls request (which is against the standards I might add).  There is a recent email to the users list that covers what's needed.

Chris Weiss <cw>
Group administrator
Sun 05 Sep 2004 11:16:41 PM UTC, original submission:  

I'm trying to set up email authentication using 0.9.16RC3 of phpGroupware (On Fedora 1
with phpGroupware on MySql). I got the system set up correctly for SQL authentication,
created groups, users and set up the administration email parameters using IMAP (and
POP3) with ip instead of server names for the imap and smpt server. I then tested that
I can access the email application (site configuration) without setting special
preferences for the admin user. I sent out a test email without any problems. I did
not configure email further because my objective is not to use email inside
phpGrpupware but to authenticate users so they have just one password for email, samba
and groupware. I access phpGroupware using SSL.

I get a warning at the top of the page when I access the email app, like this:

Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {}INBOX in
/opt/phpgroupware/email/inc/ on line 214

but it seems to work. This happens with IMAP/Courier/Standard login (and any IMAP
combination). If I change it to POP-3/Courier/Standard the warning goes away the first
time I access the email app, but makes no difference to my main problem of
authenticating users. If I log in again with POP-3 configured and use the email app, I
get this error and it does not work at all:

Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {}INBOX in
/opt/phpgroupware/email/inc/ on line 184

 source: email

called from: /phpgroupware/index.php, mail_msg: ensure_stream_and_folder(),
called_from: from mail_msg_base: loginerr_tryagain_buggy_cert FOR
/phpgroupware/index.php, msg_bootstrap: ensure_mail_msg_exists(), called_by:
email.boindex.index_data LINE 353

 imap_last_error: [Certificate failure for self signed certificate:
tried RH bug recovery?: [1]

When I switch the preferences to authenticate with Mail (having IMAP defined) I can't
log in. By looking at the logs I get the feeling that phpGroupware is not sending the
mail server (the same physical server) the user name. This is what the
/var/log/maillog shows (having IMAP in the email administration setup):

Feb 26 23:32:44 TBNET imapd[24585]: imap service init from
Feb 26 23:32:44 TBNET imapd[24585]: Authenticated user=admin host=tbnet []
Feb 26 23:32:53 TBNET imapd[24585]: Logout user=admin host=tbnet []
Feb 26 23:34:21 TBNET imapd[24586]: imap service init from
Feb 26 23:34:21 TBNET imapd[24586]: Command stream end of file, while reading line
user=??? host=UNKNOWN
Feb 26 23:34:31 TBNET imapd[24587]: imap service init from
Feb 26 23:34:32 TBNET imapd[24587]: Command stream end of file, while reading line
user=??? host=UNKNOWN

The first lines show access from within the email application. The last lines show
where I tried to log in twice (in case I made a mistake with the password).

This happens when I have POP-3 set up:

Feb 27 00:27:40 TBNET ipop3d[24991]: pop3 service init from
Feb 27 00:27:40 TBNET ipop3d[24991]: Command stream end of file while reading line
user=??? host=UNKNOWN
Feb 27 00:27:51 TBNET ipop3d[24992]: pop3 service init from
Feb 27 00:27:51 TBNET ipop3d[24992]: Command stream end of file while reading line
user=??? host=UNKNOWN

I checked with telnet to port 110 that the user is able to log in.

I'm curious about the user=??? message.

Any ideas of what could be wrong? Are the IMAP errors (when having POP-3 defined)
somehow related to the fact that I use SSL?


P.S. I'm not new to email login authentication. I had this working with version (I believe x was 5) on Red Hat 7.3

Miguel <konsultex>


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2004-09-05 skwashd Reassign itemFrom group phpGroupWare, bugs tracker To group phpGroupWare, patch tracker

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