patchphpGroupWare - Patches: patch #2690, New expermental packages for phpgw...


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patch #2690: New expermental packages for phpgw 16rc3 cvs head

Submitter:  James Michael DuPont <mdupont>
Submitted:  Tue 24 Feb 2004 08:50:38 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  1 - Later
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Sun 28 Mar 2004 02:33:30 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi Mike,
thank you for your interest in phpGroupWare on Debian.
Unfortunately I get connection refused for your URLs.
Also, the phpGroupWare packaging has been changed somewhat, as has been discussed on phpgroupware-devel.
Could you please check whether the packages of 0.9.16 final at do the job?

Kind regards


Hi Dave,

thanks for adding me for to the CC list.
I cannot reach anything with the URLs in the submission. IIRC my question (of the same nature) of the problem has gone unanswered.
If Mike doesn't disagree, this patch could be marked done as it's obsoleted by



Wed 24 Mar 2004 10:15:23 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I can't assign this to Thomas, our deb maintainer, but I will add him to the CC list.  I will let him decide what happens from here.

IIRC all debs development is now done in the debian project cvs, not savannah.  If this is the case I will drop all debian dirs from HEAD.

Dave Hall <skwashd>
Group administrator
Tue 24 Feb 2004 08:50:38 PM UTC, original submission:  

I have hacked the phpgw0.9.14 debian packaging into the cvs head. It is not perfect but it installs and runs.
This is not a patch just yet, if anyone is interested in it, then let me know, i will make a patch for cvs.

You can just look at the debian directory after unpacking the source.

Basically what I did was had to make some links,
the *.php in the base directory of the archive are linked to  the phpgroupware dir.

Other small changes needed to be made for the examples and docs, so i just removed them from the install for now.

I have debs for anyone to try out if they want :

an Demo Install can be found here : UID demo PWD guest

Have fun!

James Michael DuPont <mdupont>


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2004-03-24 skwashd Carbon-Copy- Added tv --AT-- beamnet --DOT-- de

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