bugGNUstep - Bugs: bug #12477, Alt Gr key generates...


bug #12477: Alt Gr key generates ISO_Level3_Shift keysym

Submitter:  Debian GNUstep maintainers <debianstep>
Submitted:  Sun 27 Mar 2005 03:06:50 PM UTC
Votes: 100
Category:  Gui/AppKit Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Change Request Status:  Wont Fix
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  FredKiefer
Open/Closed:  Declined
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Mon 07 Jan 2008 12:41:40 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I would rather leave this setting to the preferences tool. It is true, even on my keyboard there isn't a ALT_R key, just the ISO_Level3_Shift key (labeled Alt Gr).

But if we want to work together with Window Make, we need to leave one ALT key for that program. So the default settings aren't that bad.

Perhaps we need to state more prominently how to set the key bindings and what useful values for the  modifier keys are available.

Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer>
Group Member
Sun 18 Sep 2005 10:07:40 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Note that on a Swiss French keyboard the pipe, ampersand and hash keys are no longer available with this bug.

Could the problem be due to lineakd which I installed (to support the Logitech Access keyboard)?

I think the pipe and ampersand commands seemed to work beforehand.

Wed 27 Apr 2005 04:49:02 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I want to be sure I have this straight.  You set GSFirstAlternateKey to 'ISO_Level3_Shift' and it works, but if you DON'T set this and instead set GSSecondAlternateKey to 'ISO_Level3_Shift', it doesn't?

Adrian Robert <arobert>
Group Member
Sun 27 Mar 2005 03:06:50 PM UTC, original submission:  

Several debian users report that they are unable to copy with any of they meta key + mouse under GWorkspace.

It seems there is troubles with right alt key, because on many keyboards it generate ISO_Level3_Shift and not Alt_R nor Mode_switch (default GNUstep value for GSFirstAlternateKey).

Since at least one user have reported that it have been preventing that he uses GNUstep as his default desktop, I suggest to change default value for GSFirstAlternateKey if possible:

GSFirstAlternateKey Alt_R (or Mode_switch if there is no Alt_R or ISO_Level3_Shift if no Alt_R and no Mode_switch)

If it's not possible, setting GSSecondAlternateKey default value to ISO_Level3_Shift would be better than nothing (but it didn't work for me)

I know all these value can be easily set with Preferences or defaults but I think it would be better if GWorkspace (and all other GNUstep that uses this key) can work fine without needing additionnal settings.

On my keyboard xev gives these info for the Alt Gr key (right alternate):
 keycode 113 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift)

A bug report can be found here:

Debian GNUstep maintainers <debianstep>


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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-01-07 FredKiefer StatusNone Wont Fix
        Assigned toNone FredKiefer
        Open/ClosedOpen Declined
    2005-09-14 debianstep Carbon-Copy- Added debianstep
    2005-03-27 debianstep Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-

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