newsLiquid War 6 - News


Development snapshot 20060101

Item posted by Christian Mauduit <ufoot> on Sun 01 Jan 2006 12:43:55 PM UTC.


A new development snaphot of Liquid War 6 (20060101) is available. While the game is not playable yet, it should compile, run, and produce some significant output.

Developpement is following its planned route. According to the "official road map" the project is on its tracks. The framework is here and works, it's possible to load a map, view it, and all this is done with a combination of scheme/C code through Guile, which is an order of magnitude cleaner than legacy Liquid War 5 code.  Documentation is available on

Next development step will probably be the implementation of the main algorithm, the one that powers the game and makes it unique. Having this algorithm implemented won't mean the game will be payable yet (some other things will lack, such as displaying fighters and handling input) but this will anyways be a major step.

Any feedback on the current snapshot is welcome.

Have fun, and happy GNU year!

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