Liquid War 6 - News
Dynamic linking and graphical backends
Item posted by Christian Mauduit <ufoot> on Wed 01 Mar 2006 08:22:07 PM UTC.
It's been decided to use dynamic linking through ltdl (libtool) to handle dynamic loading of graphical backends. This means that the liquidwar6 executable itself will not rely on SDL or any given graphical library. Only libliquidwar6gfx will. While this is not of immediate use since only one backend will be developped at first, it opens interesting perspectives, such as easing up a lot the process of writing an alternative backend, depending on Allegro or plain X11 or whatever is needed, should the default SDL/OpenGL not be fully adapted to one's needs. This is not commited yet, but probably be soon. Additionnally, Liquid War 6 has been tested on a big-endian machine (Apple hardware running GNU/Linux). Some patches are required (mostly linked to bitmap loading) but it basically works.
Have a nice day,
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