bugGNU Astronomy Utilities - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Prioritydown.

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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#44964 Correct color conversions 2015-04-30
#44888 Convolve on sections of image if input is too large Postponed 2015-04-21
#46393 Functions prototyped but not defined giordano 2015-11-06
#46398 Macros defined but not used Postponed 2015-11-07
#47866 Small generic fixes (e.g., typos, one-liners) In Progress 2016-05-06
#48609 Modifier 'const' should be used for function arguments and results where appropriate 2016-07-24
#49188 Paragraph indentation in book's webpage Postponed 2016-09-26
#49926 Add a BibTeX .bib file for all references used in the book Postponed 2016-12-25
#51603 Lost memory when re-writing option value Postponed 2017-07-28
#53362 Can't use max 8-bit value in Arithmetic Postponed 2018-03-16
#55217 --align not working as expected in left-hand oriented WCS Postponed 2018-12-13
#56259 Arithmetic: more time operating with int32 than float32 2019-05-03
#56300 Configure script finds gsl_interp_steffen but building fails Postponed 2019-05-10
#56508 Custom library installation fails to link on macOS Postponed makhlaghi 2019-06-17
#56573 Arithmetic sigclip-median gives nan values with only 2 images 2019-07-02
#56859 Bad result and crash of MakeCatalog and Table with PV parameters in header 2019-09-04
#57024 Bad stich, full of NaNs, when using crop (version 0.8.36-9e13) 2019-10-09
#57063 Crop: problem with floating point errors in resolution with many files 2019-10-16
#57894 Wrong order of flags when configuring Gnuastro 0.11 for x86_64-w64-mingw32 2020-02-25
#57899 Gnuastro on MinGW (Windows) 2020-02-26
#57946 makeinfo not found: 2020-03-03
#58360 Disabling default blank values in integer datasets Postponed 2020-05-12
#58687 program linking error with the shared libraries In Progress makhlaghi 2020-07-01
#59074 Tarball contains creation date, making it non-reproducible Postponed 2020-09-07
#59726 MakeCatalog's --halfsumradius under estimates effective radius 2020-12-19
#59904 Large aperture can easily fill memory in sort-based match Confirmed 2021-01-18
#60618 Fixed directory string being removed on pressing TAB Confirmed pedram 2021-05-17
#62009 Mode becomes nan for large, pure noise images Postponed 2022-02-08
#62129 Wrong "_sky.fits" suffix added to the output name 2022-03-01
#62607 Converting to TPV and then SIP crashes for some images 2022-06-09
#62702 Clumps on strong gradients of larger galaxies become too large In Progress makhlaghi 2022-07-03
#62904 --disable-shared option not working for configure script on CentOS 7 2022-08-16
#63153 'oneelempertile' option does not work in Segment sepideh 2022-10-04
#63390 The --kernel option in the aststatistics program. 2022-11-20
#63490 Crop not working with certain concave polygons sks_15 2022-12-08
#63644 WCS Library not recognizing raw HST WCS Confirmed 2023-01-12
#63815 Manual should mention that only essential FITS keywords are in output In Progress makhlaghi 2023-02-18
#64252 BuildProgram linking issue in macOS Postponed 2023-05-25
#64617 gal_polygon_area_sky not fully on spherical coordinates Postponed 2023-09-02
#65254 Non-flat cases of angular diameter distance 2024-02-04
#65385 Supported architectures - Overall, but Debian in mind 2024-02-29
#65487 Statistics crash with GSL's robust polynomial fitting Confirmed 2024-03-19
#65574 Warp: start > end ? 2024-04-09
#65578 Numeric user ID too large when generating the tarball In Progress glorenzetti 2024-04-10
#65681 Remove all system calls within Gnuastro Confirmed 2024-05-03
#65780 Not resonable output in psf-stamp with warp Confirmed infantesainz 2024-05-23
#65805 psf-stamp script creates no-centered output 2024-05-28
#65864 The pixel area of polar plot can not exctract from the header makhlaghi 2024-06-10
#65879 Table segmentation fault when --range and arithmetic called together Confirmed 2024-06-14
#65956 Match: gal_match_sort_based doesn't work properly when inplace 2024-07-05

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