www.gnu.org - News: www.gnu.org web will use CVS
www.gnu.org web will use CVS
Item posted by Loïc Dachary <loic> on Wed 24 Jan 2001 10:00:36 AM UTC.
In December 2000 it was decided that all the www.gnu.org web should be stored and managed in a CVS tree. The www.gnu.org web will be updated automatically whenever someone commits a change to the CVS tree. The webmasters membership will be managed by savannah. This approach has two obvious advantages: it will not be required to login and remotely edit files and webmasters group management will be automated instead of requiring manual edition of the group file. Another nice side effect is that each contributor of a GNU project will be granted the right to modify the /software/project pages. The webmasters (members of the www project on savannah) don't have access to the CVS of the source tree. The two CVS trees (sources and web pages) are distinct.
If you are a webmaster, please https://savannah.gnu.org/account/register.php>register> on savannah.gnu.org and ask someone who is already registered as an https://savannah.gnu.org/project/memberlist.php?group_id=23>administrator of the www project to add you to the list.
To access the CVS tree you must first https://savannah.gnu.org/account/editsshkeys.php>register your public SSH key. Then you can cvs -d user@subversions.gnu.org:/webcvs co . to extract the complete set. No pserver access is allowed for security reasons.
If you have problems with this setup, please send a mail to cvs-hackers@gnu.org or fill a https://savannah.gnu.org/support/?func=addsupport&group_id=11>support request.
Have fun.
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